Short Story/Sci-Fi/Fantasy OGL Drills 2012-2013 Qt 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Short Story/Sci-Fi/Fantasy OGL Drills Qt 1

Drill 9/4 Basket Items! Homework: Add at least one example sentence for each part of speech in the flip book. Objective: Students will determine what function a word serves within a sentence in order to explain how words are classified grammatically. Drill: Identify the adverb and the adjective in the following sentence. ◦ The mighty Maryland Terrapins narrowly defeated the weaker William and Mary yesterday.

Drill 9/5 HomeworkSentence Fragments pg. 1 Objective: Students will determine what function a word serves within a sentence in order to explain how words are classified grammatically. Drill: What is the antecedent to the pronoun in the following sentences. ◦ The students played hard all weekend. They will have to work hard in school.

Drill 9/6 Take out sentence fragments homework Homework: Review for grammar quiz on 9/10. Parts of speech worksheet. Objective: The students will recognize types of sentences in order to improve sentence fluency. Drill: Combine the following simple sentences in any way you can. Decide if you wrote a compound or a complex sentence ◦ OMMS is 40 years old. ◦ Friday is the celebration.

Drill 9/7 Homework: Study for grammar quiz on 9/10, (That is Monday) Objective: The students will review parts of speech and sentence structure in order to improve sentence fluency. Drill: Take out your sentence notes and parts of speech flip book. Review for quiz. Use the word “because” or “since” to write a complex sentence.

9/6 answer Prepositional Phrase: Shows location and time. Begins with a preposition and ends with a noun. Appositive Phrase: Renames the noun. Set off by commas. Participial Phrase: Verb used as an adjective. Ends in –ing or –ed Infinitive Phrase: The word “to” plus a verb. Used as a noun, adjective, or adverb. Absolute Phrase: Modifies the rest of the sentence. Begins with a personal pronoun and is set off with commas.

Hallway Quiz Pick up a dry erase marker and eraser. Label the parts of speech for each word in the sentence.

Drill 9/10 Homework: Go Ravens! Game starts at 7:00pm Objective: Students will demonstrate knowledge of basic grammar concepts in order to improve their writing. Drill: Take out your parts of speech and sentence notes. Review for the quiz.

Drill 9/11 Homework: Figurative Language Crossword Puzzle Objective: The student will be able to analyze and evaluate how specific language choices contribute to meaning in order to interpret the text. Drill: Identify each of the following. Give an example if you can. MetaphorHyperbole SimileOnomatopoeia Personification Alliteration

Drill 9/12 Take out the crossword puzzle Homework: Hunter/Hunted Paragraph Due Friday 9/14 Objective: Students will develop prior knowledge of the author and text in order to be prepared to read. Drill: View the painting “The Hungry Lion” by Henry Rousseau. Describe the emotions of the hunter and of the hunted. Complete sentences

Drill 9/13 Homework: Hunter Hunted Paragraph Objective: Students will annotate story “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell in order to understand theme. Drill: Identify the figurative language and explain what it is trying to tell the reader. ◦ “The door opened then--opened as suddenly as if it were on a spring--and Rainsford stood blinking in the river of glaring gold light that poured out” (Connell).

Drill 9/14 Take out the Hunter/Hunted paragraph. Homework: Review for figurative language quiz on Wednesday 9/19. Objective: Students will annotate story “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell in order to understand theme. Drill: What is theme?

Drill 9/18 Take out the signed and corrected grammar quiz. Homework: Review for figurative language quiz on Wednesday 9/19. Objective: Students will annotate the story “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell in order to understand theme. Drill: With your team define all the terms on the hand-out. Write one example for each.

A picture A boat A ship A Yacht

Drill 9/19 Homework: Sentence Combining Objective: Students will interpret figures of speech in context in order to understand the author’s message. Drill: Put your name, date, period, Figurative Language Quiz on the scantron. Review your notes with your team in order to study for the quiz.

Drill 9/20 Take out sentence combining homework Homework: Review MDG Vocabulary Objective: Students will cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. Drill: 1. Discuss the elements of plot with your table. 2.Cut out the names and definitions of plot. 3.Glue the names and definitions on the yellow plot chart in the correct order. 4.You may write out the information if you do not want to cut and glue.

Drill 9/21 Homework: Finish the writing assignment if not done in class. Objective: Students will demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking in order to communicate effectively. Drill: Write down the homework. Get a computer. Log on. Open a word document.

Drill 9/24 Homework: MDG Test on 9/28 Bring in a white T-shirt Objective: Students will cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. Drill: ◦ 1. Pick at least two character traits for General Zaroff. ◦ 2. Cite evidence from the text to support your answer. 3.Record your answer on the character traits chart.

Drill 9/25 Homework: MDG Test on 10/2 Bring in a white T-shirt Objective: Students will determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text. Drill: With your team complete the “Most Dangerous Game” plot chart for rising action.

Drill 9/27 Homework: MDG Test on 10/2 Bring in a white T-shirt Complete dynamic/static writing assignment Objective :Students will review characterization and plot in order to analyze how theme develops during a story. Drill: Read the card you were given when you walked into the room. Decide in what part of the plot your card belongs. Not all cards are part of the plot.

Drill 9/28 Homework: Bring in a white T-shirt MDG test 10/2 Begin completing the review sheet Objective: Students will demonstrate knowledge of characterization, theme, plot, and vocabulary of the “Most Dangerous Game.” Drill: With your team decide in one or two words what “The Most Dangerous Game” is about.

Point of View

First Person: The speaker is I. Told from the point of view of one person in the story. Second Person: The speaker is you. Third Person: The speaker or narrator tells the point of view of one character. Third Person Omniscient: Speaker knows what all characters are thinking and feeling. What is the point of view of “The Most Dangerous Game”--Support your answer with information from the text.

Drill 10/1 Homework: MDG Test 10/2 White T-shirt Objective: Students will review figurative language, elements of plot, theme, irony, and foreshadowing in order to prepare for the MDG unit test. Drill: Take out your review sheet, character traits chart, and plot chart. Work with your table/ team to finish the review sheet.

Drill 10/2 Homework: Compound subject/predicate handout: Odds only on both sides. Objective: Students will demonstrate knowledge of plot, characterization and vocabulary. Drill: With your team discuss the climax of “The Most Dangerous Game.” Be prepared to explain your answer.

Drill 10/3 Homework: Bring in any supplies you want for your T-Shirt (sharpies, puffy paint, fabric crayons) Complete one side of the T-Shirt draft Objective: Students will cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text in order to develop a character T-shirt. Drill: Take out your homework and check it with your table.

Drill 10/4 Homework: Bring in a novel to read during MAP Testing. Objective: Students will cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text in order to develop a character T-shirt. Drill: Take out your T-Shirt packet and begin working where you left off yesterday.

Drill 10/5 MAP Testing

Drill 10/8 MAP testing

Drill 10/9 Homework: Completed T-Shirts due on Thursday, October 11, Objective: Students will cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text in order to develop character sketches. (T- shirts) Drill: Identify the underlinded phrase. It is a very great pleasure and honor to welcome Mr. Sanger Rainsford, the celebrated hunter, to my home.

Drill 10/9 Notes Appositive phrase: renames the noun, set off by commas, usually starts with an article (the, a, an) Add an appositive phrase to the following sentence. The Terrapins,, play in College Park.

Drill 10/10 Homework: Completed T-Shirts due on Thursday, October 11, Objective: Students will cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text in order to develop character sketches. (T- shirts) Drill: Identify the underlinded phrase. ◦ Toby, a pit-bull, lives with Mrs. Demos.

Drill 10/11 Homework: Complete at least one paragraph of your paper. Due tomorrow. Objective: Students will write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using relevant descriptive details in order to explore imagery. Drill: Write the following sentences down and add punctuation as needed. ◦ The student a boy works hard ◦ The boy reads the book the big one ◦ Charles a kindergartner loves to color with the red crayon

Drill 10/12 Homework: Complete your draft. Due Tuesday 10/16 Objective: Students will write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using relevant descriptive details in order to explore imagery. Drill: Add an appositive phrase to each sentence. Write the new sentence. ◦ The dog barks at us. ◦ Tony plays the flute. ◦ Julie loves to sing.