Recommendations of the Technical Session Presented by P. K. Basu Secretary (Agriculture & Cooperation) Ministry of Agriculture Government of India
An integrated approach is necessary to address the technological, infrastructural and policy constraints for bridging the productivity gaps in different crops
Potential of Eastern Region The region is endowed with climatic conditions particularly congenial temperature regime suitable for year round cropping Vast unexploited agricultural potential increasing cropping intensity Increasing crop productivity The region witnesses high annual rainfall and is rich in utilizable surface and ground-water resources
Ground Water Availability and Utilization
ELECTRICITY CONSUMPTION IN KEY STATES ( ) Consumption for agricultural purpose (%) 14
The productivity levels of rice and rice-based cropping systems are about the lowest in the region when compared with that in other states
Strategies Lower Gangetic Plains Region (WB other than Purulia and hill districts) Submergence tolerant varieties of Rice need to be promoted Scope for utilizing kharif rice fallows for cultivation of rabi pulses and oilseeds Reduce upland rice areas with more suitable crops like pulses and oilseeds Development of on-farm irrigation resources especially efficient use of ground water(except Arsenic Prone areas) Middle Gangetic Plains Region (Eastern U.P. and Bihar) Increasing the fertilizer use Use Leaf colour charts for Nitrogen and promote PSB Taking care of widespread deficiency of zinc and boron. Promotion of short to medium duration high yielding varieties and hybrids of rice and maize Promotion of maize cultivation especially in Rabi Promotion of early maturing varieties of sugarcane Development of on-farm irrigation resources especially efficient use of ground water Flood/ water logging, poor drainage, Salinity/alkalinity, Arsenic contamination
Strategies Eastern Plateau & Hills Region (Parts of Orissa, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh) Promote rainwater harvesting and storage for increasing crop productivity Promotion of medium duration High yielding varieties/hybrids of rice Improvement in seed supply so as to increase the SRR Improvement in productivity of crops in acidic soils through soil treatment with liming materials available in the region East Coast Plains & Hills (Part of Orissa) High yielding varieties for water logged areas and upland areas needs to be propagated Discouraging the cultivation of rice in marginal lands and diversifying in favour of oilseeds and pulses Utilization of rice fallows for increasing the crop area under pulses and oilseeds Rice-fish culture Improving soil drainage Moisture stress, drought and Soil acidity, Iron toxicity Salinity, Water management, Poor nutritional status of soil, saline lands
Action Plan (Short/Medium-term) A.Rainfed upland Rice Rice-based intercropping (Rice + Pigeon pea, 4:1) - S Field bunding / graded bunding / contour bunding - S HYV of days duration - S Aerobic rice (Water efficient) – S Percolation tanks/check dams/diversion weir – M B.Rainfed lowland rice Suitable dyke height of the field - S Comprehensive drainage system - M HYV of days/ days duration - S Rice-fish farming system – S INM and IPM - S
Action Plan (Short/Medium term) C.Deep Water Rice Possible conversion to irrigated rice or other systems where suitable crops could be grown M Improved waterlogging tolerant varieties - S Pond-based farming - M D.Irrigated rice SRI (Water saving : 20-25%) – S Renovation of drainage system - M Efficient use of ground water (dug-wells, shallow tube- wells) – M Covering more area under Boro Rice - S
Action Plan (Short/Medium-term) E.Wheat Zero tillage for timely sowing - S Renovation of field channels - S Renovation of drainage system - M Efficient use of ground water - M F.Maize Supply of single cross hybrids and QPM - S Ridge and furrow system – S Renovation of field channels and drainage system – S/M Efficient use of ground water - M
Action Plan (Short/Medium-term) G.Pulses and Oilseeds Utilizing Rice Fallows through relay cropping - S Intercropping: (sugarcane, cotton, sorghum, maize with groundnut) - S Certified seeds and application of bio-fertilizers – S Pest Monitoring and Surveillance – S Need for development of pod borer resistant varieties Earthing with ridger-type implements for kharif pulses- S
Strategic Research Screening of new pests and diseases and their effective management in the wake of climatic changes Water and Nitrogen use efficient crops Weed Management and strategic crop development Season independent designer crops Improvement of hybrids, nutrition and value added crops
ORISSA ORISSA Planned InterventionAmount SRI demonstration Hybrid demonstrations 5.96 (Kharif) 3.14* (Rabi) 9.15* Pulse seed village programme (On (A3P) model10.50* Hybrid sunflower demonstration (1000 nos.; 1 ha each)4.02 Treatment of highly acidic soils through application of PMS 2.34 (+5.00 crore under NFSM) E-pest surveillance kharif rabi Demonstration on use of herbicides * 0.50* Hybrid maize demonstration (30,000 ha) Bund plantation Bio ferrtilizer application, vermicompost/ vermihatcheries2.66 Subsidized sale of farm Equipments and machinery20.00* Exposure visits/training of farmers/extension staff.2.13
Chhattisgarh Component Amt Construction of runoff management structures (Checkdam) Construction of Minor Irrigation Tanks Demonstration of HYV Rice for 0.4 ha2.50 Demonstration of HYV (OP) / Hybrid Maize2.50 Demonstration of Technology with special emphasis on Tissue culture plant of Sugarcane 3.75 Distribution of seed minikits of pulse & oilseeds as the minor crop in intercropping / mixed cropping/ bund farming 2.70 Organic Vegetable Production Model in cluster2.70 Other Activities : Incentive to the farmer to promote the line sowing of Paddy crop (Hire charges of Tractors with Seed-cum-fertilizer drill) 0.15 Integrated Nutrition Management Balance fertilizer kits for Rice2.62 Agricultural Technology Support to the farmers recently allotted with permanent lease of forest arable land Administrative/Contingent expenses on monitoring etc.0.22 Total :67.14
Bihar ComponentActivitiesAmt in crores Rice (Kharif) Rice (Summer) Boro Rice Demonstration(Hybrid Rice with S.R.I. Technique, Hybrid Rice with P.P.C), Seed distribution of Hybrid and High yielding varieties, capacity building, Distribution of micro nutrients, weedicides and Plant Protection Chemicals, demonstration of Summer Rice and Boro Rice, Distribution of seed of Summer Rice and Boro Rice Wheat Demonstration (With S.W.I. Technique) Distribution of HYV seed, Micro Nutrients & Pump sets for irrigation and contingency Maize Demonstration, seed distribution, capacity building (farmers/officers), Distribution of Irrigation Pipes, Plant Protection chemicals & equipments, Distribution of Micro Nutrients and weedicides, Contingency Intercropping of Maize+Arhar Demonstration, Seed Distribution of Maize & Arhar, Distribution of Rhizobium Culture, Plant Protection equipments, Plant protection chemicals/Bio-pesticides Pulse Production Demonstration, Distribution of Seed Sprinkeler Sets, Rhizobium culture, Plant Protection implements and Plant Protection Chemicals Intercropping of sugarcane seed distribution of Lentil, Green gram, Rajmah, Black gram, coriander and Potato Reclamation of acidic and sodic soil Reclamation of acidic & sodic soil in different districts of Bihar Total Amount63.94
Jharkhand ActivityAmount Construction of Irrigation and Rain Water Harvesting structures 6.17 Intensive cultivation of rice in 17 non-Nfsm districts as under Nfsm rice Intensive Cultivation of Pulses in remaining 9 non-Nfsm Pulses districts- slow replacement of upland rice with pulses 3.45 Maize & Wheat Development Programme- MMA pattern of assistance for maize and wheat for reducing yield gaps Soil amendments – basic slag,2.40 Bridging Knowledge Gaps / Training0.70 Total29.60
Uttar Pradesh ComponentActivities Amt in crores Rice Demonstration, seed distribution, agricultural implements, Capacity building, Gypsum distribution for reclamation of scattered patches of sodic land, micro nutrient application and contingency Wheat Demonstration, sprinkler sets, seed distribution, bio fertilizer, agricultural implements, Capacity building, incentive for line sowing, green manuring with Dhaincha, incentive for Dhaincha seed production and contingency Rabi Maize Demonstration, bio fertilizer, seed distribution, Capacity building, contingency. 5.1 Sugarcane Intercropping with Urd and Lentill, Distribution of Ridge maker. Planter, Capacity building, contingency Creation of irrigation potential Shallow boring for 3500 tube wells along with dedicated pump set on these boring Total57.26
West Bengal InterventionAmt in crores Production & Distribution of seeds (Hybrid & HYV)25.00 Creation of Minor Irrigation Facilities25.00 Conservation of land & Water Resources23.20 Farm Mechanization & Technology Dissemination20.00 Addressing problematic soils across the State10.00 Total
Key Interventions Developing additional water sources through tube wells, dug wells and farm ponds Promotion of Hybrid Rice Promotion of Flood, Drought, Cold and Salinity tolerant rice varieties Use of Drum seeders for timely planting of direct seeded rice Promotion of SRI Site specific nutrient management Liming treatment in acidic soils Pest monitoring and Surveillance Bringing additional area under Summer/Boro Rice Pulses and oilseeds crops through relay cropping in rice fallows Promoting pigeon pea as intercrop
Approach Campaign mode of implementation creating clusters of successfully adopted villages Convergence of schemes ◦ Mechanism for synchronized actions ◦ Maximizing benefits of different schemes Private Sector participation ◦ for management of irrigation assets ◦ supply chain for different crops Use of ICT to deliver crop advisories through Kiosks, Telephones and SMS Dedicated Administrative Structure ◦ Result oriented approach ◦ Stability of tenure ◦ Assigning officers of proven merit ◦ Regular monitoring and concurrent evaluation ◦ Rewards scheme
Sum up Immense potential exists in the region for enhancing farm output through development and judicious use of available natural resources. Region specific strategy has been developed involving ◦ in-situ and on-farm conservation of rain-water, ◦ comprehensive drainage system for water –logged soils, ◦ restoration of soil fertility, ◦ promoting use of efficient farm implements and input – responsive varieties/hybrids and creating infrastructure that facilitates input supply and technology dissemination Approaches for implementation have been suggested to create impact Efforts will have to be sustained over a period of time to show desired results
THANK YOU Adopting Regionally differentiated strategy addressing the key constraints with appropriate technology and Innovative development approaches is the key for effective implementation