T HE A CHIEVER National Delta Tau Alpha March/April 2013
~W E KEEP MOVING FORWARD, OPENING NEW DOORS, AND DOING NEW THINGS, BECAUSE WE ' RE CURIOUS AND CURIOSITY KEEPS LEADING US DOWN NEW PATHS.~W E KEEP MOVING FORWARD, OPENING NEW DOORS, AND DOING NEW THINGS, BECAUSE WE ' RE CURIOUS AND CURIOSITY KEEPS LEADING US DOWN NEW PATHS.~ W ALT D ISNEY W ALT D ISNEY I hope everyone had a wonderful semester and I hope everyone rocked finals! Summer Break and the beautiful hot weather is finally here! I hope everyone is looking forward to a wonderful fun-filled summer! Chapters just wrapped up final meetings and elections of new officers. Congratulations to the new officer teams and initiates. After summer break, chapters should begin planning and executing service opportunities for the semester and fundraising ideas. I want to briefly introduce myself. I am Katie Dickson serving as your National President from Tennessee Technological University. I am an upcoming senior Veterinarian Science major and also serving at Tennessee Technological Universities DTA President. I want everyone to get excited about DTA Convention 2014 in Tennessee!! We are looking forward to seeing y’all in Tennessee!!
A CROSS THE N ATION University of Central Missouri We held the DTA Bake Sale Fundraiser to raise money for more DTA activities We had a Potluck at this meeting We elected the Officer team Fort Hayes State University Quiz Bowl was held February 26 National Convention was 7-9 March in Louisiana. April 23, 2013: Trash pick-up Freshmen calling was rescheduled for March
A CROSS THE N ATION Northwest Missouri State University Promoted Agriculture Awareness Day and educated the campus on Agriculture Campus wide speaker on Agriculture “Growing farms, communities, and economies from the ground up.” College of the Ozarks Members were reminded about Ag Awards It was discussed for a chapter activity to go bowling on DTA Honor Cords are available Chapter completed spring highway pick-up before meeting. Enjoyed food and fellowship at the College hog farm meeting room.
N ATIONAL O FFICERS Katie Dickson Brittany Dargavell Michelle Daubendiek Justin Page Tucker Ellington Emily Quas
K EEP I N M IND … National Convention will be held in Tennessee at Tennessee Technological University Possible dates for convention will be at the beginning of April
K EEP IN M IND … DTA merchandise available: Label pins Graduation honor cords/stoles Graduation medallions Brief bags Fleece pullovers T-shirts Instructions for ordering can be found here: ise/index.html