Building a Better Future for Cornwall & the Isles of Scilly Judith Hann (Employment and Skills Manager, Cornwall Council)
Ambition “By 2020, Cornwall and Isles of Scilly’s GDP per head will be above the 75% average for the European Union. By 2020 we will have exceeded the expected growth, in terms of GVA of the overall Cornwall and Isles of Scilly economy by an additional £338 million; per person employed this will be an additional £1,450 per annum.” Why?
Overall Strategy What?
Employment, Skills & Social Inclusion Issues Employment/ Unemployment –Headline not bad, still real pockets of long term (age, related to ill health/disability, offenders, youth issues) –Still sectoral dependencies in ‘stagnant sectors’ and low wage levels Living in Cornwall (Inclusion) –Higher costs, lower wages, high debt, health Skills –Improving picture but still ‘top and tail’ issues (and resulting GVA) Why?
The journey so far Employment & Skills Strategy (incl Evidence Base ) EU SIF Strategy Priorities ESB Working Groups 12 Outline Programmes Trello Conversation ESB Workshop Development of 17 procurements Local Implement- ation Plan ITI Board
That’s all very well…. But what does it actually mean? 6 key programme areas: –Employability –Young People First –Inclusion –Social Innovation –Access to Skills –Skills Market Development –Community Led Local Development 3 match funding organisations (Opt Ins) –Skills Funding Agency, Dept for Work and Pensions; Big Lottery
The Employability Programme (€30m ESF) Purpose: To support a flow of unemployed / inactive people (from Engagement; IAG; Delivery of soft skills and some vocational; signpost & referral into work; support in work for 6 months with continued support across that period for employers and employees) –Flexible Enabling Fund €6.25m (DWP) –Engagement & Activity for the Unemployed/Inactive €12.5m (DWP) –Works Hub (employer, individual and partner advice) €2.5m (DWP)
The Young People First Programme (€12.6m ESF) Purpose: To identify, engage and support Young People (under 25) who are NEET or at risk of NEET through experiential development and by managing the various transitions into employment or skills development –Young People First (Engagement, Support and Aspirations Programme) €3.75m (Big Lottery) –Skills Development for Young People €1.875m (SFA) –Enhancing the National Careers Service €2.25m (SFA) Priority Groups likely to include: Care leavers; Young People with LLDD; Young Carers; YP with Mental Health /Health Issues; YP on edge of crime; YP with multiple barriers
The Inclusion Programme (€48m ESF) Purpose: To target specific intervention work at priority groups, using evidential base and new approaches to engage, build trust and confidence, deliver soft and basic skills to enable them to progress into the Employability Programme –Pathways to Employment Programme for Priority Groups €18.75m (Big Lottery) –Upskilling the VCSE and increasing volunteering opportunities €2.5m (Big Lottery) Priority Groups likely to include: Long term unemployed; the ‘inactive’; Offenders; Adults with LLDD; ‘Troubled Families’
The Social Innovation Programme (€10m ESF) Purpose: To develop systemic solutions to our long standing challenges such as transport; debt; food poverty; ill- health & care; household & community energy. –Future Peninsula: Feasibility Studies (evidence based research) into key issues Solution testing and implementation Anticipated total value €6.25m (Big Lottery) Likely to start on the debt; food wealth; and health issues.
The Access to Skills Programme (€25.6m ESF) Purpose: Deliver comprehensive skills development to encourage progression through the workforce –Supported Pathways to Progressive Employment (includes enhanced IAG & learner support funding) €9.75m (SFA) –Family & Community Basic Skills €1.25m (SFA) –Higher Skills: Increasing Access to Higher Skills €1.875m Specialist Skills Development for the Future Economy €3.125m –Isles of Scilly Skills Programme €0.625m
The Skills Market Development Programme (€24m ESF) Purpose: To align the provision of education, skills and training to the needs of employers, sectors and the economy. Will include the development of new delivery models/approaches; supporting the delivery of mainstream qualifications (including Apprenticeships); developing new curriculum capacity etc. –Employer-Led Skills for the Economy (includes fund infrastructure, comms and delivery to sectors/collectives) €6.875 (SFA) –Employer Led-Skills – Innovation in Higher Level Skills €3.125m –Employer-Led Skills for Companies €3.75m
So what happens now? Operational Programme sign off Local Implementation Plan Finalising of the ‘Opt Ins’ agreements –Match funding and mechanisms Procurement process and docs designed –To be agreed by ITI Board Commissioning starts –(poss Mar – Jun 15?) Delivery starts –(poss very late 2015/early 2016?)
What can you do? Get involved through the Cornwall Voluntary Sector Forum activity –Programme Development Fund from Big Lottery –New website being established –Training and development available Start thinking about how you want to get involved –Making alliances / partnerships Build your evidence to show the difference that what you want to do will bring
Thank you Judith Hann (Employment and Skills Manager, Cornwall Council)