Robert L. Tureman
Getting Help with a Presentation A presentation can be a difficult task A well organized talk is a great experience for the audience and the speaker PowerPoint helps create a presentation to be proud of
PowerPoint, The Tool for Today The Tool for Outlining The Tool for Designing The Tool for Producing The Tool for Presenting
PowerPoint, The Tool for Outlining The presentation is based on an outline The outline should: Get the audience's attention Keep their attention Be brief Be organized
Building the Outline Use the Outline Tab to enter ideas and text Use COPY and PASTE to get ideas in order Follow the form INTRODUCTION, BODY, CONCLUSION Use instant review and revision As text is entered, the slide show is revised. It can be previewed at any point and is a complete presentation.
Building the Outline (Continued) Content templates have been developed by experts in that type of content area Content templates are available in the basic package and online and give the designer a starting document to edit, including screen formats and transitions These give the designer the pattern of a well designed talk The design can be transformed to contain your content and keep the structure of the expert
PowerPoint, The Tool for Designing PowerPoint includes templates for both format design and content design Slide designs, design templates and color schemes have been developed by professionals, so you can use them with confidence Designs are streamlined by allow designs to be applied to the entire presentation Images and animation can be easily incorporated Other types of objects can also be used in the presentation URL’s can be accessed during the presentation Slide transitions and music or sound can add to the presentation
PowerPoint, The Tool for Producing The slideshow can be saved for Web or Live presentations It can be saved on media, the web or in print form to allow the designer to have a sure way to have the presentation to use while talking PowerPoint files can be saved to a variety of formats for inclusion in other programs or tools
PowerPoint, The Tool for Presenting The program automates the process of having handouts for listeners The on screen presentation can help the speaker remember content and proceed through the talk
Conclusion The most important element of any talk is the content PowerPoint has a number of wonderful features but it is possible to get carried away using them Work on using the basic outline with the selection of a theme and inclusion of graphics/pictures to minimize the program overhead and maximize the focus on content As you design and de\use more presentations, proper design will become more obvious