Writing a Model United Nations Resolution
Format of a Resolution O Three Parts: O Heading O Preambulatory Clauses O Operative Clauses O It’s one long sentence!
Heading O Forum: to who? O Question of: about what? O Submitted by: by who? O Example: Forum: Economic and Social Council Question of: Public Display of Affection at LCS Submitted by: Saudi Arabia Co-submitted by: Afghanistan, Egypt
Preambulatory Clauses O Purpose: O Outline history of problem O Show that topic is relevant O Show need for UN to find solution O Format: O Begin with passive verb (underlined) O Followed by a comma
Sample Preambulatory Clauses Fully aware of the high number of high school students who feel the need to express their feelings through means of kissing and holding hands, Alarmed that the percentage of kisses in school per day has risen to 45% of the student population, Deeply disturbed by the influence on the elementary school students,
Some Preambulatory Phrases
Operative Clauses O Purpose: O Active parts of the resolution O Section that makes recommendations, condemns situations, and encourages action O Each clause calls for a specific action O Format: O Begin with active verb (italics) O Numbered! O Each followed by semicolon, except for last clause which ends in a period.
Sample Operative Clauses 1. Recommends that boys and girls in high school should be put in separate classes to avoid arousal; 2. Strongly urges surrounding countries such as Togo, Burkina Faso, Mali and Cote d’Ivoire to closely observe their borders and increase their security sector to stop students from escaping; 3. Calls upon the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) to impose the wearing of uniforms on students to avoid unnecessary, perverted distractions.
Some Operative Phrases
During the debate O Amendments: changes in a resolution to gain more votes. O Before a resolution is formally introduced, changes can be made during lobbying and merging with other delegations.
Resolution requirements O 4 topics O 3 resolutions + 1 position paper O Write quality resolutions that will generate quality debate. O 1 opening speech O first resolution = December 1 st, 2011 O Communicate with your chairs!