“Improving Teacher Quality: Trends in European Countries” Address by Prof. John Coolahan To the OECD – Mexico Joint Conference Improving Quality in Education.


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Presentation transcript:

“Improving Teacher Quality: Trends in European Countries” Address by Prof. John Coolahan To the OECD – Mexico Joint Conference Improving Quality in Education 10 December 2008, Mexico City

“Improving Teacher Quality for the Knowledge Society” Structure of the Address Teacher Quality an International Concern – Why? Schooling in the Knowledge Society Focus on the Teacher as Key Social Mediator Distillation of Good Practice Trends Need for Comprehensive Policy on Teaching Career Recruitment for Quality Qualitative changes for Teacher Education Departments Curriculum of ITE – Evaluation Induction and INSET (CPD) Some Career Issues and Quality

Teacher Quality: A Major International Concern Range of Studies e.g.: - OECD: Teachers Matter (2005); School Leadership (2008) Talis  - EU: “Education of Teachers and Trainers” ( ) - World Bank: “Learning to Teach in the Knowledge Society” (2005) - UNESCO: “Education for all: The Quality Imperative” (2005) - McKinsey Report: “Best Performing School Systems”(2007) Why the Concern? What are the Main Implications?

Features of the Knowledge Society Depth and Extent of Societal Change Accelerated Growth of Knowledge – All Disicplines Globalisation – Impact Impact of the ICT Revolution Demographic Trends  H.R.D. Changing Character of Work Multiculturalism Press for Accountability/Transparency Internationalisation of Educational Thought, Practice

Unprecedented Historical Challenge To Educate People for Longer Periods of their Lives than Ever Before in History To Educate the Most Diverse Student Body in our History to Higher Standards than Ever Before. In Developed Countries – the Era of Lifelong Learning Need for New Educational Outcomes, Capabilities, Characteristics  The Changing School  The Teacher as Key Social Mediator

The Changing School in the Knowledge Society Extended Role Inclusive Clientele Centrality of Quality Teaching and Learning Emphasis on “Learning to Learn” Motif Curricular, Pedagogic and Assessment Reform Integration of ICT Whole School Planning Teamwork, Collegiality Relations with Parents, External Agencies

Teachers are central to schooling. They are even more critical as expectations grow for teaching and learning to become more student-centred and to emphasise active learning. They must be in the vanguard of innovation, including the informed, judicious use of ICT. Teachers must work in collaboration with colleagues and through networks as well as through active links with parents and the community. This calls for demanding concepts of professionalism: the teacher as facilitator; as knowledge, expert individual; as networked team participant, oriented to individual needs; engaged both in teaching, and in research and development. The role of the school principal in providing leadership is particularly critical. OECD

Providing the conditions which adequately support teachers and trainers as they respond to the challenges of the knowledge society, including through initial and inservice training in the perspective of lifelong learning and securing a sufficient level of entry to the teaching profession, across all subjects and levels, as well as providing for the long-term needs of the profession by making teaching and training even more attractive. (Council of European Union Educ. 27, 6366/02)

McKinsey Report (2007) Three Things Matter Most: –Getting the Right People to Become Teachers –Developing Them into Effective Instructors –Ensuring the System is able to Deliver the best possible Instruction for Every Child.

Dilemma Increasing Demands on Teachers In Knowledge Society Image Recruitment Induction Retention Ageing Feminisation Salary Slippage Conditions of Work Problems of Teaching

Coherence of Policy Recruitment / Retention I.T.E.} Induction}3 I’s Inset} Professional Development / Diversification Ed. Research and Teachers Salaries Conditions of Work/ Welfare Teaching Resources, ICT etc. Role in Policy Formulation Self-Regulation

Teacher Education and the Teaching Profession Much Variation Internationally Shaped by Historical, Cultural, Religious, Economic, Political Influences Yet Increasing Commonality of Issues and Policies Aim to Distil Key Trends Improving Teacher Quality is not “A Quick Fix” - needs sustained attention

Recruitment / Selection Issues Image of Profession Quality Needed Varied Pattern Role Models Female/Male Imbalance “Mature” Students Provision for Career Transfers Mode of Selection

Changing Profile of Education Departments Synergies, Benign Cycle Initial T.E.d.Induction School-based INSET (CPD) Postgrad. Studies H.Dips, Masters Doctorates ResearchR & D Projects International Contributions Linkages Policy / Consultancy Professional Networks

Curriculum of I.T.E. Subject to On-going Reforms Components: Academic Subjects Educational Sciences Methodologies / Didactics Teaching Practice Rationale – “The Reflective Practitioner” Variety of Teaching – Learning Styles Small-group and Individual Attention Incorporation of ICT Research Emphasis

Variety of Methods Lectures Tutorials Teaching-Learning Seminars on Subject Teaching Small Group Work in Teaching Labs Video Work Individual “Hands ON” Technology Sessions Workshops Teaching Practice Guidance and Feedback

School-Based Experience Increasing Importance Nature of the Experience Patterns of Placement Not Just T.P. College-School Partnerships Role of School Mentors – Training Rewards Evaluating T.P. Linking Theory and Practice Promotion of Action Research / Self Appraisal

Evaluation of T.Ed. Much Emphasis on Outputs, Competences – Varied Approaches to Competences Significance of Reflective Journals, Research Projects Quality Assurance Processes – Peer Evaluation Student Evaluations Views of Inspectorates / Stakeholders Professional Bodies / Teaching Councils Views of Teacher Unions.

Induction Idea Generally Accepted Variation of Policy Response Draw on Good Practice / Pilot Experiences Plan for Reduced Workloads Mentor Provision and Training / Role Partnership of Schools, Teaching Institutions Education Centres, Support Services School Leadership Role Problems of P.T. Beginning Teachers Induction Distinct from Probation

INSET__________C.P.D. (1) Integral to Career – Investment Broad Interpretation within Strategic Policy Compulsory – Voluntary – Rights Variety of: Types, Providers, Themes, Duration Time / Timing Linked to Career Stages Methodology – Interactive Involvement of the Profession

INSET ___________C..P.D. (2) Award-Bearing: College-Based, Distance Ed. School-Based Dimensions Sustained R. & D. Approach Clusters / Network Approach New Initiatives – Support Groups, Education Centres Research Aspects Evaluation / Feedback

Some Career Issues  Quality Policy on Probation Support for Teachers in Disadvantaged Contexts Career Mobility / Flexibility Diversification of Career Structure Policy on Chronically Incompetent Teachers Needs of Older Teachers