E-poster Sample, Multiple Slides Formatting and layout suggestions for best viewing of E-posters on the ASA’s E-poster monitors Conference Name of 8
General Poster Tips 2/22/2011 Be clear and concise with design and content. Less is more. Don’t overcrowd the slide. Use bullet points. Imbed graphics and videos. Use only high-quality graphics Conference Name of 8
E-poster Tips – Things to Do For best viewing: The ASA uses 42” LCD displays in the Landscape position. Set the slide size or page setup to “On-screen show (16:9)”. Avoid using fonts smaller than 14 points. Remember contrast. Put dark fonts on light backgrounds and light fonts on dark backgrounds. Anything else is hard to read, especially on a large screen. Conference Name of 8
E-poster Tips – More Things to Do Use the slideshow mode to change the display automatically during the day, then switch to the manual mode when you are presenting. Avoid using too many slides. Past presenters have found that 10 slides are a good amount, neither too many nor too few. Use a slide number footer to let the viewers who arrive mid-cycle of the slideshow know where they are in the presentation and how long they’ll wait until it begins again. Conference Name of 8
E-Poster Tips – Things NOT to Do 2/22/2011 Avoid using hyperlinks. Internet access will not be available during your presentation. Sound is not permitted due to the open area in which posters will be presented. Conference Name of 8
Tips on Formulae and Equations 2/22/2011 Make sure equations are large enough to be read from a distance. The examples below use 14 point font. Leave some empty space between equations for easier reading. Conference Name of 8
Credit Where Credit is Due It’s useful to list your organization as a static graphic on every slide. Also, be sure to list author contact information at the beginning or end. Author’s Name Title Company Street Address City, State, Zip Country Phone Fax Email Co-author’s Name Title Company Street Address City, State, Zip Country Phone Fax Email Conference Name of 8
Other Resources 2/22/2011 These sites may provide other useful templates and tips on preparing your E-poster presentation. Be sure to adjust templates to the settings listed on Slide 3 for best viewing on the ASA’s E-poster monitors. http://www.docstoc.com/docs/34073838/E-Poster-Template http://viget.com/flourish/14-tips-for-better-presentation-slides http://gradschool.unc.edu/student/postertips.html#powerpoint Conference Name of 8