Patrice Nelms 2 nd Hour Marie Curie Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.
Born in Warsaw, Poland, November 7, 1867
Education General at local schools Scientific training from Dad Sorbonne University: Physics & Math Worked in Paris
Pierre Marie’s husband & partner
Radium… ra ⋅ di ⋅ um (rā'dē-əm) noun. A rare, brilliant white, luminescent, highly radioactive metallic element found in very small amounts in uranium ores, having 13 isotopes with mass numbers between 213 and 230, of which radium 226 with a half-life of 1,622 years is the most common. It is used in cancer radiotherapy, as a neutron source for some research purposes, and as a constituent of luminescent paints. Atomic number 88; melting point 700°C; boiling point 1,737°C; valence 2.
Research & Such Radium to Alleviate Suffering Radium Separation Polonium Scientific Studies Nobel Prize for Physics Nobel Prize for Chemistry
Who Cares? Marie Curie proved that women can do just as well as men in the world. She discovered radium, and changed the way scientists think about energy and matter and such. The most important thing she did, in my opinion, was contributing to the development of new medical methods and equipment.
Died in Savoy, France, on July 4, 1934
Bibliography The Nobel Foundation. "Marie Curie Biography." Internet (accessed September 21, 2009) Pasachoff, Naomi. "Marie Curie: Her Story in Brief." American Institute of Physics. (accessed September 24, 2009). "Poland." Encyclopedia Americana. Grolier Online (accessed September 22, 2009). "France." Encyclopedia Americana. Grolier Online (accessed September 22, 2009).