A Look at Module 4 and an Alpha FAL Network Meeting, September 5, 2012 Silicon Valley Mathematics Initiative Exploring MAP Offerings
AGENDA Enjoy the refreshments Introductory Activity Overview of MAP: Mathematics Assessment Project An in depth look at one Module from MAP Diving into an ALPHA FAL: Formative Assessment Lesson
The Social Culture of our Network Seek to Understand Respectfully Speak your Truth Monitor your Airtime
Getting Acquainted or Re-Acquainted
Introductions Arrange yourself in order by day of your birth (month and day) - without talking and with no sounds. Once in order, stay in order and we will introduce ourselves. Introduce yourself by stating your: birth date, name, school, current position and, most importantly, what would we finding you doing on a Sunday.
SVMI Goals for Today This Network Meeting for SVMI is designed to: Enhance participants ability to use high-quality mathematics tasks and professional development modules to support teachers in their classrooms Strengthen participants content and pedagogical content knowledge and leadership abilities Deepen participants understanding of the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics and the Standards for Mathematical Practice
Lenses to Consider During Professional Development Sessions Learner Lens Coach/Admin Lens
Common Core State Standards A New Direction
1.Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 2.Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 3.Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 4.Model with mathematics. 5.Use appropriate tools strategically. 6.Attend to precision. 7.Look for and make use of structure. 8.Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Mathematical Practice
MAP Mathematics Assessment Project
Professional Development Module #4 Improving Learning Through Questioning
Activity A Reflect on the Questions We Ask Teachers ask many different types of questions that serve many different purposes. Think individually and jot down some thoughts on the following two questions: Why do we ask questions of our students? What are some common pitfalls when asking questions of our students?
Activity A Reflect on the Questions We Ask Have a conversation at your table group around this question: Why do we ask questions of our students? Share out whole group some discussion ideas.
Activity A We ask Questions for many possible reasons: To interest, engage, challenge To assess prior knowledge and understanding To stimulate recall, in order to create new understanding and meaning To focus thinking on the most important concepts and issues To help students extend their thinking from the factual to the analytical To promote reasoning, problem solving, evaluation and the formation of hypothesis To help students to see connections
Activity A Reflect on the Questions We Ask Have a conversation at your table group around this question: What are some common pitfalls when asking questions of our students? Share out whole group some discussion ideas.
Activity A Here are some common pitfalls : Not giving students enough time to think or discuss before responding Asking a question and answering it yourself Simplifying questions when students dont immediately respond Asking several questions at once Asking guess what is in my head questions where you know the answer you want to hear and you ignore or reject answers that are different Judging every student response with well done or not quite; this can discourage alternative ideas
Activity B What types of questions develop thinking and reasoning? Please discuss these two bullets in your table groups: What types of questions seem to encourage inquiry-based learning? Give some examples.
Activity B What types of questions develop thinking and reasoning? Opportunity for table groups to share with the whole group: What types of questions seem to encourage inquiry-based learning? Give some examples.
Activity B What types of questions develop thinking and reasoning? A Summary of Research Findings-Handout #3 Five Principles for Effective Questioning: The teacher plans questions that encourage thinking and reasoning. Everyone is included. Students are given time to think. The teacher avoids judging students responses. Students responses are followed up in ways that encourage deeper thinking.
Activity B What types of questions develop thinking and reasoning? A Summary of Research Findings-Handout #3 Three minutes of individual perusal time Opportunity to discuss the research findings in your table groups Consider these questions: – Which of these principles are easier to implement? Why do you think so? – Which of these principles are harder to implement? Why is this?
Activity B What types of questions develop thinking and reasoning? A Summary of Research Findings-Handout #3 An opportunity to share table groups thoughts and comments on this handout using Round Robin Protocol. Considering these questions: – Which of these principles are easier to implement? Why do you think so? – Which of these principles are harder to implement? Why is this?
Activity C Observing and Analyzing a Lesson Take a few minutes to work out Sharing Gas Costs Share your ideas and thinking with a shoulder partner. With your shoulder partner, look at Method 1 and Method 2. Discuss which Method you consider to be better. Why do you think so? If time, share and discuss your thinking with the entire table group.
Activity C Observing and Analyzing a Lesson Watch this video clip and look for evidence on the 5 principles of effective questioning: – Were questions planned that encouraged thinking and reasoning? – Were questions asked that included everyone? – Were students given enough time to think? – Did the teacher avoid judging students responses? – Did the teacher follow up students responses in ways that encouraged deeper thinking?
Activity C Observing and Analyzing a Lesson Debrief of the video clip; what evidence did you see? – Were questions planned that encouraged thinking and reasoning? – Were questions asked that included everyone? – Were students given enough time to think? – Did the teacher avoid judging students responses? – Did the teacher follow up students responses in ways that encouraged deeper thinking? What do you think students learned from this lesson?
Activity D Plan a lesson, teach it and reflect on the outcomes. Select a problem to do with a class. – Use the prompts on Handout #5, Planning for Effective Questioning – If possible, audio record some whole class questioning After the lesson, discuss the following issues: – Which questions appeared to promote the most thoughtful and reasoned responses from students? Why was this? – Which questions didnt work well? Why was this? – Which of the 5 principles for effective questioning did you use? – What will you do differently next time?
Activity E Solve a problem, thinking aloud. Mathematics is – Not a set of tidy results and procedures – Not recognized by students as a discipline where it is natural to get stuck, make mistakes, backtrack, and demands that one look for alternative strategies – A discipline that needs to have some of its processes modeled for students – A discipline that requires tackling problems, thinking aloud, and working with others Thus, it might be useful for students to see teachers/students thinking aloud and discussing mathematics.
A MAP Alpha Formative Assessment Lesson Laws of Arithmetic
Pre-Assessment Task
Collaborative Activity
Sharing Work and Learning From Each Other
Constructing Your Poster
Whole Group Discussion Getting Our Ducks in A Row
Questions When matching cards, did you always start with the area diagrams or expressions? Why was this? Did anyone have a different strategy? Which cards were easiest to match? Why was this so? Which cards were hardest to match? Why do you think so? After sharing with another pair, did anyone move a card from one placement to another? Why? What convinced you to do so?
Post-Assessment Task