The Accessible Technology Initiative (ATI) Presents “Meet The Experts” Featuring EnACT! How CSU Universal Design Supports Accessibility April 22, Please use a headset or your computer speaker. Put microphones on MUTE. 2.The CC in the Menu Bar opens Closed Captioning. Captions are provided by Rapid Text. 3.Chat will be used for questions to the presenters. 4.This presentation is being recorded and placed on the Professional Development WebsiteProfessional Development Website 5.Produced by: Jean Wells,
Speakers Emiliano Ayala EnACT~PTD Principal-Investigator Chair & Associate Professor of Special Education Brett Christie EnACT~PTD Project Coordinator Director, Center for Teaching &Prof Development Scott Severson EnACT~PTD Research Associate &FLC Facilitator Assistant Professor, Physics & Astronomy Suzanne Rivoire EnACT UDL Faculty Assistant Professor, Computer Science Brian Wilson EnACT~PTD UDL Faculty Associate Professor, Music
Overview of EnACT~PTD Goal 1: Partnerships to Ensure Access to a Quality Postsecondary Education Research and implementation partnerships CSU Faculty Development Council UDL training, Faculty Learning Communities Goal 2: Technology to Ensure Access to a Quality Postsecondary Education Accessible Instructional Media (AIM) Goal 3: Dissemination of EnACT ~ PTD Content and Processes To date, UDL training at 15 CSU campuses Online video case stories and other AIM and
UDL Principles for Effective Instruction Faculty can offer various ways to REPRESENT (show) essential course concepts in support of recognition learning networks Faculty can offer various ways to encourage student ENGAGEMENT (participate) in support of affective learning networks Faculty can offer students various formats for EXPRESSION (demonstration) of what they have learned through strategic learning networks
EnACT: Faculty Success ImpactData EnACT implemented on 8 different CSU campuses 100% of EnACT Faculty made UDL changes to their courses as a result of their participation 326 CSU faculty attended UDL training 87 project faculty 46 disciplines EnACT Faculty overwhelmingly reported training was important to the teaching/learning process 97% cited UDL as valuable 100% highlighted benefits of FLC 72% of EnACT faculty would “not have made substantive changes” 62/87 faculty
EnACT: Student Success MeasureSwD (n=107) SwoD (n=3,311) Average GPA3.16 Baseline: Baseline: 3.00 Course Completion91% Baseline: 88% 93% Baseline: 92% Withdraw Rate11.2%8.7% Importance of UDL Principles 92%93%
Accessible Instructional Media Direct relation to ATI, Priority 2 Originally a wide range of resource-types Now more focused online video case stories Introduction Faculty development process Course redesign Effect on teaching effectiveness Effect on student learning Resources
Faculty Learning Community Participants have had Intro to UDL training Group is Interdisciplinary FLC meetings facilitated using Guided Protocol Each FLC meeting features 1-2 faculty presentations with peer feedback Each presenter leaves with a plan for next steps Some faculty author AIM case stories
FLC Member Case Story - Suzanne Suzanne Rivoire, Assistant Professor Computer Science “Multiple Means of Engagement in Introductory Computer Programming” Overview of changes made Impact on my teaching Impact on student learning Case Story in final production stages. To be posted June 2010
FLC Member Case Story - Brian Brian Wilson, Associate Professor, Dept Chair Music Theory, Analysis, & Composition “Teaching Music Theory with Color and Movement” Overview of changes made Impact on my teaching Impact on student learning Case Story completed in March 2010
Discussion We would be happy to hear your comments or answer any questions you may have regarding our UDL efforts!
The ATI Would Like to Thank Our Experts EnACT and Sonoma State Emiliano Ayala Brett Christie Scott Severson Suzanne Rivoire Brian Wilson A recording of this session will be posted at the Professional Development Website for Accessibility Produced by: Jean Wells, All Rights Reserved, 2010 ©