Nervous System Supplies information about internal and external environment
Parts: Brain Spinal cord Nerve fiber Sensory receptors
1 st part of the system: Autonomic nervous system: Controls the automatic functions Respiratory system Digestive system Eyes Heart Blood vessels Glands
2 nd part of the system: Central Nervous System Controls Movement Communication Has 2 parts: 1.Spinal cord and brain 1.Peripheral nerves
Nerves: Bands of white tissue From central nervous system and ganglia and extend to all parts of the body
2 kinds of nerves: 1.Send impulses to the brain over sensory fibers - 2.Carry commands back from the brain over motor fibers
Sense Organs/Receptors: Nerve endings receiving stimuli from the outside
General sense organs: Respond to pain, touch, temperature
Special Sense Organs: Respond to smell, sight, taste, and hearing
Nerves follow the course of the arteries Exp: telephone wires – contain many separate lines in a bundle
3 main parts of the brain: 1.Brain stem 2.Cerebrum 3.Cerebellum
Brain Stem (primitive brain) Contains nerve centers that control heartbeat, respiration, temperature, etc…
Cerebrum (brain) Performs functions of memory, intelligence, and emotional response
Cerebellum: Controls muscular coordination, balance, equilibrium Smaller than cerebrum
Ganglia: Secondary nerve centers located along spinal cord Receive and dispatch nerve impulses that do not have to reach the brain Exp: heat, pain, excessive pressure, reflexes