Case Study Unfolding The Fruits Of Success IWDP-IV watershed Nowrangpur, Orissa G B Reddy, IFS Director cum Special Secretary, Orissa Watershed Development Mission
Institutional Delivery Separate PD (Watersheds) office with technical team Full time PIAs with watersheds Two technical teams with PIA ( fulltime WDT and LST) Process guidelines CLWs at watershed level Cluster Level CLRCs for Capacity building
Well Being Ranking (WBR) ……..
HH well being ranking ……..
Participatory Planning ……… Participatory Planning ……… Social Map preparation
Social Map …….. Display of Social Map
Project Profile Dandasara MWS under IWDP-IV Village- Dandasara, block-Umerkote, Dist-Nowrangpur Total Households:165 Year of start: Treatable Area: 500 ha Included under Jeebika: 2008(livelihoods component and tech support under State Plan) Livelihoods 3500/- per ha MLP for Livelihoods conducted HHs categorized into VP/Poor/Manageable and well off
Banamali Sahoo A distress migrant from village- Dandasara, Falls under poor category 48 years old A family of eight members 2.5 acres of dry land under rainfed paddy Production was insufficient to feed a large family Acute poverty
Project intervention Facilitated Participatory Planning –Focus on very poor and poor (through WBR) Problem identification –Large family –Low Social Capital –Indebtedness –Poor Crop Planning –Resources Constraints –Traditional practices
Key interventions Excavated a small pond of 7 feet deep and 60x60sq.feet size with project assistance of Rs.10,000/- during 2008 Took Rs.5,000/-RF (through His wife from SHG) RF used for cultivating French bean, tissue culture banana and arhar on the bunds ( nutritional security) Released 1000 fingerlings in the pond Technical inputs provided by the Project Received an income of Rs. 7000/- from Pisciculture during 2009 This income motivated him to deepen the pond up to 12 ft to store more water for productive use.
Farm Pond of Sri Sahoo
Changes in Cropping Now, he has a diversified Cropping system Kharif: Paddy/maize (appropriate land use) Rabi: 1.60 acre of his land has been covered under various crops Mustard acre Tomato acre Ground nut acre Brinjal acre Thereby crop intensity increased by 64%
Smt. & Sri Banamali Sahoo are engaged in harvesting of kharif maize
Mustard cultivation undertaken by Sri Sahoo after harvesting of monsoon maize
Tomato Cultivation undertaken by Sri Sahoo
Income Current earning from farm : Rs. 27,000/- per year Increased income motivated him to go for petty business managed by his wife
Banamali ’ s wife in her Grocery Shop per day sale ranges from Rs
Outcomes/Impact Regular Income Nutritional Security to family Improved health condition reduced expenditure on health Increased saving habit Better quality of life Stopped migrating Diversified livelihoods through petty business/pisciculture/diversified farming