Westinghouse Operational Experience and Prospects for New Build Sumit Ray Director, PWR Product Technologies Westinghouse Electric Company April 19, 2006
Technology leadership Westinghouse builds first industrial atom smasher (1937) Westinghouse nuclear plant powers USS Nautilus (1953) Westinghouse builds first PWR (1957) Westinghouse technology transferred worldwide Half the world’s nuclear power plants are Westinghouse designs Westinghouse technology is basis for robust Korea program Four AP1000 plants bid in China (2005) Technology Leadership 1st industrial atom smasher 1937 USS Nautilus 1953 First PWR 1957 Worldwide technology transfer One-half of all plants are Westinghouse designs Westinghouse technology basis for robust ROK program Bidding four AP1000s in China Our only business is Nuclear
Westinghouse is investing in the future Developing and Licensing New Designs Generation III Generation III+ Generation IV Hiring New Employees 2000+ over the last five years 800 in 2005 500 per year for the foreseeable future Westinghouse Investing In the Future Developing and licensing new designs (GenIII, GenIII+, Gen IV) Hiring new employees (2000 in last five years, 800 in 2005, at least 500 per year over next five years)
Nuclear plant output: growth during the past decade Equivalent to 18 new 1,000-megawatt power plants Million MWh Nuclear Plant Output: Growth during Last Decade 640 million MWh to 789 million MWh Equivalent to 18 new 1000MW plants Source: EIA – Updated 3/05 Source: EIA – Updated 3/05
Plant applications for license renewal Self explanatory bar chart Source: NRC Updated 1/06 Source: NRC Updated 1/06
Market Signals Are Clear for New Build Combined Construction Operating Licenses (COL) Utilities overwhelmingly choosing Passive Reactor Technology Westinghouse in discussion with other utilities on AP1000 applications Utility Submittal Technology NuStart – TVA 2007 AP1000(2) Dominion 2007 ESBWR(1) Progress #1 2008 AP1000(2) Duke 2007 AP1000(2) Constellation 2008 EPR(1) NuStart/Entergy 2008 ESBWR(1) Entergy #2 2008 ESBWR(1) Progress #2 2008 AP1000(2) Southern 2008 AP1000(2) SCANA 2007 AP1000(2) Market Signals Are Clear for New Build Chart shows utilities and their technology choices AP1000 is technology basis for 12 COLs In discussions with other utilities
The Westinghouse AP1000 The Westinghouse AP1000 Large color rendering of AP1000 Industry, with support of US government, has taken steps necessary to make new build in US a reality Entire nuclear power industry is well prepared for the challenges and opportunities of the next months, years, decades and centuries.
US NRC Regulatory Process Design Certification (DC) “The long pole in the tent will be design certification, which typically takes four or five years. And I don’t know how to shorten that.” Commissioner Edward McGaffigan, November 21, 2005 on COL applications Vendor Docketed DC Westinghouse June 26, 1992 December 16, 1999 (AP600) Westinghouse March 28, 2002 December 30, 2005 (AP1000) General Electric October 24, 2005 ?? (ESBWR) AREVA (EPR) December 2007 ??
Best Solution for New Plants–Simplification Simplicity in: Design Safety Construction Procurement Operations Maintenance Construction Modularization
How is Simplification of Design Achieved for AP1000? Standard PWR AP1000 Passive Systems dramatically reduce the number and complexity of active systems. Containment Cooling is accomplished by air and water cooling of the freestanding steel containment vessel. Air cooling enters vents at the top of the shield building. It travels down to the bottom of the air baffle and then up between the baffle and the containment shell. The air exhausts at the center of the shield building roof. Air cooling is supplemented by water cooling from a large tank of water above the containment vessel. No operator action is required. 72 hours of containment water cooling is provided in the PCS tank. No safety-related AC power is required (Diesels) Actuation and monitoring functions are provided from safety-related batteries. The digital protection system activates a few safety related devices. Operator action is not required.
How is Simplification of Design Achieved for AP1000? (cont’d) Simple 2-loop reactor coolant system with canned motor pumps Use of passive safety systems No reliance on safety grade AC power
Simplification Smaller Footprint Evolutionary PWR Simplification=Smaller Footprint Self explanatory nuclear footprint of AP1000 in comparison to Sizewell B Many Evolutionary plants improve PRA and safety by adding equipment thereby adding redundancy (4 train) and diversity. Passive safety presents an alternative approach to improved safety which simplifies the plant. Sizewell B is a 1250MW 4-loop PWR in England. AP1000 net electrical output is 1117MW. The comparison is to scale. The AP1000 is much smaller and simpler than Sizewell B. The four colors represent the Safety related Electrical Divisions for AP1000 and Sizewell. AP1000 Evolutionary PWR AP1000
Simplification of Design Eliminates Components and Reduces Cost ** 35% Fewer Safety Grade Pumps 45% Less Seismic Building Volume 50% Fewer Valves 80% Less Pipe 85% Less Cable
Comparison of Selected Parameters Net Electric Output, MWe(2.5”HgA) Reactor Power, MWt Hot Leg Temperature, oF Number of Fuel Assemblies Type of Fuel Assembly Active Fuel Length, ft Linear Heat Rating, kW/ft R/V I.D., inches Vessel Thermal Design Flow, gpm Steam Generator Surface Area, ft2 Reactor Coolant Pump Flow, gpm Pressurizer Volume, ft3 610 1933 600 145 17x17 12 4.10 157 194,200 75,000 51,000 1600 AP600 AP1000 1117 3400 14 5.71 299,880 125,000 78,750 2100 PARAMETER 985 2988 626 5.02 295,500 68,000 103,400 1400 Doel 4 / Tihange 3 Note the AP1000 power density of the core has been increased but is no higher than some currently operating Westinghouse plants (e.g., Virgil Summer).
AP1000 Fuel Assembly Based on current 17x17XL fuel in use worldwide Robust Fuel Design including: Advanced ZIRLOTM material Clad, grids, thimbles Lower corrosion and growth Debris tolerant features Intermediate mixing grids Integral burnable absorbers Larger fission gas plenum Annular enriched axial blankets Low cobalt removable top nozzle Highest Fuel Reliability
Lowest Risk Approach to New Nuclear Generation Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 2014 2013 2004 2009 2010 2011 2012 2005 2006 2007 2008 2016 2015 COL Engineering Early Procurement Activities Pre-Construction Site Activities Construction Startup FOAK Design Details AP1000 DC Commercial Operation COL Issued Place Order Submit COL FDA COL engineering and detailed engineering will be completed under the DOE 2010 program. Westinghouse cost sharing 50/50 for work we are performing; we are continuing to invest in the technology. Southern should be able to obtain a COL in parallel with the NuStart COL process, utilizing all of the information developed under the NuStart program and supplementing as necessary with site-specific information. The site-specific work will have to be done outside of the NuStart program. Shop loading in forging and manufacturing shops may require early placement of orders for some long-lead material. Could be as early as two years (or more) prior to contract signing. Past practice for multiple unit sites has been to bring a new unit on line every year. This could possibly be shortened slightly. For China we looked at a delta of 8 months and decided we could do it.
Westinghouse is committed to passive technology Westinghouse Committed to Passive Technology Self explanatory slide shows benefits and milestones of AP600 and AP1000 Westinghouse has made a significant investment in passive technology for more than 15 years and is convinced that this is the right technology for new build today. AP1000 is designed for modular construction, which helps reduce craft labor requirements at the construction site. Significant work has been done to develop a construction sequence and schedule. NRC Approves Certification of Westinghouse’s AP1000 Advanced Reactor Design
AP1000 Provides Safety and Investment Protection Results U. S. NRC Requirements Current Plants Utility Requirements 1 x 10-4 Excellent Core Damage Frequency Results are obtained for the AP1000 meeting all requirements with significant margin. The AP1000Core Damage Frequency exceeds regulatory requirements by a factor greater than 100. 5 x 10-5 1 x 10-5 4 x 10-7 Core Damage Frequency per Year
Safest Nuclear Plant Available “the most significant improvement to the design is the use of safety systems that employ passive means” “the low CDF and risk for the AP1000 plant reflect Westinghouse’s efforts to systematically minimize the effect of initiators/sequences that have been important contributors in previous PWRs” AP1000 Safety Analysis Report *NRC Staff comments on AP1000 (CDF 5x10-7 events/year)