SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday The Story Teller 4 NO SCHOOL *Election Day 5 6 Collegium 7 NO SCHOOL PICTURE DAY11 Dr. J visit Making Applesauce 14 NO SCHOOL NO SCHOOL 18 Field Trip AM & PM class 19 PM Class Music with Ms. Katie 20 Policy Council Meeting 21 NO SCHOOL Friend Share Day 26 NO SCHOOL27 NO SCHOOL 28 NO SCHOOL Themes: Harvest/Farm, pumpkins/apples, friends-food-sharing AM Teacher- Miss Liz Office Telephone: PM Teacher- Miss Molly Classroom Telephone: ex5969 Teacher Assistant- Miss Diane
What’s going on in the community? Put the Animals to Bed Springton Manor Farm Friday, Nov 7 3:30PM Exton Square Mall Boscov’s Court The Juggling Hoffman’s Show Tuesday, Nov 11 10:30AM Storytime in the Barn Springton Manor Farm Friday, Nov 28 10:30AM Storytime for the WHOLE FAMILY Chester County Library 450 Exton Square Parkway 10:30AM ***Do you need to register to VOTE? Call # for Chester County Voter Services.*** ***In need of food for the holiday season? Stop by Lord’s Pantry of 141 E. Lancester Ave. Call for hours: # (610) ***
SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 1 2 Help pack your “bag of books” to take back to school tomorrow. 3 4 NO SCHOOL! Practice the “pledge of allegiance” at home. 5 6 A pumpkin is orange. What can you find in your house that is orange? SMILE! It’s picture day! 11 A dentist came to school today. Brush your teeth at home! We made applesauce at school yesterday. What color are apples? Make a healthy snack What music do you like? Play some instruments or have a dance party! Tell your family the name of a friend you played with today Help set the table! 2829 Make a play date and SHARE. 30
CHOOSY SAYS…. “EAT YOUR COLORS!” Don’t be afraid to try out new foods at each and every meal! How many different colors can you eat in one meal?!?!?!