H EAD V OCABULARY Alert: awake and responds immediately and appropriately Confused: impaired memory, disorientation and confusion Lethargic: drowsy yet easily aroused, oriented to person, place and time Stuporous: asleep most of the time, difficult to arouse, responds inappropriately Semicomatose: no response to verbal stimuli, some response to painful stimuli Comatose: no response
Anterograde amnesia: length of time from injury until conscious memory returns Retrograde amnesia: loss of memory of events that occurred before the injury Immediate recall: can recite 4-5 words or numbers right after you say them Tinnitus: ringing in the ears Rhomberg’s Test: balance testing for intracranial damage
H EAD E VALUATION Scalp Mobility Highly vascular 5 layers
Skull (2-6 mm) 2 sections: cranium and face Cranium consists of large flat bones one frontal one occipital two sphenoid two parietal two temporal Landmarks External occipital protuberance (bump of knowledge) Mastoid process
Brain (3lbs) Brainstem: medulla (heart, lungs motor), pons and midbrain (reflexes) Cerebellum (small) Motor function, balance, posture Cerebrum (largest): voluntary movements sensory motor functions Consciousness depends on excitation of the cerebral cortex
Meninges: layers of tissue that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord Dura mater: dense, inelastic, outermost matter Arachnoid membrane: thin, delicate membrane. Attached to the spinal cord by small tissue strands Subarachnoid space: in between the arachnoid and the pia mater. Helps contain the spinal fluid Pia mater: innermost layer Cerebrospinal fluid: between arachnoid and pia mater (subarachnoid space) Suspends brain Cushions it from shock.
C RANIAL N ERVES olfactory : smell optic: vision oculomotor: eye movement, constriction of pupil trochlear: eye movement trigeminal: head and face sensation abducens: lateral eye movement facial: taste, facial movements acoustic: hearing and equilibrium glossopharyngeal : swallowing Vagus: speech Spinal accessory: movement of neck and shoulders Hypoglossal: movement of the tongue * On Old Olympus Towering Tops, A Finn And Greek Viewed Some Hops