Understanding Personalities Keys to Better Relationships
Definition of Personality “the totality of an individual’s behavioral and emotional characteristics” -Merriam Webster’s Online Dictionary
History of Personality Research Hippocrates – 400 B.C. Carl Jung – 1920 Katharine Cook Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers – 1958 David Keirsey-Marilyn Bates
Personality Assessments “Colors” Real Colors ® True Colors ® Copyrighted assessment programs that use “colors” to define the personality types (easy to remember)
Personality Colors Blue Gold Green Orange
Objectives For This training Understand your personality type (color) Understand others’ personality type Recognize each “color” has a unique blend of strengths Use “colors” to better communicate with others
Everyone is a mix of all four “colors” One primary color usually dominates The second most dominant color can be a major influence on one’s total personality
Characteristics of BLUE People Authentic Sincere Seek harmony Peaceful Hugs Handshakes Flexible Cultivate potential in others “People” people Talks Enthusiastic Idealistic Inspirational Good listeners Sensitive
Characteristics of GREEN People Cool Calm Curious Competent Perfectionists Problem solver Hide emotions Want recognition for success Deep feelings Search for knowledge Abstract thinkers Asks many questions Thrives on work
Characteristics of ORANGE People Charming Impulsive Optimistic Competitive Love change Like tools and gadgets Skilled in many areas Fun Like to party Master negotiators Creative and quick Good under pressure
Characteristics of GOLD People Responsible Traditional Organized Value being useful Care for others Obligation and duty Need reasons for change Prepared Generous Patriotic Stable Serve Others
BLUE Occupations Psychologist Teacher Minister Reporter Public Relations Travel agent Actor Social worker Career counselor
GREEN Occupations Engineer Attorney Computers Architect Mathematics Photographer Designer Journalist
ORANGE Occupations Pilot Firefighter Public Speaker Paramedic Dancer Musician Law enforcement Athletic coach
GOLD Occupations Educator Doctor Secretary Judge Banker Manager Public Administrator Librarian Government Worker
How to communicate with BLUE Be personal and show you care Tell how they will help people and make a difference Provide opportunities to use their communication abilities Provide opportunities to motivate and add enthusiasm to group situations Offer a harmonious working environment
How to communicate with GOLD Be to the point, factual, and professional Provide stability and order Clearly state benefits and rewards Set definitive rules, regulations, and constraints Offer opportunities to serve others, demonstrate leadership qualities, and organize people and/or things.
How to communicate with GREEN Be theory based, use models, and provide facts Provide a challenge, and offer options (they dislike small talk) Offer problems to solve ;allow innovative solutions Provide opportunities to increase their knowledge and build their competence Recognize their successes
How to communicate with ORANGE Offer action that provides benefits quickly Offer fun experiences; new ways to do things Give them frequent change. No routine tasks Provide opportunities to develop a variety of skills. Offer them the chance to experience new, novel, and exciting things Provide opportunities to use initiative and take risks