September 10 MLG 205
Get out your planner! Have you written down your due dates?? Good Student Tips: Getting Organized 1) Take your planner to every class. 2) Write down all homework assignments, quizzes, tests, projects, and important school events in your planner the moment you hear of them. 3) Take time (10 minutes) each week to get organized. We will do this every Friday with your planner. 4) Mark out assignments as you complete them. Homework Check
5) Think about how much time you need to study and work on projects for each class EVERYDAY. Make a schedule for each day of the week for when, where, and how long you will study for each class each day. 6) Folders and Binders- you should have a folder for each class. Each class should have its own color Getting Organized
This week (From: Wayzgoose Press. (2013). Fifty ways to be a better student: Tips for college and university students. ) 1) Get to know your Instructors (p.5) ● Introduce yourself to your instructor ● Does your instructor know your name? ● Visit office during office hours with a good question or comment related to class. 2) Make eye Contact (p.5) ● Look interested and be interested ● Don’t check your phone or other electronic devices ( , text) ● Don’t stare out the window ● Don’t bury your eyes in the textbook ● Sit near the front of the room. Studies have shown that you will make better grades. Good Student Focus
From: Martin, J. N., & Nakayama, T. K. (2011). Experiencing intercultural communication: An introduction (4th ed.). New York: McGraw Hill. “What’s more important, being a good speaker or a good listener?” p ) United States: “speaking is highly valued” Can you express yourself well? Silence is negative: “Silence can be interpreted as a sign of hostility or rejection” or a lack of connection. 2) East Asian Cultures: Value is placed on silence-- “It is what people say that gets them into trouble (Japanese)” What does this mean for you??? Intercultural Communication
Do you have your journal? 1) What are your struggles so far? 2) What are your goals to overcome? Note-taking Journal
Lecture Quiz Friday Be prepared to take-notes using the Cornell Method. You will need your own paper. Portfolio Section 1 Due September 26 Create your own mini-deadlines for yourself. 1) Class list 2) 2 Class Syllabi 3) Textbook list Homework