Web 2.0 in Teaching and Learning Dr. Phyo Kyaw Dept. Of Computer Science.


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Presentation transcript:

Web 2.0 in Teaching and Learning Dr. Phyo Kyaw Dept. Of Computer Science

∂ Outline Principles behind Web 2.0 Web 2.0 in institutions Teaching and Learning using Web 2.0 Students’ learning experience e-Learning and Web 2.0

∂ Web 2.0 (Web two) Where is Web 1.0? –Still under construction... Huge amount of disagreements on what really is ‘Web 2.0’ Web 2.0 Conference 2003 –Sponsored by O’Reilly “Web 2.0 is a set of economic, social, and technology trends that collectively form the basis for the next generation of the Internet —a more mature, distinctive medium characterized by user participation, openness, and network effects.”

∂ Web 2.0 (cont.) Web 2.0 = “the Web as a platform” Web 2.0 services respond more deeply to users than Web 1.0 User generated content –YouTube, Flickr, Social computing and Social bookmarking –MySpace, Facebook, Friendster, MSN, Chat rooms.. YASN – User rich experience –AJAX Participation –Blogs, podcasting,

∂ Web 2.0 (Cont.) Microformats Mashup Web Digg it! Web services Folksonomy Tagging Read-write web ◦ ◦ ◦ p p Software as services Collective intelligence Web 2.0 browser

∂ Teaching and Learning using Web 2.0 Students’ learning experience Teaching using Web 2.0 principles –Ideologically –Conceptually –Technologically Pedagogic values in higher education

∂ Students Students are already Digital natives From (publishing)To (participation) Personal Web sites – articlesBlogs (google search) Documentation / APIsPatterns / tutorials BooksWikis / forums EncyclopaediaWikipedia Directories (meta-data)Tagging, folksonomy, tag clouds DownloadsP2P Prensky 1 claims that digital natives have:- Shorter attention spans, Less reflection, But greater visual skills, ability to concentrate on different media simultaneously. 1 Digital Natives Digital Immigrants by Marc Prensky

∂ Learning using Web 2.0 Social bookmarking ◦ Collaborative information search and discovery  student projects, research, teams ◦ Staff social book-marking  ◦ Multi-user feeds with related interests ◦ Wiki –Collaborative writing – –Revision control –Asynchronous writing –See peer/students progress –Staff collaboration –Could become textbooks “Dictatorship of idiots”

∂ Learning using Web 2.0 (Cont.) Blogs ◦ Interaction, personal comments ◦ Allow students to see how ideas and topics change overtime   Links by bloggers also create a network of concepts and interests Tagging ◦ Students can view lecturer’s bookmarks and tags Feeds and mash-ups RSS feeds, Podcast Personal learning Centers Not limited to information from lecturers and institutions Students can build a search tag cloud for a research Collaboration and sharing of content – 75%, VLE and other Web 2.0 methods less than 10%

∂ Social networking and Learning Social networking ◦ Different views  Socialising (public) vs Education/Learning (private) ◦ A social mess (bringing different social groups into one big space)  Less boundaries  Less privacy ◦ From MySpace to FaceBook (point of contact) ◦ From e-learning to eduspaces e-Learning 2.0 (e-learning with Web 2.0) ◦ "members interact and learn together“ by Etienne WengerEtienne Wenger ◦

∂ e-Learning and Web 2.0 Learning Management Systems LMS (or Virtual Learning Environments) ◦ Durham University Online (DUO) ◦ Without Web 2.0, LMS will be limited classes and universities With Web 2.0, research led learning is possible –A research led social networks can be formed based on community of practice, participation, and promotion made by staff, students and external researchers.

∂ Web 2.0 in Institutions Harvard University – University of Leeds –Media Wikis and Elgg –Promoted to staff –Information learning University of Warwick –Over 4000 blogs and over entries (directed to students) –Positive outcomes : Staff students bounding –Challenges : Monitoring, copyright issues, offensive posts

∂ Web 2.0 in Institutions University of Edinburgh –Part of the University strategy –The use of blogs, RSS feeds, Google maps, dek.icio.us, podcasts University of Brighton –Elgg –Over posts Stanford University

∂ Web 2.0 for Teachers and Learners Mixing teaching and learning and Social networking –Blogs with screen casts, tutorials, presentations – Web 2.0 can give the learner control of his/her learning style ◦ Laidback or instance feedback ◦ Media or textual ◦ Collaboration ◦ Autonomy to the learner

∂ Web 2.0 for Teachers and Learners (cont.) Group learning –Co-operatively producing of deliverables using Wikis –Sharing content and learning materials Social constructivism –Social international amongst students and between students and staff members –Scaffold learning Student centred learning ◦ Tues_19th_Oct_SCL.html Tues_19th_Oct_SCL.html

∂ Learning using Technology and tools Technology must be efficient and reliable Information must be up to date Teaching with Advanced technology may cause innovations to be lost Mature students and large classes may have mix technological skills tmlhttp:// tml Hybrid classes

∂ Emerging ◦ No empirical research has been done ◦ Difficult to choose an infrastructure ◦ External content ◦ Integration may be problematic ◦ IT support Very broad ◦ Concept maps may not be easily established Difficult to maintain students/staff intellectual rights Less privacy Conclusion