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A Selective History of Physiological Psychology
You look at where you’re going and where you are and it never makes sense, but then you look back at where you’ve been and a pattern seems to emerge. R.M. Pirsig (1974) Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
4000-year-old trephinated skull trephines
Ancient Philosophers
Hippocrates ca. 460 B.C.-ca 370 B.C.
Aristotle 384 B.C. – 322 B.C.
Claude Galen 120-ca.216 A.D.
The Renaissance
Anatomy and Physiology
Leonardo da Vinci
a. drawing of brain; line intersections are center of sensory perception b. drawing of skull c. drawing of brain in skull, showing ventricles d. drawing of ventricles, based on wax mold made from ox brain
Andreas Vesalius
De Humani Corporis Fabrica
William Harvey
René Descartes
Albrecht von Haller
Localization of Function
Charles Bell François Magendie
Johannes Peter Müller
Franz Joseph Gall
Paul Broca
Jean Pierre Flourens
Karl Lashley
Electrical Bases of Neural Activity
Luigi Galvani
Critical Experiment 1791
Alessandro Volta Critical Experiment 1800
Emil du Bois-Reymond
Hermann L.F. von Helmholtz
Sir Charles Sherrington
Histology of the Nervous System
Marie Bichat
Camillo Golgi
Santiago Ramon y Cajal
Chemical Bases of Nervous Function
Claude Bernard
Sir Henry Dale
vagus nerve Ringer’s solution frog’s heart Dale’s Experiment 1. Stimulate the vagus nerve and the heart slows down 2. Add acetylcholine to the Ringer’s solution and the heart slows down
Otto Loewi
vagus nerve Ringer’s solution frog’s heart Loewe’s Experiment 1. Stimulate the vagus nerve and the heart in beaker A slows down THEN 2. Transfer Ringer’s solution from A to B and heart in B slows down A B transfer Ringer’s
Synaptic Plasticity
Donald Hebb
Hebb’s Postulate of Learning D.O. Hebb (1949) Organization of Behavior. N.Y.: Wiley & Sons, p. 62.