ATLANTIC AREA O.P. 4TH CALL FOR PROPOSAL SEARCH FOR PARTNERS Elegible Area: Spain (Galicia; Principado de Asturias; Cantabria; País Vasco; Comunidad Foral de Navarra; Andalucía: the following regions: Cádiz; Huelva; Sevilla). France (Haute-Normandie; Basse-Normandie; Pays de la Loire; Bretagne; Poitou-Charentes; Aquitaine). Ireland (The entire country) Border, Midland and Western; Southern and Eastern. Portugal (The continental part of the territory) Norte; Algarve; Centro; Lisboa; Alentejo. United Kingdom: Cumbria; Cheshire; Greater Manchester; Lancashire; Merseyside; Gloucestershire, Wiltshire and North Somerset; Dorset and Somerset; Cornwall and Isles of Scilly; Devon; West Wales and The Valleys; East Wales; South Western Scotland; Highlands and Islands Northern Ireland. ERDF financing: up to 65% Promoter: Agencia de Gestión Agraria y Pesquera de Andalucía Region: Andalucia (Spain) Title: Atlantic network of aquaculture facilitators Priority: 1. Promote transnational entrepreneurial and innovation networks. Objective: 1.1. Develop knowledge transfers between companies and research centres.
Context European aquaculture is going through a period of regulatory adaptations, competition in the markets due to the entry of products from third countries, decrease of productions, etc.; a fact that has made it lose positions worldwide. However, it is in Europe where greater scientific knowledge is generated and, it is one of the business sectors to be strengthened in the Common Fisheries Policy. There are numerous centres of knowledge creation and management which are developing strands of work of great interest and numerous projects thus obtaining valuable information. But sometimes it has a lower transferability to the business sector than desired. In addition, a lack of coordination for the use of the information available can be appreciated. Public administrations focused on research and policy development must be coordinated in order to promote and boost business development. Those strategies carried out by the European Parliament for the development of European aquaculture have highlighted the fact that the success of the European aquaculture will depend on creating environments favourable to companies. Justify of the proposal The project proposed aims to respond to a real need: the need of figures that would facilitate, coordinate and be links for the efficient management and transfer of scientific knowledge to the business sector through the implementation of the outcomes of the research that have been financed with public funds.
Main and specific objectives Main Objective: to promote transnational entrepreneurial and innovation networks on aquaculture through the development of knowledge transfer between companies and research centres Specific objectives: - to analyse the basic and applied research in aquaculture developed in regional research centres - to create, at the regional level, the figure of a "facilitator" who will be the link between the research centres, universities and foundations, what means, the managers of the knowledge that will be subsequently transfered to the business sector - to promote and facilitate networking between regional 'facilitators' Expected results 1. Creation and establishment of a transnational network of facilitators of knowledge to companies. This network will depend on any public entity to ensure its continuity. 2. Improvement of governance in aquaculture concerning the transfer of public research to the private sector. 3. To inform the business sector about the existence of such a network. 4. Improvement of the access to the knowledge by companies. 5. Access to and exchange of information, contacts and management procedures between the regions.
Innovative aspects of the project The project aims at improving governance in the sector not only of the administrations in charge of aquaculture business management but also of the generating knowledge centres. In this way, the project is intended to promote and share the knowledge produced by organisations through a series of advisory and guidance services, and facilitate access to tools and resources appropriate for the business development of the aquaculture sector, which currently lacks such instruments. Expected partner search Type of Partner: administrations that manage this activity in a territory as well as research centres of the aquaculture and fisheries sector Geographical areas: partners located in any eligible region in Atlantic Area O.P. Other info Expected total budget: aprox. 750,000 euro Expected duration: 18 months
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Please, send this document via to: Francisco Zurita Manrubia Cc: Cc: Deadline: March, 4th, 2013