A Research Result Presentation: GUEST SPEAKER/ RESEARCHER Meeting 12 Subject: G-1342 Research Seminar Year: 2008/2009
Bina Nusantara University A Guest Speaker or Researcher is needed to: Share his/her real experience in preparing, doing, reporting a particular research and presenting the proposal and research result in a seminar; Give a research model; Provide possibilities for a direct question and answer session; Inspire others through his/her research activities;
Bina Nusantara University How To Present A Successful Seminar (Continued) The Last 3 steps: 5. Sitting at the computer 6. Preparing the abstract 7. Giving the seminar itself
Bina Nusantara University STEP 5: Sitting at the computer 1.Provide a consistent look and feel Successful seminar speakers create expectations from the audience. The audience "gets a rhythm", and has certain expectations about the look and content of the next slide –Use the same background color for all slides –Avoid Scanning-in published tables or diagrams –Be consistent with the use of capital and lower case letters –Be consistent with bullets, fonts, & hierarchical styles 2. Use color correctly "Color will be used to contrast, highlight, or symbolize, not merely to decorate."
Bina Nusantara University 3. Additional notes on slide design: –Check spelling/grammar –Watch the justification –Make effective use of the space available on each slide 4. The final check
Bina Nusantara University STEP 6: Preparing the abstract Students should submit their abstract well before the seminar An abstract, by definition, IS A BRIEF BUT COMPLETE SUMMARY OF THE ENTIRE SEMINAR. Consequently, phrases such as "will be discussed", are not acceptable, and must be avoided. Phrases such as "... will be discussed" are not permitted in an abstract.7 All references (at least the main ones) cited during the seminar must be listed on the abstract The abstract must also include the speaker's name, and the date, time and place of the seminar
Bina Nusantara University STEP 7: Giving the seminar itself 1.Practice –Scheduling –The final checklists 2. Before the seminar –Familiarize yourself with the room –Review your slides
Bina Nusantara University 3. Giving the seminar Start with a deep breath Have the beginning remarks well in hand Do not memorize the presentation Do not speak with your back to the audience Be true to yourself Be enthusiastic Have a beverage handy Attire (Dress nicely but avoid extremes) Confidence Body language Avoid excuses Cartoons vs. diagrams Ending the seminar Questions
Bina Nusantara University EVALUATION Evaluate your own and your friends’ performance using the following tools on 1. Organization 2. Content 3. Slide Composition 4. Delivery Score 5 = excellent Score 0 = not acceptable
Bina Nusantara University ORGANIZATION (A) The speaker told us what s/he was going to tell us in the introduction, and the speaker ended by summarizing what s/he covered and concluded during the seminar (B) The presentation had a logical organization (C) An outline was used effectively throughout the talk (D) Every slide served a purpose- there were no unnecessary slides Point ………
Bina Nusantara University CONTENT (A) The topic was covered in sufficient depth (B) Enough data were presented to support the speaker’s premise (C) The supporting data presented were relevant to point being made (D) The material was presented at a technical level suitable for the audience Point ………
Bina Nusantara University SLIDE COMPOSITION (A) The visual aids were clear and easily understood (B) Slides were free of spelling and grammatical mistakes (0 mistakes =5; 1=4; 2=3; 3=2; 4=1; $ 5=0 pts) (C) Background, upper/lower case letters, and other format details were used with consistency, such that every slide helped give the presentation a consistent feel and style (0 inconsistencies =5; 1=4; 2=3; 3=2; 4=1; $ 5=0 pts) Points ………
Bina Nusantara University DELIVERY (A) Adequate eye contact with the audience was maintained (B) The delivery was given in complete sentences (C) The delivery spontaneous and enthusiastic (D) The speaker did not engage in distracting mannerisms (E) The speaker did not give the audience an excuse to get distracted (F) Delivery time: (# 30 minutes = 0; = 3; = 5; = 2; $ 45 = 0) (G) The probability that the audience will remember the speaker's 4-5 main points by this same time tomorrow Point ………