Winter Wellness 2014/15 Anthony Ball Public Health
Keeping Warm Without Worry Households trying to keep warm England – 2.3 million households %; Cornwall – 30,000 households %; Isles of Scilly – 194 households % Impacts on health and well being All ages Young, old, those of working age Preventable
Winter Wellness since 2011/12 4,500 households (or 10,000) people; 670 hospital admissions prevented; 900 households helped through Winter Wellness Emergency Fund; 200 households remain in work and progress towards work. “Warm without worrying”
Last Winter, we helped 1,600 by: 1600 sought advice – called Freephone 647 referred to other partners for assistance; 383 received energy advice (to use their heating systems better); 298 households assisted by Winter Wellness Emergency Fund; Wider health benefits included: NHS saved £44,821, 71 hospital admissions prevented (£1 Winter Wellness saved NHS £2); CCF supported £30,000 of Winter Wellness support (£1 CCF generated £3.98 of Winter Wellness); Cornwall Council Crisis and Care discretionary funds - helped 121 customers to receive Crisis and Care, Council Tax help and Discretionary Housing Payments improving income, reducing their money worries.
Keeping Warm Without Worry “I can now think because you freed up my money as it was all going on coal. I have completed my CV and am going to apply for jobs. I couldn’t face this when I was so cold. I lived in my fleece pyjamas”