Sensory Function- Can sense a change in the body; hearing, seeing, smelling, taste, touch (pressure, pain, cold etc) balance. Integrative Function- The ability to process the information it receives via sensory function (brain). Motor Function- The ability to initiate a response to the information it has received and processed. The overall function of the nervous system is to maintain homeostasis.
1.) Central Nervous System (CNS)- Contains the brain and spinal cord, Found along the vertebral midline of the body. ALL sensory impulses arrive at the CNS and ALL motor nerve impulses originate at the CNS.
2.) Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)- All the nerves that are outside the CNS. It conveys all sensory and motor impulses between the CNS and the rest of the body. Two types of nerves in this system; Cranial Nerves- Originate from the brain and extend to the head and neck. Spinal Nerves- Arise from the spinal cord to the body below the head.
A. Somatic Nervous System- Voluntary nervous system these are the nerves that make you aware of the world around you. B. Autonomic Nervous System-Involuntary control. I. Sympathetic Division-Active during times of stress (exercise, emotional stress) II.Parasympathetic Division- Active during normal body function (digestion, breathing).
Highly specialized to respond to change in the environment. Is capable of conducting impulses at high rates of speed. Two Types; Neurons & Neuroglia.