COORDINATION WITH INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS AND AGENCIES P. Drobinski & P. Lionello International coll. & funding
1)The HyMeX conference was partly supported by MedCLIVAR 2)Several HyMeX presentations at MedCLIVAR events (workshops and EGU roundtable) 3) “MedCLIVAR-HyMeX" side event at the 11 th Plinius conference (September, 3-7, 2009 – Barcelona) on the recovery and extension of precipitation time series”. The Conference will host a "MedCLIVAR-HyMeX" side event which is dedicated to the recovery (MedCLIVAR action) and extension (HyMeX initiative) of precipitation time series. HyMeX The HyMeX objective is to improve our understanding of the water cycle, with emphases on extreme events by monitoring and modelling the Mediterranean coupled system (atmosphere-land-ocean), its variability (from the event scale, to the seasonal and interannual scales) and characteristics over one decade in the context of global change MedCLIVAR MedCLIVAR aims at coordinating and promoting research on the Mediterranean climate. It covers its past-evolution, its present space-time variability and trends, regional future climate scenarios.
I. MOTIVATION International visibility of the HyMeX program Integration in broad scientific networks Highlight of the main HyMeX scientific objectives Endorsment of HyMeX by WCRP/GEWEX (energy and water cycle: WG2, WG1) and WWRP/THORPEX (extremes: WG3, WG4, WG5) programs of WMO International coll. & funding
I.US COLLABORATION AND NSF FUNDING FOR US HyMeX Existing proposal: multi-insititutional pre-proposal to the PIRE program at NSF (collaboration with HyMEX/MERMeX) led by E. Anagnostou, entitled "A US-Mediterranean partnership to advance climate change research through the study of the HYDROlogical cycle, extremes and effects on ecosystem processes in the MEDiterranean Basin-HYDROMED" (4 US institutions + institutions from France, Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt within the framework of HyMEX and MERMeX initiatives): submitted in February Other interest Precipitation: K. Friedrich (CU Boulder) and J. Wurman (CSWR) - NSF/CSWR DOWs (Doppler on Wheels); J. Van Baelen and US investigator (CSU) - NSF/NCAR wind profiler system and radiosondes (ISS) on a ship; J. Gourley (NOAA/NSSL) - NSSL DOWs; W. Chau-Lee (NCAR)- research interest in a heavy precipitation study over the Med employing ELDORA (NSF/NRL); R. Rotunno (NCAR, research interest); R. Houze (UW), S. Yuter (NCSU) (potential research interest) Other: A. Mariotti (Univ. of Maryland - climate aspects); V. Kourafalou (Univ. of Miami - air-sea interactions and exchange of waters between the Mediterranean and Black Seas); E. Gruntfest (CSU Colorado Springs - societial impacts) International coll. & funding
II.FUNDING AT NATIONAL LEVELS Identification of possible funding agencies in all countries forming the HyMeX « consortium » e.g. in France, the consortium of the main French agencies (CIO) has evaluated the French direct contribution to HyMeX to ~9 M€ (without salaries) between 2009 and 2015 with a peak of ~8M€ between 2011 and Multi-lateral funding: Coordination of national fund raises (ANR, NERC,DFG, …) III.PROJETS MÉDITERRANÉENS DE RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE INTER- UNIVERSITAIRE (MERSI) FROM THE AUF (AGENCE UNIVERSITAIRE DE LA FRANCOPHONIE) 10 funded projects: 50% funding, 36 months max., 3 partners min. (2 from the south), 50 k€ max. deadline: August, 31, 2009 for pre-project. 2 HyMeX projects max. GPS proposal (O. Bock) Cooperation development with North African countries within HyMeX (visits, grants, workshop, …) in relation with MedCLIVAR networking Algerian Radar upgrade project International coll. & funding
IV.FIRST CALL FOR STANDARD PROJECTS OF THE ENPI CBC MEDITERRANEAN SEA BASIN PROGRAMME (CROSS6BORDER COOPERATION IN TE MEDITERRANEAN EU PROGRAM) 4 Programme Priorities and 10 related Measures ( priority #2: “Promotion of environmental sustainability at the basin level” representing 30% of total budget i.e. 9.8 M€): up to 90% funding, 48 months max., 3 partners min. (1 from EU Mediterranean Countries and 1 from Mediterranean Partner Countries, from 0.5 to 2 M€ per project and at least 50% of the total eligible costs of a project shall be dedicated to activities implemented in Mediterranean Partner Countries deadline: September, 16, HyMeX projects max. ii) prevention of natural risks (floods and fires) ix) adaptation to the effects of climate change. International coll. & funding
V.FP7 FUNDING (PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS OF 2010 FP7 CALL DRAFT) (EU PROGRAM) Early warning systems to predict climate change related meteorological hazards (droughts) in Africa ( WG2) Social science research, natural hazards and decision making process ( WG5) Exploring new GNSS (global navigation satellite systems) applications in EO ( WG2, WG3) Identification and Networking of EO activities in the Balkan area ( WG2, WG3, WG4) Ocean acidication ( MerMeX,WG4) VI.SPACE AGENCIES FUNDING GPM mission SMOS V. COLLABORATIONS WITH MOON, MEDEX LOBBYING VI.UNIVERSITY NETWORKS International coll. & funding
Early warning systems to predict climate change related meteorological hazards (droughts) in Africa ( WG2) International coll. & funding
Social science research, natural hazards and decision making process ( WG5) International coll. & funding
Exploring new GNSS (global navigation satellite systems) applications in EO ( WG2, WG3) International coll. & funding
Identification and Networking of EO activities in the Balkan area ( WG2, WG3, WG4) International coll. & funding