Dartfish Video Instruction John Duffy William Ramsay Elementary School Purpose Statement Setting and Participants Project Overview Management of Technology Evaluation Plan Dissemination Plan Over the course of the unit, students will be taught the proper techniques to dribble, pass, and shoot a basketball. Students will be given the opportunity to be video recorded performing each skill set. Video recording devices will be connected to a laptop and students will be able to watch their skill performances using the Dartfish software system “In the Action” feature. The Dartfish software will enable the students to critically assess themselves and improve upon their performances. Amongst the Dartfish features available are delayed viewing, slow motion playback feature, and biomechanical analysis. Students will be introduced to Dartfish at the beginning of the year and “testing” will start immediately during subsequent units. The camera and laptop will be setup in a corner of the gym; camera will be placed on a tripod and laptop/software will be setup on a portable table. Students will only have access to using the software itself (no one will adjust the camera). Setting: Elementary gymnasium with a total of 6 basketball hoops, ranging in height from 8-10 feet. Participants: Students in grades 4 & 5. Context: Each grade level period consists of 2 classes (35-42 students/period), 2 days/week, for a total of 90 minutes. Purpose: Improve student skill acquisition and retention during a PE basketball unit using Dartfish video recording software. NASPE Standards addressed: #1: Demonstrates competency in motor skills & movement patterns. #2: Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, & tactics. #5: Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others. Objective: At the conclusion of this unit, students will be able to properly demonstrate three essential basketball skills (dribbling, passing, and shooting) through the use of analyzing and practicing performance with the aid video playback. Students will be given a self-assessment rubric sheet outlining the learned cues for each skill; initial assessment will be based on a self analysis using the Dartfish software. The teacher will use the same skill assessment process as the students (using Dartfish and rubrics). Student and teacher assessment data will be collected and compared to the previous year’s scores. Scores will be compared to the individual’s prior year assessment (from grade 3 or 4). Scores will be compared to the grade level prior year assessment (from grade 3 or 4, with no use of Dartfish in grade 3). Based on collected data comparisons, an analysis will be conducted to gauge Dartfish’s effectiveness as a teaching tool; adjustments can be made to improve quality, efficiency, teaching methods, etc. This analysis will be conducted over the course of each successive academic year. Results of Dartfish software usage will be introduced to students, teachers, parents, and administrators (from both WRES and central office) at the first PTA meeting following the conclusion of the basketball unit. Results will include date collected, video from Dartfish, and additional video collected showing student process of using the software, from start to finish. An ROI report will also be provided at that time to show Dartfish’s validity in the PE setting and encourage future use. Data Collection Examples of Dartfish screenshots and capabilities. WRES