Learning about Expert Systems through computer programming
The exercises we are doing are designed to give students: – Exposure – A deeper – An Material has gone through the academic review process – Presented at the 2004 AIS Educator Conference: received a Best Paper award – Published in the Review of Business Information Systems in 2005 (volume 9, number 1) – Presented as hands-on training sessions at the 2005 and 2006 AIS Educator Conference. – Presented as part of an Effective Learning Strategies poster presentation at the 2007 American Accounting Association annual meeting. – This material has led to other VB instructional material published by the AAA, as well as presentations at other AIS Educator Conferences (Interacting with a database using VB.NET)
Programming helps build business competencies Programming helps develop and improve problem – Increased ability to handle more complex issues and problems (Beard and Smith 2002) – Will develop critical thinking skills that are (Fordham 2005) AICPA core competency: ability to (2004) The lack of programming skills may handicap accountants in working effectively as IS auditors (Calderon, Cheh, Chatham 2002) The Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) has developed curriculum models stressing the need and importance of computer programming skills. Even if you never program in your career, having these types of skills can change how you look at things.
Types of programming that you might experience Creating a Creating Creating Visual Basic programs – VB is one of the easiest programming languages to learn and use Using VBA –V–V – Programming language used in Microsoft Office (especially Excel) that integrates the application software functionality with the Visual Basic language. – Macro programming in Excel
When a computer program is created, what are the two primary components? The (GUI) – What the Icons, windows and other controls that can be clicked or double clicked in order for the computer to do something. The actual – The – The computer doesn’t know what to do unless there is some sort of program or code that tells it what must be done and how it is to be done. VB is an VB only
Expert: one with special skill or knowledge representing mastery of a particular subject – Human experts reason through a problem/process, with the end result being a recommended solution or diagnosis. Expert systems are a form of artificial intelligence that is designed to capture expertise and make that available for others to use –D–D –P–P Expert systems follow decision making rules, typically in the form of
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Label – Used to Button – Used to Radio button/option button – Allows the user Check box: Allows the user to select multiple options at the same time List box: Allows the user to select an option from a drop- down list Text Box: allows the user to provide data input for the program while the program is actually running (input which will then be used in various calculations/operations.
Windows Form Designer generated code – A by VB – Never delete or actively modify code in this section Don’t even open it up. Your coding needs to go underneath this area. Event procedures are when a certain event occurs – Our only event will be the Click event
The Blue Words are reserved words in VB that have exact meaning in the VB syntax – Private Sub event procedures/sub routines – End Sub of an event procedure – Dim is a variable declaration statement Used – M is a way to refer to the currently active form Programmers typically indent their code to make it easier to read (and find errors). something indicates action Abbreviations used in naming
Variables M Why called variables? – Data stored in these memory locations – O variables can be used to store anything and take up the greatest amount of memory space. – String variables are used to store (letters and numbers not used in calculations) – Numeric variables are used in Integer, decimal, single, double, short, long How is a variable going to be used and what type of data will it store? See tutorial page 4
IntelliSense A VB feature that is “aware” of what you are doing and it will provide suggestions and assistance regarding what you might want to include in the statement that you are coding (and it also checks your spelling Pressing the space bar adds the item currently highlighted in the IntelliSense listing to your code
M. This window will stay on the screen until the user has acknowledged it. The syntax of a message box statement is MsgBox (“The message to display”, Buttons, “A title for the message box”) – Message to display to the user (inside quote marks) – What types of icons and buttons should be displayed inside the message box – Title text (which appears in the message box title bar MsgBox("Grant the Loan", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Recommendation")
C is a form of internal program documentation that is It is used to clarify the purpose of a line or section of code. An signals the start of a comment.
Radio Buttons (also known as) Allow the user to select from a group of options – Programmers typically use these in conjunction with Checkbox controls can also be used with selection statements. Checkboxes allow the user to select multiple options at the same time
Selection Statements Allows a computer program to, depending on certain conditions in the data or depending on user input – I statements are one of the most common forms of selection statements. In 366, your IF statements selected one of two courses of action. Real computer programs have multiple courses of action inside IF statements (ElseIF) There can even be nested Ifs ()
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Variables Memory locations used to store data. The data stored in these memory locations can change (vary) as the program runs. – Object variables can be used to store anything and take up the greatest amount of memory space. – String variables are used to store a sequence of text (letters and numbers not used in calculations) – Numeric variables are used in calculations Integer, decimal, single, double, short, long The variable ‘s data type is determined based on how is a variable going to be used and what type of data will be stored in that variable. The VB keyword used to declare a variable is:
Variable Scope When creating variables, programmers must think about the scope of the variable. – Variable scope: A variable’s scope is determined by and the variable is declared – A variable declared – A variable declared outside an event procedure (. Any event procedure can access (and modify) variables in the general declarations area
Global Variables Variables that can be shared across all forms have global scope and those types of variables are referred to as Global variables are Code modules are shared by all forms – Global variables are declared using a Public statement (rather than a Dim statement)
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To create a code module Go to the Project menu, select Add Module, click once on module, then Add
To create a code module Go to the Project menu, select Add Windows Form, click once on Windows Form, then Add
The Show method is used to The Hide method is used to E is the code used to end/stop/exit a program.
Programmers use loops to repeat actions (the coding below simulates a loop)
Properties AutoSize: – Does the control resize itself to fit its text? True or False Size property 128, width, 48 height Text property: text displayed inside the control. Location property: – where on the form the control is located/found
Properties (Name) property: specifies the name of the control/object. This name can also be used in the code and it also appears in IntelliSense – objFormEducationExitButton – frmFinal.vbHighRadioButton You can also specify font size, font styles and background colors Visible (default is true), but can be set to false. Program code can be used to make a control visible or invisible as the program is running
Properties Checked property: – changing from False to True causes an object (such as an option button) to be selected by default – This can and should be set to ensure that the user selects an option (because if the user does not select an option, then the program may operate incorrectly or crash) – See tutorial page 17 for explanation