8.1 Vocabulary *Primary (Elementary) School: the teaching of young children, especially those between five and eleven years old:
8.1 Vocabulary *Secondary School relating to the education of children approximately between the ages of 11 and 18 years old:
8.1 Vocabulary *Higher Education: education at a college or university where subjects are studied at an advanced level
8.1 Vocabulary *Compulsory education: the years of education when every citizen of a country has to attend school: e.g: In Turkey, everyone has to get 8 years of compulsory education. Parents are punished by law if they don’t send their children to school.
8.1 Vocabulary *Continuous Assessment: The system in which the quality of a student's work is judged by various pieces of work during a course and not by one final exam e.g: Student portfolio is a kind of continuous assessment in which students demonstrate their gradual progress based on teachers’ feedback.
8.1 Vocabulary *Fail (v.) to be unsuccessful e.g: I failed in the history exam as I hadn’t attended any of the classes before the exam.
8.1 Vocabulary *Pass (v.) to be successful in an exam or course e.g: He has passed the driving test after two failures.
8.1 Vocabulary *Graduate (v.) to complete a first university degree successfully: e.g: Lorna graduated from the University of London. Tom has just graduated with first-class honours in psychology.
8.1 Vocabulary *Hand in (v.) to give something to someone in a position of authority: e.g: Have you handed in your history essay yet?
8.1 EDUCATION ISSUES In Turkey; What age do children usually start primary (or elemantary) school? What age do children usually leave secondary school? What age do compulsory education start? At what age does it finish? Do you think these are the correct ages? Do most people go on to higher education? Why / Why not? Do they have to pay? Are exams or continuous assessment more common? Which is the best way of monitoring progress? Why?
8.1 EDUCATION ISSUES Do exercises 2a and 2b on page 80.
______ from university from high school __________ to school to college to a seminar go pass/fail __________ an exam a course graduate ______ from university from high school do ________homework course work your best an exam revise _________ for an exam a subject get __________ a degree a good grade a good result a place at university leave _________ primary school secondary school _______ progress mistakes make study __________ for a test for an exam a language a subject hand in __________ an assignment an essay __________ an exam have
READING 3a – Read the message in an Internet chatroom. Which messages in the chat room are for mixed-sex schools, which are against, and which are neither for nor against? (p. 81)
READING 3b – Read the messages again and find nouns which mean the following.(p. 81) Sets of numbers which represent a fact (Hans) The subjects at a school, college, etc. (Martin) The activity of staying away from school without permission (Martin) Upsetting and frightening someone smaller and weaker, especially in a school situation (Emily) statistics curriculum truancy bullying
READING 3c – Which person believes:(p. 81) 1) that mixed schools are less competitive? 2) that there is proof that single sex schools are better? 3) that school should be same as real life? 4) that the problem isn’t whether a school is single-sex or mixed? 5) that single sex education caters for girls and boys better? 4) Which of the opinions in the messages do you agree with? Which do you disagree with? Why?
SPEAKING 5 – Work in groups and discuss the given statements on page 81. Try to agree on each one.
8.2 Montessori *Criticise (v.) Listening Vocabulary to express negative opinion towards someone or something: e.g: The government is being widely criticized in the press for failing to limit air pollution
8.2 Vocabulary *Environment (n.) the conditions that you live or work in and the way that they influence how you feel or how effectively you can work: e.g: A supportive environment is very important for children’s education
8.2 Vocabulary *Pace (n.) the speed at which someone or something moves, or with which something happens or changes: e.g: Each person learns at at different pace; while some learn very quickly, some people need to repeat more to learn.
8.2 Vocabulary *method (n.) a particular way of doing sth: e.g: A teacher has to use different methods for different groups of learners.
8.2 Vocabulary *Unique (adj.) being the only existing one of its type or, more generally, unusual, or special in some way: e.g: Each child is unique in their life experience and skills. Therefore, teachers need to be aware of the differences of their students to be able to reach them more effectively.
8.2 Vocabulary *Approach (n.) a way of doing something e.g: A student-centered approach to education makes sure that students learn more actively by doing things than simply listening to teachers.
8.2 Vocabulary friendly informal strict formal easy-going Well-prepared interesting late punctual
8.2 Montessori LISTENING 1a – Listen to a university student talking about a teacher. Does he say the teacher was good or bad?
8.2 Montessori LISTENING 1b – which adjectives does the speaker use to describe the teacher?
8.2 Montessori READING Read the article on pages 82-83 and do the exercise 4a-b-c / 5
8.2 GRAMMAR Which relative pronouns or adverbs do we use to talk about ; People? Things or ideas? Places? Time? People’s possessions/ideas? WHO/THAT WHICH/THAT WHERE WHEN WHOSE
8.2 GRAMMAR Do the exercises 6-7-8 on pages 82-83.
8.3 GRAMMAR Do the exercises 4-5-6-7 on pages 84-85.