Semester 1 Review
Directional Anatomy Lateral / Medial Superior / Inferior Dorsal / Ventral Shallow / Deep Pronation / Supination Distal / Proximal Sagital / Coronal / Transverse
Misc Terms Acidosis / Alkalosis Organic / Inorganic Parts of atom Atomic Number / Mass Axial / Appendicular Sebum / Mucous / Cerumen / Apocrine
Cells Parts - functions Ribosomes Membrane Nucleus Smooth ER Rough ER Lysozomes Mitochondria Golgi Complex Peroxizome
Systems Skeletal Muscular Cardiovascular Respiratory Integumentary Nervous Urinary Digestive Reproductive Immune
Synapses Neuron to neuron Neuron to muscle fiber What happens Axons Dendrites Cell Body Saltatory / Continuous conduction
Brain Lobes Regions Functions Gray matter White matter Parts of the brain Cerebrum / Cerebellum / Brain stem Meninges
Nerves Cranial – Name, Number, Functions Spinal – Name, Number, Functions Conduction Types of nerves Etc. Tracts – ascending and descending Pre / Post ganglionic fibers
CNS PNS ANS Sympathetic Nervous system Parasympathetic Nervous System Fight or flight
Senses Olfaction Gustation Audition Vision Equlibrium
Receptors Nociocepters Mechanoceptors Chemoreceptors Free Nerve endings Proprioceptors Thermoreceptors Pacinian Corpuscles
Eye – parts / fluids / functions / nerves –What real colors do you see? Ear - parts / fluids / functions / nerves Tongue - parts / fluids / functions / nerves Nose - parts / fluids / functions / nerves
CSF Made by ? Function ? How much ? Made how often ?
Brain Sulci Fissures Gyri Corpus callosum Misc Parts