Silicon Valley Mathematics Initiative Network Meeting January 12, 2011
Welcome! Please…. Sign in Find a table Greet your tablemates
AGENDA Norms Geometry Circle Mixer Taking a deeper look at CCSS- Overviews of Grades 2-7 A look at Rational Numbers through the Grades Project: Correlation of MARS Tasks to the CCSS Rational Numbers Standards Reflection
Norms for Professional Learning Communities Working Together to Benefit Our Students-Sharing of Norms Professionals in the Cristo Rey Network……. arrive on time. attend the entire session. listen with an open mind and an intent to understand. demonstrate a positive, professional attitude. participate actively. (Attend to the speaker, task.) limit side conversations during presentations. demonstrate respect and courtesy.
Geometry Circle Mixer
Read your domino card. Find the definition that matches the left side of your domino. Find the word that matches the definition on the right side of your domino. Stand in a circle with the definition on the left and the word on the right. A Match! 1 2 A Partner! Partner and Group Task
Individually rate your district as to its awareness of and proactive approach to the CCSS on a scale of 1-5 with 5 being the most proactive and 1 being the least. Turn to the person on your left to have a dyad regarding What is going well in your district regarding the CCSS. Turn to the person on your right to have a dyad regarding What would you like more support with regarding the CCSS. A Match! 2 3 Partner and Group Task
Share Out with Charting 1. What is going well in your district regarding the CCSS? 1.What would you like more support with regarding the CCSS?
Engaging More Deeply with the CCSS
1.Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 2.Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 3.Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 4.Model with mathematics. 5.Use appropriate tools strategically. 6.Attend to precision. 7.Look for and make use of structure. 8.Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Mathematic al Practice
CCSS OVERVIEW AGENDA Sit with your Geometry word and definition match Count off by pairs: K, 1, 2-7 Read the OVERVIEW of your CCSS grade level Make a poster of the MATHEMATICAL Big Ideas of your grade level Post sequentially Be prepared to share out in consecutive order to the whole group Look for commonalities and progressions within the CCSS Overviews
Reflective Write What insights or take aways did you have from the presentations of the CCSS Overviews?
Break Time
A Look at Rational Numbers through CCSS
Rational Numbers in the CCSS
MARS Tasks Correlation with the CCSS Rational Number through the Grades
MARS TASK CORRELATION PROJECT Sit with your Overview partner for grades 2-7. For Grades K and 1, please join any grade level you wish. Find MARS tasks which correlate to the Rational Number Big Idea in your grade level. Post sequentially Be prepared to share out in consecutive order to the whole group
A Status Check of our Work Grade Level report on MARS tasks correlation to the Rational Numbers through the CCSS Sharing of correlation of MARS tasks to CCSS Grade Level 6
Reflection: Take a moment of quiet think time to write about: 1. What was meaningful for you today? 1.What questions do you have?
Lunch Time