AP Drawing Daily Plans 2014 OCT Ms. Livoti
Monday Aim: How can you mix color for the shadows in your Trapped Painting? Do Now: Explain why it is important to mix your own neutral colors. HW/ Due Dates: 1.Trapped Breadth due Monday 10/ completed sketchbook pages due 10/31 (sketchbook to be collected) 3.Last call for artwork resubmissions due by 10/31. 4.MET field trip forms due ASAP. 5.Submit your newspaper still life for showcase! 6.SIGN UP FOR PARENT CONFERENCES-MANDATORY!!!
Tues Aim: How can you work in an open painting studio? Do Now: Define the term “habit” in your own words. Do you identify a habit as having a positive or negative connotation? HW/ Due Dates: 1.Trapped Breadth due Monday 10/ completed sketchbook pages due 10/31 (sketchbook to be collected) 3.Last call for artwork resubmissions due by 10/31. 4.MET field trip forms due ASAP. 5.Submit your newspaper still life for showcase! TODAY: Open studio until 7pm!!!!!
Below motivational speaker and business coach, John Di Lemme explains a HABIT: I am your constant companion. I am your greatest helper or your heaviest burden. I will push you onward or drag you down to failure. I am completely at your command. Half the things you do, you might just as well turn over to me, and I will be able to do them quickly and correctly. I am easily managed; you must merely be firm with me. Show me exactly how you want something done, and after a few lessons I will do it automatically. I am the servant of all great men. And, alas, of all failures as well. Those who are great, I have made great. Those who are failures, I have made failures. I am not a machine, though I work with all the precision of a machine. Plus, the intelligence of a man. You may run me for profit, or run me for ruin; it makes no difference to me. Take me, train me, be firm with me and I will put the world at your feet. Be easy with me, and I will destroy you. Who am I? I am a HABIT!
Working artists rely on managing their studio time! Focus on top priorities (get that one huge overwhelming thing done first!) Eliminate the unimportant- if it isn’t helping you reach your goals, is it really worth your time right now? Be proactive Plan weekly goals (write a ‘to do’ list and get the big picture) Plan daily goals (outline the day) Begin with the end in mind And… Train yourself to be regular and workmanlike Slow down & focus Don’t take on too much work at once Don’t be lazy Balance work, rest and exercise into your day Cut down on trivia, busywork, time-wasters, TV, escape activities- AKA the stuff you do to AVOID the stuff you should be tackling! (including too much Twitter or Facebook!) Leave your studio organized and ready for the next day!- be ready to come back in and WORK! Read more: your-work-habits/#ixzz3GccHcK1S
Wed Aim: How can you work in an open painting studio? Do Now: HW/ Due Dates: 1.Trapped Breadth due Monday 10/ completed sketchbook pages due 10/31 (sketchbook to be collected) 3.Last call for artwork resubmissions due by 10/31. Analyze the painting by Caravaggio
Caravaggio: The Calling of St. Matthew,
Thurs Aim: How can you work in an open painting studio? Do Now: Throwback Thursday- Rembrandt Van Rijn, born 1606, his self portrait at appox. Age 22 HW/ Due Dates: 1.Trapped Breadth due Monday 10/ completed sketchbook pages due 10/31 (sketchbook to be collected) 3.Last call for artwork resubmissions due by 10/31.
Self-portrait, Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn, c Even as an inexperienced young artist, Rembrandt did not shy away from experimenting. Here the light glances along his right cheek, while the rest of his face is veiled in shadow. It takes a while to realize that the artist is gazing intently out at us. Using the butt end of his brush, Rembrandt made scratches in the still wet paint to accentuate the curls of his tousled hair.
Friday Aim: How can you create detail using acrylic paint? Do Now: explain why an artist might choose to paint at an extremely small scale; view project by Lorraine Loots. HW/ Due Dates: 1.Trapped Breadth due Monday 10/27- Mix color/bring home paint palette if needed day-miniature-painting-project-by-lorraine-loots/
Postcards for Ants: 365 day painting project by Lorraine Loots