Java 程序设计 Java Programming Fall, 2013. Chapter 7 Interfaces 2/44 Contents Single vs. Multiple Inheritance Abstract Classes Interface.


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第一节 相图基本知识 1 三元相图的主要特点 (1)是立体图形,主要由曲面构成; (2)可发生四相平衡转变; (3)一、二、三相区为一空间。
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 符号表  标识符的作用: 声明部分:定义了各种对象及对应的属性和 使用规则。 程序体:对所定义的对象进行各种操作。 $ididname IdnameAttributeIR  必要性 Token : 新表-符号表(种类、类型等信息):
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表单自定义 “ 表单自定义 ” 功能是用于制作表单的 工具,用数飞 OA 提供的表单自定义 功能能够快速制作出内容丰富、格 式规范、美观的表单。
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八. 真核生物的转录 ㈠ 特点 ① 转录单元为单顺反子( single cistron ),每 个蛋白质基因都有自身的启动子,从而造成在功能 上相关而又独立的基因之间具有更复杂的调控系统。 ② RNA 聚合酶的高度分工,由 3 种不同的酶催化转 录不同的 RNA 。 ③ 需要基本转录因子与转录调控因子的参与,这.
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§7.2 估计量的评价标准 上一节我们看到,对于总体 X 的同一个 未知参数,由于采用的估计方法不同,可 能会产生多个不同的估计量.这就提出一 个问题,当总体的一个参数存在不同的估 计量时,究竟采用哪一个好呢?或者说怎 样评价一个估计量的统计性能呢?下面给 出几个常用的评价准则. 一.无偏性.
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Presentation transcript:

Java 程序设计 Java Programming Fall, 2013

Chapter 7 Interfaces 2/44 Contents Single vs. Multiple Inheritance Abstract Classes Interface

Chapter 7 Interfaces 3/44 Single vs. Multiple Inheritance Some object-oriented languages (eg.: C++) allow multiple( 多重的 ) inheritance, which allows a class to be derived from two or more classes, inheriting the members of all parents; The price( 代价 ): collisions( 冲突 ), such as the same variable name, same method name in two parents, have to be resolved;

Chapter 7 Interfaces 4/44 Single vs. Multiple Inheritance Java decision: single inheritance for classes, meaning that a derived class can have only one parent class; However, in most cases, the use of interfaces( 接口 ) gives us aspects of multiple inheritance without the overhead (will discuss later).

Chapter 7 Interfaces 5/44 abstract Classes( 抽象类 ) An abstract class is a conceptual class ,表示的是 “ is-a ” 关 系. abstract class provides a common root for a group of classes --共性 ; use the modifier abstract on a class header to declare an abstract class: abstract class className { …… }

Chapter 7 Interfaces 6/44 Inheritance ( 继承 ) Example: Book NovelDictionary MysteryRomance

Chapter 7 Interfaces 7/44 Abstract Classes ( 抽象类 ) An abstract class often contains abstract methods, though it doesn ’ t have to  abstract methods consist of only methods declarations, without any method body. When a class contains one or more abstract methods, it should be declared as abstract class; The abstract methods of an abstract class must be defined in its subclass; We cannot declare abstract constructors or abstract static methods.

8 Abstract Classes abstract class ClassName { //variables … abstract dataType MethodName1(); // 抽象方法 … dataType Method2() { // method body } 已实现的方法, 即:非抽象方法

9 // public abstract class Animal { public String name; public int age; public void print() { System.out.println(" 名字 :"+name); System.out.println(" 大小 :"+age); } public abstract void run(); public abstract void cry(); }

Chapter 7 Interfaces 10/44 Abstract Classes ( 抽象类 ) public class AAnimal // 错误 { public String name; public int age; public void print() { System.out.println(" 名字 :"+name); System.out.println(" 大小 :"+age); } public abstract void run(); public abstract void cry(); } public abstract class AAnimal 修改为

Chapter 7 Interfaces 11/44 Abstract Classes( 抽象类 ) 实例化- 由类创建对象 / 实例. An abstract class cannot be instantiated ( 实例化 ) : objects cannot be created( 对象不能被创建 ); 它只能做为父类使用,由它派生的子类必须实现抽象类中所 有的抽象方法,才能创建对象。 在 abstract class 中可以有自己的数据成员,也可以 有非 abstarct 的成员方法。

Chapter 7 Interfaces 12/44 Abstract Class -Example Shape CircleRectangle Shape is an abstract class.

13 The Shape Abstract Class Is the following statement valid? –Shape s = new Shape(); No. It is illegal because the Shape class is an abstract class, which cannot be instantiated ( 实例化 ) to create its objects. public abstract class Shape { //method declaration public abstract double area(); public void move() { // non-abstract method // implementation }

14 The Shape Abstract Class public Rectangle extends Shape { protected double w, h; public Rectangle() { w = 0.0; h=0.0; } public double area() { return w * h; } } public Circle extends Shape { protected double r; protected static final double PI = ; public Circle() { r = 1.0; ) public double area() { return PI * r * r; } … }

15 Abstract Class Properties A class with one or more abstract methods is automatically abstract and it cannot be instantiated ( 实例化 ); A class declared abstract, even with no abstract methods can not be instantiated; A subclass of an abstract class can be instantiated if it overrides( 重载 ) all abstract methods by implementation( 实现 ) them; A subclass that does not implement all of the superclass abstract methods is itself abstract; and it cannot be instantiated ( 实例化 ).

16 Example: // public abstract class Animal { public String name; public int age; public void print() { System.out.println(" 名字 :"+name); System.out.println(" 大小 :"+age); } public abstract void run(); public abstract void cry(); }

17 class Test { public static void main(String[]args) { Dog a =new Dog();" 欢欢 "; a.age=2; a.print(); a.cry(); System.out.println (" 这是一只 "+a.type); } Example: class Dog extends Animal { String type; public Dog() { type=" 宠物狗 "; } public void run(){} public void cry() { System.out.println (" 汪汪叫 "); }

Chapter 7 Interfaces 18/44 Interface interface is a conceptual entity similar to an abstract class. interface 表示的是 "like-a" 关系。 contain only constants ( 常量, final variables) and abstract method (no implementation) - Different from Abstract classes. 接口中定义的变量默认是 public static final 型,且必须初 始化,所以实现类中不能重新定义,也不能改变其值。 接口中的方法默认都是 public , abstract 类型的。

Chapter 7 Interfaces 19/44 Interface( 接口 ) A Java interface is a collection of constants and abstract methods.  abstract method: a method header without a method body; we declare an abstract method using the modifier abstract;  since all methods in an interface are abstract, the abstract modifier is usually left off( 省略 ).

20 // 格式 : interface InterfaceName { //Constant/Final Variable Declaration //Methods Declaration–only method header } // 接口示例: interface Printable { final int MAX=100; void add(); float sum(float x,float y); }

Chapter 7 Interfaces 21/44 Interfaces A class can implement( 实现 ) any number of interfaces, but cannot extend more than one class at a time. Therefore, interfaces are considered as an informal way to implement multiple inheritance in Java.

Chapter 7 Interfaces 22/44 Interfaces A class formally implements an interface by  Using keyword in the class header in the implements clause;  a class can implement multiple interfaces: the interfaces are listed in the implements clause, separated by commas( 逗号 ). If a class asserts( 声称 ) that it implements( 实现 ) an interface, it must define all methods in the interface or the compiler will produce errors.

23 Defining Interface class ClassName implements InterfaceName [, InterfaceName2, …] { // Body of Class } interface InterfaceName { //Constant/Final Variable Declaration //Methods Declaration – only method header }

Chapter 7 Interfaces 24/44 Interface - Example speak() Politician > Speaker speak() Lecturer speak()

25 class Lecturer implements Speaker { public void speak() { System.out.println(“Talks Object Oriented Design and Programming!”); } interface Speaker { public void speak( ) ; } class Politician implements Speaker { public void speak() { System.out.println( “ Talk politics ” ); }

Chapter 7 Interfaces 26/44 Interface Inheritance( 接口的继承 ) Like classes, interfaces can also be extended( 扩展, 继承 ); Interfaces, unlike classes, can extend more than one other interface; The new sub-interface will inherit all the members of the superinterface similar to classes ’ inheritence. This is achieved by using the keyword extends as follows: interface InterfaceName2 extends InterfaceName1,… { // Body of InterfaceName2 }

27 Interface Inheritance — Example 1 interface L extends J, K { boolean l1(); } class I implements L { public int j1() { return 4; } public double k1() { return 6.8; } public boolean l1() { return true; } interface J { int j = 200; int j1(); } interface K { double k1(); }

28 class InterfaceInheritance { public static void main(String args[ ]) { I i = new I(); System.out.println(i.j); System.out.println(i.j1()); System.out.println(i.k1()); System.out.println(i.l1()); } Result : true

29 Interface Inheritance — Example 2 Class A implements two interfaces: I1 & I2. But these two interfaces have the same variable and method. In class A, the method of these two interfaces is implemented only once. For variables with the same name, we need to type-case( 强制数据类型转换 ) them when accessing them; otherwise, compile error will occur if a variable with the same name is used.

30 interface I1{ int nValue = 1; void amethod(); } public class A implements I1, I2 { public void amethod() { System.out.println("Hello word!"); } public static void main(String[] args) { A q = new A(); q.amethod(); //Compile Error //System.out.println(q.nValue); System.out.println(((I1) q).nValue); System.out.println(((I2) q).nValue); } Hello world! 1 2 interface I2 { int nValue = 2; void amethod(); } 执行結果 :

31 Interface Inheritance — Example 2 interface Base { int base = 0; int ambiguous = 10; } interface Set1 extends Base { int set1 = 1; int ambiguous = 100; } interface Set2 extends Base { int set2 = 2; int ambiguous = 1000; }

32 //Example 1: 接口继承 class AmbiguousVariable implements Set1 { public static void main(String args[]) { AmbiguousVariable z = new AmbiguousVariable(); System.out.println(z.base);//0 System.out.println(z.set1);//1 System.out.println(z.ambiguous);//100 System.out.println(((Base)z).ambiguous);//10 System.out.println(((Set1)z).ambiguous);//100 }

33 class AmbiguousVariable implements Set1, Set2 { public static void main(String args[]) { AmbiguousVariable z = new AmbiguousVariable(); System.out.println(z.base);//0 System.out.println(z.set1);//1 //System.out.println(z.ambiguous); // 编译错误 System.out.println( ((Base)z).ambiguous);//10 System.out.println( ((Set1)z).ambiguous);//100 System.out.println( ((Set2)z).ambiguous);//200 }

34 Inheritance and Interface Implementation A general form of interface implementation: This shows a class can extended another class while implementing one or more interfaces. It appears like a multiple inheritance (if we consider interfaces as special kind of classes with certain restrictions or special features). class ClassName extends SuperClass implements InterfaceName […, InterfaceName2, …] { // Body of Class }

Chapter 7 Interfaces 35/44 Example Abstract class:Shape CircleRectangle Interface:2D-Shape Abstract class:Shape CircleRectangle Interface:2D-Shape Abstract class:Shape CircleRectangle Interface:2D-Shape Abstract class:Shape CircleRectangle Interface:2D-Shape Abstract class:Shape CircleRectangle Interface:2D-Shape Abstract class:Shape CircleRectangle Interface:2D-Shape implements extends

36 class Circle extends Shape implements Shape 2D { double radius; String color; public Circle(double r) { redius = r; } public void setColor(String str) { color = str; System.out.println( “ color is “ +color); } public double area() { return (pi*radius*radius); } public abstract class Shape { public abstract void setColor(String str); } interface Shape 2D { final double pi = 3.14; public abstract double area(); }

Chapter 7 Interfaces 37/44 Reference data types( 引用数据类型 ) The reference( 引用 ) types are 1. class( 类 ) types 2. interface ( 接口 ) types 3. array( 数组 ) types  Variables of these types can refer to objects( 指向对 象 ) of the corresponding type.

38 public class ShapeTest { public static void main(String[] args) { Shape2D s;// 声明接口的引用数据 s = new Circle(1.0); // 通过实现接口的类创建接口的 引用数据 s.area();// 只能调用接口中定义的方法 //s.setColor( “ red ” );// 否则,就是语法错误 }

39 综合实例 : 如何声明和使用 以接口和抽象类 为类型的数据 (P39-42) 。 public abstract class Person { String name; int age; {// 初始化块 name ="Parent"; age = -1; } public void initiate(String name, int age){ = name; this.age = age; } public void display() { System.out.println(name+","+a ge); } abstract void detailInfo(); } interface Speaker { public void speak( ); }

40 public class Politition extends Person implements Speaker { public Politition(String name, int age){ super.initiate(name, age); } public void speak(){ System.out.println("Talk politics"); } void detailInfo(){ System.out.println("Polition Implementation"); }

41 public class Lecturer extends Person implements Speaker { public void speak(){ System.out.println("Talks OO Design and Programming!"); } void detailInfo(){ System.out.println("Lecturer Implementation"); }

42 public class Test { public static void main(String[ ] args) { Speaker speaker; Person person; Politition p = new Politition("Child", 60); p.display(); Lecturer l = new Lecturer(); l.display(); speaker = p; speaker.speak(); speaker = l; speaker.speak(); person = p; person.detailInfo(); person = l; person.detailInfo(); }

43 Java 类实现了一个接口,继承了一个类,如何访问接口与父 类中相同的变量 : public class Test extends Aclass implements Ainterface { public void method() { System.out.println("***Test***"); } public static void main(String[] args) { Test t = new Test(); System.out.println("Aclass's num:"+ ((Aclass)t).num); System.out.println("Ainterface's num:"+ ((Ainterface)t).num); t.method(); ((Ainterface)t).method(); } interface Ainterface { int num=1; void method(); } class Aclass { int num=10; }

Chapter 7 Interfaces 44/44 对象类型转换 Java 中,两个具有继承关系的对象之间可以转换,具体限制:  两个转换的对象之间应该具有继承关系,也就是说只是在子类和父类 的对象之间进行转换,而不是任意两个类。 一个子类对象的类型可以向上转换成它的父类类型,这个转 换过程是安全的。因为父类所具有的信息,子类一般全有。 当然,转换过程中会丢失属于子类而不属于父类的信息。

45 对象类型转换 设 A 类是 B 类的父类,用子类 B 创建一个对象,并 把这个对象的引用放到父类的对象中时,如: 称父类对象 a 是子类对象 b 的上转型对象。 对象的上转型对象的实体是子类负责创建的,但上 转型对象会失去原对象的一些属性和功能。 A a; a=new B(); // 上转型对象 A a; B b=new B(); a=b; // 上转型对象

46 上转型对象的特点: 上转型对象不能操作子类新增的成员变量和方法 上转型对象可以操作子类继承或重写的变量和方法 如果子类重写了父类的某个方法,对象上转型对象调用 时一定是调用这个重写的方法 对象的上转型对象 子类对象新增的变量和方法 继承或重写的变量和方法

47 例: 水果 苹果桔子 红富士苹果

48 注意: 父类创建的对象和子类对象的上转型对象不是一个含义 可以将对象的上转型对象再强制转换到一个子类对象,这时该 子类对象又具备该子类所有的属性和功能。 不可以将父类创建的对象的引用赋值给子类声明的对象。 如果需要把一个父类对象转换成子类类型,则需要强制转换。 如: (这样会导致异常) A a=new A(); B b=(B)a; 类型测试运算符 instanceof 表达式格式: 对象引用 instanceof 类名或接口名

49 例(上转型对象、 instanceof 运算符): class Person { static int age; //age=0 public String detailInfo() { return (" 一个人 "); } class Student extends Person { String info=detailInfo()+"of"+super.detailInfo(); public String detailInfo() { return " 一个学生 "; }

50 测试: & public class Extend { public static void main(String[] args){ Student stu1=new Student(); System.out.println(stu1 instanceof Person); //true Person p1=new Person(); System.out.println(p1 instanceof Student); //false p1=stu1; // 上转 System.out.println(stu1.age); //0 System.out.println(; // 一个学生 of 一个人 System.out.println(p1.age); //0 //System.out.println(; // 错误 System.out.println(p1.detailInfo());// 一个学生 System.out.println(((Person)p1).detailInfo());// 一个学生 System.out.println(p1 instanceof Student);//true System.out.println(p1 instanceof Person);//true } 运行结果: true false 0 一个学生 of 一个人 0 一个学生 true 此语句编译 时报错:无 法解析 ,非 法访问