Automatic Person Location Technologies & Solutions with TETRA Dr. Emanuele Algieri International Business Development Director Sepura
Agenda Market Requirements Review of location solutions TETRA services used for location solutions. Future of APLS enabled products
Market Requirement – APLS FCC E911 Mandate in the US Call centres Terminal or Network implemented solutions 50 - 100 metre accuracy for at least 67% of cases - 300 metre accuracy for at least 95% of cases EU E112 Mandate in Europe No defined accuracy specified ! Many Blue Light Forces mandating APLS
Market Requirement - Public Safety Specifically for: - Safety of the police officer – ability to locate officer in an emergency situation and react accordingly Resource (person or vehicle) management
Solution Influencing Factors Price Accuracy versus coverage Requirements differ for non emergency Varying locations - in city, in building Ergonomics Power consumption Timing of solution to reach the market Standard solution or proprietary ? Can the solution be supported by TETRA ? Network support and bandwidth requirements
Command & Control Requirements Effective management Requirements differ from AVLS User needs to feel unthreatened by APLS Updated positioning details fixed to various duties Linking of various systems/databases to provide officer with advance warning of possible dangers
Resource management Know where someone is: save LIFE. Better allocation of resources, prompt reaction to an Emergency: save TIME. Better Control of the fleet: save MONEY.
Location Solutions & Performance Low accuracy, low cost solutions Time difference of arrival Enhanced observed time difference Medium accuracy, medium cost solutions Standard GPS Assisted GPS Low signal strength GPS High accuracy, high cost solutions Differential GPS Solutions combinations
Low accuracy, low cost (terminal) solutions Time Difference Of Arrival (TDOA) very costly to implement in the network accuracy of location is +/- 500 metres Enhanced Observed Time Difference (EOTD) low cost, no base station support now claimed accuracy of location is 200m - 2km Both technologies Have good indoor/urban canyon penetration, but with very poor accuracy - a general show stopping issue for network based solutions where location accuracy could be critical Are bandwidth hungry therefore not suitable for TETRA
Network Based Solutions Tower box C&C Server GIS or Mapping Application TETRA Network Gateway Network Based Solutions Current Accuracy = 200m - 2km Future Accuracy =100m - 500m
Medium accuracy, medium cost solutions Standard GPS time to first acquisition (fix) is typically 3 mins >30 metres accuracy, no indoors or urban canyon coverage Assisted GPS time to first acquisition is typically 30 secs >30 metres accuracy, no indoor, urban canyon Low Signal Strength GPS (high sensitivity) time to first acquisition is typically 45 secs <30 metres accuracy, indoors/urban canyons Note, all the above have a location accuracy of <10 metres for 95% of cases in open space
Standard GPS - medium accuracy Server GIS or Mapping Application TETRA Network Gateway SDS GPS
High accuracy, high cost solutions Differential GPS open space accuracy <10 metres off expensive to implement with land based differential base stations required and regular network broadcasts Network bandwidth hungry Solution Combinations (GPS+Beacons+Odometer) accuracy anywhere between 0 - 10 metres very expensive beacon network required to support this
GPS - High accuracy TETRA Network GIS or Mapping Application Gateway Server GIS or Mapping Application TETRA Network Gateway SDS GPS Odometer Beacon Receiver dGPS Station
Data over network - Size of problem! Typically, position report messages could carry some or all of the following: Date, Time, Latitude, Longitude, Altitude, Speed, Heading, Fix type, Confidence Level, Status, Fix Reason, Terminal ID, User Defined Field. Amount of message traffic generated by APLS systems is much larger than for AVLS Requires sophisticated filtering at command &control
TETRA services for APLS No specification for data amount or structure of GPS messages TETRA services allow use of SDS messaging for transmission of GPS data:- EN 300 392-2: TETRA (Voice plus Data (V+D), part 2: Air Interface, v2.3.2 SDS4 and SDS-TL delivers variable length messages to 2047 bits(255 bytes) Working papers:- WG101161, Efficient transfer of location information over TETRA networks, UK Home office, Oct 2001 WG103020, Study into TETRA SDS WG303040, Transfer of location information Sepura (and others) presenting papers to WG3 Standardisation of location report messages and associated commands
Future of APLS & TETRA Terminals Technology Influenced Solutions Continuing integration of IC’s and components enables space saving in handsets and is an opportunity to integrate location devices like GPS. With the introduction of TETRA2 (2005+) there could be an opportunity for the network based location solutions as data rates increase over carriers. The European Galileo system should be operational by 2008 and this is supposed to perform better than GPS.
Estimation of Future Location System Performance Clear Sky Under Foliage Wooden Building Urban Canyon Single Storey Brick Building Multi Storey Concrete building Underground? High Quality Receiver High Quality Hand Held Receiver LSS GPS Galileo L1 + L2 Frequency L1, L2 + L5 Frequency (+ Galileo?) GPSIII (+ Galileo?) Other Sensors – e.g. Gyroscope, Accelerometers …………… 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2010………………………….. 2015 2020 2030
Sepura APLS over TETRA networks 2000- GPS connected to SEPURA SRP1000 for Ambleside Mountain Rescue Project 2002 - Remote GPS Unit demonstrated: A remote speaker microphone with built-in GPS receiver, provides a unique solution for provision of personal location.
Sepura APLS update This year – SRP2000 sGPS The worlds first fully working TETRA handportable with integrated GPS. Low signal strength operation for urban canyon operation. Offering tangible benefits by providing user safety and resource management
Conclusions Many different location technologies available Technology for both location based and TETRA is rapidly changing Low Signal Strength GPS currently provides the best fit for public safety requirements. Sepura has an ongoing programme to identify solutions and bring these quickly to market
Int. Business Dev. Director, Sepura Ltd MANY THANKS Any Questions ? Contact details:- Dr Emanuele Algieri, Int. Business Dev. Director, Sepura Ltd +44 (0)7710 738122 email: