Current & Future Microwave Constellation Jeff Hawkins, Kim Richardson, Tom Lee Organizations: 1Naval Research Laboratory, Monterey, CA 93943 Sponsors: Office of Naval Research (ONR) SPAWAR PEO C4I&Space/PMW-120 April 28, 2009 The current and future microwave satellite sensor constellation health is a major factor in global tropical cyclone monitoring capabilities. A suite of sensors is required to provide the temporal and spatial sampling needed to adequately resolve TC structural changes that can not be adequately viewed by standard geostationary visible/IR imagery. Although microwave imagers/sounders have poorer spatial resolution than vis/IR imagers, their ability to see through non-raining clouds enables satellite analysts to map rainband and eyewall structure that is key in accurately locating storm positions and understanding storm intensity (is the eyewall complete, how cold are the brightness temperatures, how wide is the eyewall, and is the storm undergoing eyewall replacement cycles?). These slides represent information obtained from many sources, including: Dr. Paul Chang, Dr. Ralph Ferraro, and Dr. Fuzhong Weng, NOAA, Dr. Arthur Hou, Dr. Bjorn Lambrigtsen, Dr. Joe Turk and Dr. Eric Smith, NASA Gene Poe and Steve Swadley, NRL Monterey Dr. Greg Tripoli, CIMSS WMO satellite publications Robbie Hood, NOAA 1 1 1 1
Apparent LLCC True LLCC Exposed LLCC Sheared Convection Multiple examples illustrating the benefits of passive microwave imagery to view through non-raining clouds and isolate eyewalls, rainbands and heavy convection which has strong scattering that lowers brightness temperatures due frozen hydrometeors. Hurricanes Fabian, Isabel and Juan all experienced times when vis/IR imagery were cloud covered and vital position or structural characteristics were not evident without the user of passive microwave data. NRL created a one stop tropical cyclone (TC) web resource with a focus on providing unique passive microwave products for active global TCs using near real-time SSM/I data. Success led to including TMI data and then AMSU-B in 2002 and AMSR-E in 2003. Operational TC users assisted in having this resource being hosted at FNMOC in order to provide users with a 24/7 site and enhanced reliability. Note the NRL R&D web page is very similar to the operational version, thus mitigating users learning a new GUI and navigation menu. Note the ability of passive microwave imagery to penetrate upper-level clouds and highlight inner-core structure, eyewalls configuration and exposed low-level circulations. These capabilities provide satellite analysts with much needed info to supplement cloud obscured visible and infrared imagery. Acknowledgments: NRL TC web team: Jeff Hawkins, Kim Richardson, Tom Lee, Mindy Surratt, Buck Sampson, John Kent (SAIC), Joe Turk (JPL), and Steve Miller (CIRA/CSU) Special note to the Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center (FNMOC) co-located in Monterey with NRL, for providing the bulk of the microwave imager digital data sets in near real-time. FNMOC – Jim Vermeulen, Paul McCrone, Yiping Wang, Jeff Tesmer: SSM/I, SSMIS
Tropical cyclone microphysics Ice Crystals Effective Level of hydrometeors Hail/Graupel Freezing level Tropical cyclone structural view including calm eye with descending air and some clouds aloft, strong convective updrafts in the eyewall and upper-level cirrus clouds aloft as the air moves up and out away from the central core. Liquid water drops are created by water vapor rising along the moist adiabats in the lower-levels, rising above the freezing level, creating large frozen hydrometeors (hail/graupel) well aloft and then thinning out to small ice crystals at upper-levels as gravity and reduced vertical velocities cause the larger particles to fall out. Raindrops
NRL TC Web Resource NRL TC Satellite Web Team Scatterometer & CloudSat Storm Basins & Names Microwave imager/sounder product suite Latest 1-km Visible/IR imagery (GEO/LEO) 30 minute MTSAT refresh with AVHRR/OLS as available Vis/IR imagery suite Scatterometer & CloudSat Automated Tropical Cyclone Forecasting (ATCF) System warning graphic The Naval Research Laboratory’s Tropical Cyclone web page (NRL TC page) provides a wealth of near real-time satellite products covering all “active” tropical storms around the globe as defined by the Joint Typhoon Warning Center (Pearl Harbor, HI) and the National Hurricane Center (Miami, FL). The storm positions are updated every 6 hours in the northern hemisphere and 12 hourly in the southern hemisphere unless near Australia. Special emphasis is placed in microwave imager/sounder capabilities since they provide unique structural views of the TC inner core by seeing through non-raining clouds and thus mitigating cloud obscuration that normally impedes visible and IR imagery. Acknowledgments: NRL TC web team: Jeff Hawkins, Kim Richardson, Tom Lee, Mindy Surratt, Buck Sampson, John Kent (SAIC), Joe Turk (JPL), and Steve Miller (CIRA/CSU) Special note to the Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center (FNMOC) co-located in Monterey with NRL, for providing the bulk of the microwave imager digital data sets in near real-time. NRL TC Satellite Web Team
Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) Sensor: Passive Microwave Conical Scanner Spacecraft: DMSP – DOD Polar Orbiter Launch: August 1987 Heritage: SeaSat Scanning Multi-channel Microwave Radiometer Channels: 19, 22, 37, 85 GHz 55, 55, 35, 13 km Swath: 1405 km Enhancements for TC Applications: 1st operational microwave imager, See through non-raining clouds, (2) Ocean surface wind speeds, (3) Rainrates. Web Links: AMSR TMI SSMI 1 1 1
TMI - TRMM Microwave Radiometer Sensor: Passive Microwave Conical Scanner Spacecraft: Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission - TRMM Launch: Nov 27, 1997 Heritage: SSM/I Channels: 11, 19, 21, 37, 85 GHz 50, 24, 20, 12, 5 km Swath: 750-878 km Enhancements for TC Applications: Low orbit (~400 km provides great resolution), Spatial resolution (36 GHz), Non sun synchronous, samples diurnal cycle, Sea surface temperature (SST), High winds closer to intense rain. Web Links: AMSR TMI SSMI 1 1 1
Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer AMSR-E Sensor: Passive Microwave Conical Scanner Spacecraft: EOS Aqua, ADEOS-2 Launch: May 2002, Dec 2002 Heritage: TMI, SSM/I Channels: 6, 10, 18, 23, 36, 89 GHz 50, 50, 25, 25, 15, 5 km Swath: 1600 km (1450 – AMSR) Enhancements for TC Applications: Huge 2 m dish provides superb resolution, Spatial resolution (36 GHz), (2) Best swath with high resolution, (3) Sea surface temperatures. Web Links: AMSR TMI SSMI 1 1 1
Resolution, Resolution, Resolution! TMI, SSM/I and AMSU-B 85/89 GHz JDH JDH Small, intense eye with secondary eyewall developing. Small inner eye just visible, while secondary eyewall the main feature as reduced resolution. Inner eye not viewable, secondary eyewall difficult to full identify.
WINDSAT Sensor: Passive Microwave Conical Scanner Spacecraft: Coriolis Launch: 2003 (January) Heritage: SSM/I Channels: 7, 11, 19, 24, 37, No 85 GHz ~55, 40, 20, 13, 11, km Swath: 1025 km Enhancements for TC Applications: Prelude to NPOESS MIS, Surface wind vectors, non-rain areas, Spatial resolution (37 GHz), (4) Sea surface temperature Web Links: WindSat was launched in Jan 2003 and represents the first polarimetric radiometer designed to retrieve surface wind vectors and not just scalar wind speeds. The four stokes vectors will be measured and used to create a wind vector solution. Note there is no 85 GHz channel for use in tropical cyclone monitoring, but the much larger antenna (6’ versus < 2’ for SSM/I) provides superb spatial resolution at 37 GHz. Note that SSTs can be derived using the low frequency channels. Courtesy: Peter Gaiser, Naval Research Laboratory, DC 1 1 1
Special Sensor Microwave Imager Sounder (SSMIS) Sensor: Passive Microwave Conical Scanner Spacecraft: DMSP F-16, 17, 18, 19, 20 Launch: May 2003 Heritage: SSM/I, T1, T2 Channels: 19, 22, 37, 91 GHz ~55, 55, 35, 12 km Swath: 1700 km Enhancements for TC Applications: Longevity: 5 sensors [2003-2016], Collocated imager/sounder channels, improved retrievals, (3) Large swath Web Links: 1 1 1
MicroWave Radiation Imager (MWRI) – FY-3A/B Sensor: Passive Microwave Conical Scanner Spacecraft: FY-3A, 3B (China) Launch: May 2008, 2010 Heritage: SSM/I-like Channels: 10.65, 18.7, 23.8, 36.5, 89, 150 GHz ~80, 50, 45, 30, 15, ? km Swath: 1400 km Enhancements for TC Applications: (1) Sequence of four (4) launches, continuity, Data latency good, seven stations (Svalbard), Currently experiencing technical issues Some test data sets available in the US Web Links: 1 1 1
MADRAS – Mega Tropiques Sensor: Passive Microwave Conical Scanner Spacecraft: Mega-Tropiques (France-India) Launch: Early 2010 Heritage: TMI Channels: 18.7, 23.8, 36.5, 89, 157 GHz ~40, 40, 40, 10, 6 km Swath: 1700 km Enhancements for TC Applications: (1) Tropical inclination (20 deg), Good TC coverage while in tropical belt, Data latency, additional stations in the works Web Links: 1 1 1
Global Precipitation Mission - GPM Sensor: Passive Microwave Conical Scanner/Precipitation Radar Spacecraft: GPM Launch: Core (July 2013), Low inclination (Nov, 2014) Heritage: TRMM TMI-PR GPM Microwave Imager (GMI) Channels: 10.6, 18.7, 22.8, 36.5, 89, 165.5, 183.3 GHz ~26, 15, 12, 11, 6, 6, 6 km Swath: 885 km (GMI), 125-245km (35-13.6 GHz radar) Enhancements for TC Applications: (1) Tropical (40 deg) and higher inclination (65 deg, non sun sync), Superb TC coverage while in tropical belt, Dual frequency radar (enhanced rainrates, especially < 10 mm/hr) Reference standard for other microwave imagers TRMM ++ Web Links: Courtesy: Hou 1 1 1
Global Precipitation Mission - GPM Passive microwave data from SSM/I is composited over the lifespan of Hurricane Isabel to monitor rainband and inner core structural changes as viewed by the 85 GHz ice scattering channel’s brightness temperatures. Acknowledgements: NRL- Monterey: Jeff Hawkins, Marla Helveston; Anteon Corporation Courtesy: Hou
Current (10-Satellite) Constellation Revisit Time 8-satellites SSMI DMSP F-13/14/15 AMSR-E Aqua AMSU-B NOAA-15/16/17 TMI TRMM 10-satellites Coriolis Windsat SSMIS F-16 10+ Satellite swath demonstration for passive microwave sensors now flying. Real ephemeris data is used for a typical day, adding WindSat and SSMIS sensor swath to illustrate potential that should be realized by Fall 2004. Note that areas covered by white show very recent data, light grey is 3-6 hours and black is data too old to use for TC recon. Acknowledgments: Joe Turk NRL-MRY Revisit Scale: White= 0 hours Black= 6+ hours (shaded boxes represent 15-minute coverage)
Passive Microwave Imagery Hurricane Isabel 85 GHz Montage Passive microwave data from SSM/I is composited over the lifespan of Hurricane Isabel to monitor rainband and inner core structural changes as viewed by the 85 GHz ice scattering channel’s brightness temperatures. Acknowledgements: NRL- Monterey: Jeff Hawkins, Marla Helveston; Anteon Corporation Hurricane Isabel 85 GHz Montage
Passive Microwave Imager Missions DMSP SSM/I TRMM TMI AMSR-E WINDSAT DMSP SSMIS FY-3 MWRI Megha Tropiques MADRAS GCOM AMSR2/3 GPM-Core GMI NPOESS MIS YEAR 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ? 16 Summary of passive microwave imager sensors launched, in operations now and slated for future launch. All future satellites are tentatively listed until actual launch occurs. Launch dates are subject to change at anytime and might be delayed for multiple years as has happened recently with SSMIS. TRMM Nov 1997 AMSR-E Aug 2005 F-16 Oct 2003 F-17 Nov 2006 F-18 Nov 2009 F-19 2012 F-20 2014 FY-3A May 2008 WindSat Jan 2003 GCOM/W1 Early 2012 GCOM/w2 Jan 2016 Acknowledgments: NOAA/NESDIS, NASA/JPL, CSU-CIRA, WMO-CGMS Projected extended mission Primary mission April 2009 Hawkins-Hou-Ferraro Future Launches
Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT) Sensor: Microwave radar Spacecraft: MetOp-1, 2, 3 Launch: 2006, 2010, 2015 Heritage: ERS-1, 2 Channel: 5.25 GHz, C-band. Swath: Two 520 km swaths, with 700 km hole. Enhancements for TC Applications: Only long term operational scatterometer series, C-band, less rain contamination, larger footprint, 25 and 50-km wind vector products, good for gale force winds, Gap in swath center is a major drawback. Web Links: 1 1 1
Dual Frequency Scatterometer (DFS – GCOM) Sensor: Microwave radar Spacecraft: GCOM – Global Change Observation Mission Launch: 2012 Heritage: QuikSCAT Channel: 5.4 & 13.4 GHz (C & Ku band) Swath: 1800 km Enhancements for TC Applications: Dual frequency/pol mitigates many rain issues, Maintains QuikSCAT’s huge swath, 40% better than QuikSCAT, clear sky > 20m/s Extends usable winds to ~ 90 kt Web Links: 1 1 1
EXtended Ocean Surface Vector Wind Mission (XOVWM) Sensor: Microwave radar Spacecraft: XOVWM Launch: 2020 ? Heritage: QuikSCAT/DFS Channel: 5.4 & 13.4 GHz (C & Ku band) Swath: 1800 km Enhancements for TC Applications: Dual frequency/pol and radiometer mitigates rain issues, Maintains QuikSCAT’s huge swath, Spatial resolution (5-km) to resolve wind gradients, coasts, Extends usable winds to ~ 90 kt Web Links: 1 1 1
EXtended Ocean Surface Vector Wind Mission (XOVWM) Paul Chang, NESDIS Goal: Satisfy NOAA's operational OSVW requirements Performance Advancements: Higher spatial resolution (5 km) Full wind speed range, Coastal coverage 2.5-5 km of land All - weather Simulated “truth” Simulated XOVWM Simulated QuikSCAT
Scatterometer & Surface Wind Vector Missions ERS-2 AMI QuikSCAT SeaWinds ADEOS-2 Windsat METOP ASCAT Oceansat-2 HY-2 GCOM-DFS NPOESS-MIS XOVWM YEAR 96 97 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 WindSat Jan 2003 MetOp ASCAT Oct 2006 HY-2A,B,C,D 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 GCOM-DFS 2012 NPOESS MIS C2 2016 XOVWM 2016? Primary mission Future April 2009 Chang, Hawkins Projected extended mission Uncertain
GeoSTAR/PATH: A Future Hurricane Observing System Bjorn Lambrigtsen, JPL [14B.3] National Aeronautics and Space Administration Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California GeoSTAR “GeoSTAR” concept: AMSU-equivalent performance from GEO Temperature, moisture soundings, TPW, rainrate “PATH” GEO/MW mission is identified in NRC Decadal Survey Observational focus on hurricanes & severe storms East Pacific Hurricanes North Atlantic Hurricanes Great Plains MCS Florida Diurnal Storms Tornados North American Monsoon Northeast Winter Storms & Extratropical Cyclones Weather forecasting - Improve regional NWP; severe storms Hurricane diagnostics - Quintessential hurricane sensor Rain - Complements GPM Tropospheric wind profiling - NWP, transport applications Climate research - Hydrology cycle, climate variability
Goal: Geostationary Radar Sensor Performance Advancements NEXRAD In Space (NIS) Smith/Tripoli 17B.6 Goal: Geostationary Radar Sensor Performance Advancements First GEO radar sensor: Ka band (35 GHz) 28 m deployable antenna: 12km footprint (nadir) Swath = 2600 km radius One 3-D full scan image/hour
Hurricane Imaging Radiometer NASA Now - SFMR C-band (4-7 GHz) frequencies Synthetic thinned array radiometer (STAR) Push broom imager Single polarization for ocean wind speed Dual polarization for ocean vector wind SST and rainrate info HIRAD Description Future - HIRAD Optimal HIRAD Development Timeline U. of Alabama/Huntsville NASA NOAA U. of Michigan U. of Central Florida