Final Presentation – CS 425 Aaron O'Banion Todd Astroth Chris Cobb Matt Stowe Mark Williams
Team Quoridor Mission Statement Our project is to produce a software version of the board game Quoridor With network support With some AI components
Quoridor Basics 2-4 Players 6x6 to 12x12 square grid Variable number of blocking walls for each player Objective: First player to reach opposite side wins
Quoridor Rules Tokens can only be moved to spaces not blocked by walls Walls must never block any player from finishing the game
End Users Primarily Professor Klein and his players Students and teachers of AI course Anyone that wants to play the game that understands all the rules.
Functional Requirements Variable board size Number of walls each player starts with Start zones and Goal zones of each player Wall placement and Movement constraints The logs for keeping track of the moves Ability to play over a network Ability to play three built-in AI’s Ability to plug in AI modules
Non-Functional Requirements Run on Windows Documentation User Manual Timely gameplay
Optional Features More competitive AI’s Token Image upload Time clock Interactive help box explaining why a desired illegal move is illegal
Design Goals To provide an entertaining and enjoyable game-playing experience. To provide an easy-to-use and aesthetically pleasing interface. To allow players to compete remotely using a network. To allow AI’s to be inserted into Quoridor
The Quoridor Lifecycle Model
Phase 1: InterfaceGame User Interface Hotseat gameplay (one computer) Gameplay constraints Phase 1: Game Functionality
Gameplay over a network Server and Clients Phase 2: Networking Phase 2: Interface Client Game Remote Interface Server Client Host Client
Allow users to plug in AI’s Include three sample AI’s Phase 3: Inserting AI’s Phase 3: Interface Client AI Game Remote Interface Server Client Host Client
Major Subsystems Interface Game Client Server Artificial Intelligence
Interface Subsystem User interaction Collect information from user Allows input of wall placement / token movement Sends moves to Client Updates board state using information received from Client
Game Subsystem Stores the current board state Validates moves / wall placements and sends results to Server Receives parameters of game setup from Server
networking Subsystems Client Connects to the Server through sockets (BSD) Gateway for moves between Server and Interface Represents a player Server Compiles and stores settings in Game subsystem Receives moves from Clients and AI’s, validates moves using Game subsystem, and sends validation back to client
AI Subsystem AI’s can be created and inserted into the system We will provide a C++ header file that allows connection of modules to Quoridor Receives current board state from Server Passes AI’s moves to Server If illegal moves are received by Server, Server will discontinue AI, and that player loses the game
User Interface Mockups Three Major Screens: Title screen Player Setup screen Gameplay screen (game board)
Player Setup Screen Three player types: Local user AI player Remote user Host controls setup All settings and options are configured before the game starts Sample setup screen
Game Board The target goal is indicated for each player by their token color Advance token by clicking a space –Legal moves are highlighted on board Place a wall by clicking a groove –Legal wall placements are indicated in yellow Player starting locations: 1↓, 2↑, 3←, 4→ Sample game board
Persistent Data We will allow a game in progress to be saved and continued at a later time Data to store in a text file: –Setup information –Player information –Current Game state
Next Semester Timeline Phase 1 (Hotseat) Phase 2 (Networking) Phase 3 (AI’s)
Team Organization Steve Klein Main client Bernard Waxman Upper Management
Risk Management Backtracking Difficulty Acceptance Issues Late Finish Feature Creep Network Difficulties AI Functionality
System Testing Plan Interface Stand-Alone without Validation Interface Stand-Alone with Validation Network Connection Server to 1 Client Server to Many Clients Integration AI Integration
Alterations to the System Baselines Proposing a Change Investigating a Proposed Change Change Management Board Implementing a Change
Team Training Plan Internal Training Visual Basic Socket Programming (VB) AI Modules (C++) External Training User Manual Help Menu
Installation and Operation Plan Installation –Responsibility First Copy – Us Rest – Client –Before April 25 th Operation –Before final Installation - Quoridor Team –After final Installation - Client
AND NOW, the Prototype… Quoridor Prototype