LEGIO.com Hotel and Technology Drinking water and Legionella prophylaxis
LEGIO.com Source: Berlin - Status: 05/2002 More than 80% of all diseases on travelling are traced back to contaminated drinking water. Which diseases are transmitted through water? Many diseases can be transmitted through dirty water. To this belong especially frequently bacterial diseases, e.g. with salmonellae, virus- diseases e.g. Hepatitis A and B, parasitic diseases e.g. with Toxoplasmas.
LEGIO.com Hotel and Technology from the guest´s point of view Challenging electrical-, heating-, air-conditioning and sanitary technology Reliable service of these facilities Security standards are up-to-date Wellness technology with challenging background Hygiene at a high level Food processing fresh and hygienically faultless Water is a food!
LEGIO.com Risks of this technology for the hotel image from the expert technician´s point of view CauseImage damage lowmediumhighextreme Injury of a guest through currentX Scalds owint to thermal disinfectionX Short-term breakdown of the heatingX Short-term breakdown of air-conditioning and ventilationX Short-term breakdown of water supplyX Bad maintenance of technology without direct effects, apart from e.g. increased cost of repairs and energy costs X Temporarily breakdown of wellness technolgoyX Lacking hygiene in the guest area (diry) X Injuries through slippery floorsX Diarrhoea disease through bacteria in the water supply X Legionella infection through lacking hygiene of drinking waterX
LEGIO.com Source: Deutsches Ärzteblatt Eckmanns, Tim; Lück, Christian; Rüden, Henning; Weist, Klaus Prevention nosocomial Legionella Deutsches Ärzteblatt 103, Edition 19 vom , Seite A-1294 / B-1099 / C-1059 MEDIZIN Summary Legionella are typical colonialists of drinking water supply systems which after the transmission to the human can initiate influenzavirus infections (Pontiac fever) as well as Pneumonia of different serverity codes. The number of legionnaires diseases is not sufficiently known and is estimated to 10,000 until 30,000. Thereof are appr. 20 % nosocomial legionnaires diseases.
LEGIO.com Legionella 1 Risks at the sanitary facilities in respect of showers Thin water drops (Aerosols) are assimilated in the lung. Legionella (Sero groupe 0 and 1) proliferate frantically fast on the lung surface at blood heat and causes Pneunomia similar symptoms within a few days. Legionella are verifiable in every fresh water of the world. Stagnating water leads to the formation of biofilms. Biofilms protect millions of bacterias of all kinds.
LEGIO.com Legionella 2 Risks at the sanitary facilities in respect of showers Increased water temperatures produce from bacteria food for other bacteria. Legionella in niches of pipeline connections and fittings are only thermally and chemically difficult reachable. Temperatures over 42 °C can cause scalds. High temperatures result in high energy costs. Thermal system disinfections are hardly feasible in practice. High temperatures damage pipeline systems and lead to limescales. Limescales cause service costs. Chemical permanently disinfections damage not only the human but also can destroy pipeline systems. Locations with the name „Bath“ must not disinfect the drinking water (chemical or UV-irradiation). Cold water can not be treated thermally.
LEGIO.com Legionella Risks in respect of Wellness and water attractions Thin water drops (Aerosols) are assimilated in the lung. Legionella (Sero groupe 0 and 1) proliferate frantically fast on the lung surface at blood heat and causes Pneunomia similar symptoms within a few days. Legionella are verifiable in every fresh water of the world. Stagnating water leads to the formation of biofilms. Biofilms protect millions of bacterias of all kinds Chemical permanently disinfections damage not only the human but also can destroy pipeline systems. From shower entered Legionella don´t have often enough contact time with the disinfectant contained in the water, before these are routed via circulations to the water.
LEGIO.com Hand shower with stagnation zone
LEGIO.com Legionellen Risks is respect of open cooling towers Thin water drops (Aerosols) are distributed (until appr. 200 m) in the surroundings of the cooling tower through natural air currents and can maybe assimilated in the lung by passersby and guests. Legionella (Sero groupe 0 and 1) proliferate frantically fast on the lung surface at blood heat and causes Pneunomia similar symptoms within a few days. Legionella are verifiable in every fresh water of the world. Stagnating water in the after feed pipeline to the cooling tower leads to the formation of biofilms and to strong Legionella population. In the circuit of cooling tower contained biocide can not deactivate the bacteria fast enough. Legionella reach the surroundinings of cooling tower.
LEGIO.com Bacteriological risks in the water supply During the low season the public water supply has long stagnating times through low consumption in the water supply systems. The quality of the water supply differs very strongly. Hotel own Reservoirs and pipelines are not flowed through. The water stagnates and contaminates. This can be determined through a simple smell test at the Reservoir. The use of own sources of water is very complex with conventional technology.
LEGIO.com Solution showers Protection of single showers as 100% solution. Central protection with chemical support during the stagnating phases.
LEGIO.com Solution water supply Protection of the whole hotel complex through Ultrafiltration.
LEGIO.com Ultrafiltration The Ultrafiltration membrane separates: Bacteria, parasites and virusus which are verifiable in spring- and groundwater Suspended matter, fine sand, mud and drops of opacity, (all of which are just a few microns in size and were caused by storms) from the through flowing water < 0,02 µm Purified water > 0,02 µm Bacteria (e.g. Legionella) > 0,02 µm Virusus > 0,02 µm Suspended matter
LEGIO.com Ultrafiltration LEGIO.filter are used in drinking water supply systems in cooling towers in air washers in industrial and process engineering procedures
LEGIO.com Separation property Ultrafiltration
LEGIO.com Costs Legionella prophylaxis Single place unit protection LEGIO.panelfrom€ 1.100,00 Current costs appr. € 30,00 per year Hotel with 50 beds LEGIO.filter Centre plant from € 8.000,00 Current costs appr. € 350,00 per year Hotel with 200 beds LEGIO.filter Centre plantfrom € ,00 Current costs appr. € 950,00 per year Protection* of drinking water supply from unsafe public water supply systems Hotel with appr. 100 guestsLEGIO.filter 1,4 m3/hfrom € ,00 Hotel with appr. 400 guestsLEGIO.filter 3,5 m3/hfrom € ,00 Hotel with appr guestsLEGIO.filter 7,0 m3/hfrom € ,00 Hotel with appr guestsLEGIO.filter 20,0 m3/hfrom € ,00 Protection from contaiminated city water before the Reservoir. Basic cleaning of the following Reservoir and protection of re-contaimination in the Reservoir, according to constructional expenses € 400,00 to € ,00. Prices without automatical disinfection and without telemonitoring. Surplus price appr. € ,00. All prices are ex works plus arising taxes in additional.
LEGIO.com More than 80% of all diseases on travelling are traced back to contaminated drinking water.