DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF AN MG THANT ZIN WIN COOLING SYSTEM DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF AN INDUCTION FURNACE (COOLING SYSTEM) Presented by MG THANT ZIN WIN Roll No: Ph.D-M-7 Supervisors: Dr Mi Sandar Mon Daw Khin War Oo Participants: Mg Thant Zin Win (Mechanical) Mg Lin Naing Tun (EC) Ma Cho Cho Ei (EC) 5th Integrated Seminar 18.5.2005 18-5-2005
Factors Affecting Cooling Tower Performance Wet-Bulb Temperature Dry-Bulb Temperature Heat Load GPM, Range and Approach Interference Tower Sitting and Orientation Recirculation
Cooling Tower Performance Curve Fig 1 – A Sample of Typical Performance Curve
Wet-Bulb Temperature The temperature (WB) of the entering or ambient air adjacent to the cooling tower. Fig 2 – Sling Psychrometer Fig 3 – Daily Variation of WB Temperature
Fig 4 – Annual Variation of WB Temperature Fig 5 – Typical WB Temperature Duration Curve
Dry-Bulb and/or Relative Humidity The temperature (DB) of the entering or ambient air adjacent to the cooling tower. The ratio of the mole fraction of water vapor present in the air to the mole fraction of water vapor present in saturated air at the same temperature and barometric pressure.
Heat Load Total heat to be removed from the circulating water by the cooling tower per unit time. where, gpm = Circulating water rate in gallons per minute 8.33 = Pounds per gallon of water R = Range
GPM, Range and Approach Fig 7 – Effect of chosen Approach on Tower Size at fixed Heat Load, GPM, and WB Temperature Fig 6 – Diagram showing of Cooling Range and Approach
Interference Fig 8 – Interference Process
Tower Sitting and Orientation It is the responsibility of the owner/ specifier. Air Restrictions Recirculation Interference Effect on Site Piping
Recirculation Undesirable Situation Control – Tower Shape Orientation with Prevailing Wind Air Discharge Velocity Fan Cylinder Height and Spacing Fig 9 – Recirculation Process
Fig 10 – Longitudinal Wind Direction concentrates Separate Stack Plumes into one of High Buoyancy Fig 11 – Effect of Wind Velocity Potential of Round and Rectangular Tower
Fig 12 – Comparative Recirculation Potential of Round and Rectangular Tower Fig 13 – Recirculation Potential in a Forced-draft Cooling Tower
Introduction to Outlines of Thesis CHAPTER 1 – INTRODUCTION 1.1. Problem Outline 1.2. Objective of the Present Study 1.3. Layout of Thesis CHAPTER 2 – LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1. Electric Melting Furnaces 2.1.1. Arc Furnace 2.1.2. Induction Furnace Coreless Induction Furnace Core or Channel Induction Furnace 2.1.3. Resistance Furnace 2.2. Operating Principle of Coreless Induction Furnace 2.3. Features of Induction Melting Furnace 2.4. Block Diagram showing the Water Cooling System 2.5. Energy Requirements and Coil Cooling Energy Losses
2.6. Water Cooling System – Important Role in Coreless Induction Furnace 2.6.1. Water Requirements 2.6.2. Effects of Water Quality 2.6.3. Water Purification/ Maintenance 2.6.4. Filtration 2.6.5. Effects of Impurities 2.6.6. Emergency Water Supply and Cooling System 2.7. Cooling Pond System 2.8. Spray Pond System 2.9. Evaporative Cooling Tower-open Circuit System 2.10. Fan-radiator Closed-circuit System 2.11. Water/water Heat-Exchanger Dual System 2.12. Dual System with Closed-circuit Cooling Tower 2.13. Selection of Cooling System CHAPTER 3 – COOLING POND – CURRENT STATUS OF RESEARCH AND PROJECT CHAPTER 4 – DESIGN AND CALCULATION OF COOLING POND SYSTEM CHAPTER 5 – CLOSED RECIRCULATING SYSTEM WITH COOLING TOWER CHAPTER 6 – RESULT, DISCUSSION, AND CONCLUSION