Nationalism -growing sense of unity, purpose, and pride by people from a particular region -many similarities in the group -language -customs -religion -Creates an identity -great threat to the large multiethnic empires of the time
When did it start?When did it start? Started with the French Revolution When kings of European countries sent armies to end the revolution and return a monarch to the French throne, citizens of France united in a spirit of nationalism to defend their homeland. Years later, after Napoleon had risen to power and threatened the security of Europe, feelings of nationalism aroused Great Britain, Russia, Austria, Prussia, and Spain to defeat Napoleon and protect their territory and the rest of Europe. National identities became important – desire, dominance and prestige
The GoodThe Bad United citizens in effort to: Have voice in government Gain human rights Gain independence Created competition For colonies For control of trade routes Healthy patriotismLed to warfare Persecution of national groups in foreign countries
Liberalism -nationalism would cause various groups to want to form separate nations that meet their individual groups needs -Enlightenment thinking -ideas of liberty and equality -representative government -equality under the law -greater government reform -universal male suffrage -true democracy???
Nationalistic Factors -Several contributing factors to the rise of a nationalist feeling in many areas of Europe -Enlightenment -American and French Revolutions both created a united country of democratic principals -Industrial Revolution – created complex economies and class divisions -Conservative Reaction to Revolutions – effort to unite one country -Revolutionary actions of 1848 across Europe The storming of the Bastille, 14 July French Revolution
Great Britain -Philosophy of liberalism already existed -Limited monarchy already existed -However, Right to Vote was not allowed to all people Reform Bill introduced by Whig Party -redistributed the apportionment of Parliament---greater importance to urban areas -expansion of suffrage -Chartist movement
Unification of Italy -Italy had not been united since the times of the Romans -Giuseppe Mazzini -Young Italy Movement----Revolts of King Victor Emmanuel and Camillo Cavour of Sardinia unite northern Italy -Giuseppe Garibaldi -controlled southern Italy- -Red Shirts -Garibaldi and Victor Emmanuel unite lands to form a united Italy. -Rome and Venice come under control thereafter
German Unity -Failure of German states to unite -Northern German states have a developing sense of separation from Austria -Prussia becomes dominant German state -King William I becomes Prussia king in King calls on Otto von Bismarck to head the government -defies Parliament by declaring the King and him would rule without question
Otto von Bismarck -rule through “blood and iron” -“realpolitik” -politics of reality -Austro-Prussian War of ended Austria’s dominance of German affairs
Second Reich -Franco-Prussian War of Prussia defeats France in patriotic war -war pushed southern German states to join with Prussia -War set harsh terms for France -loss of Alsace-Lorraine territory -Second Reich established -William becomes Kaiser or emperor
Bismarck’s Germany -Bismarck’s Germany -growing socialist and liberalist movement in German politics -Conservative rule but liberal policies -absolutist control -universal suffrage for men -promoted national unity and pride -German Legislature -Bundesrat – appointed officials -Reichstag – run by the people
Domestic Policy -Industrialization begins -protective tariffs developed -fight against Socialism -Social Democratic Party outlawed -New social reforms -social security laws -first welfare type programs -Bismarck resigns, New Emperor William II resented his power -Germany now one of Europe’s strongest nations
Essential Question: What two powerful countries emerge after uniting and creating one nationalist identity?
Russia -Mid 19th century Russia was the most backward of the major European nations -mostly agricultural nation -serfdom still held most peasants as slaves -open field system still practiced -Largest territory and population – diverse nationalities -Undeveloped resources -Landlocked -Many ethnic groups -Strong absolutist ruler
Russian Efforts at Reform -defeat in the Crimean War of the 1850 ’ s showed Russian weakness – showed everyone how weak Russia was -Reform efforts begun at the tsarist level -Political Opposition continues -Government repression -Wanted to end liberal protest and terrorism -Growth of radical groups followed--
Czar Nicholas II -Czar Nicholas II (last czar)1894 -government industrialization begins -by 1900 Russia had seemingly made great progress in catching up with industrial Europe -Socialist groups continue to push for reforms -Russo-Japanese War ended in 1905 with Russia humiliated by Japan
Revolution of Bloody Sunday, Jan 1905 – pent up angst against the czar (strikes, liberals) -Czarist troops kill hundreds of protestors -Revolution of large peasant and worker revolts -general strikes began to freeze the economy -Tsar issues reform efforts in the October Manifesto -Duma (parliament) is created but with little power -Russian monarchy survives because its enemies are not yet united in opposition – people are still unhappy
Nationalist Austria-Hungary -Austria-Hungary – lost more land due to Italian and German nationalism revolts led to Metternich ’ s resignation -Monarchy survives with new ruler -Emperor resigns and 18 year old nephew becomes emperor -Francis-Joseph I – granted new constitution run by German speaking Austrians -Ethnic troubles within the empire - Hungarians
Dual Monarchy -Austrian defeat by Prussia in Empire begins to split between Austria and Hungary -Ferenc Deak- Hungarian leader proposes -Dual Monarchy – shared monarch, finance minister, defense and foreign affairs -other nationalist groups begin to push for independence – slavs, -nationalism serves to break up the empire
Works CitedWorks Cited of-nationalism-in-europe-a-short-overview html of-nationalism-in-europe-a-short-overview html ope ope n%20of%20Germany%20%28Otto%20von%20Bismarck%2 9 n%20of%20Germany%20%28Otto%20von%20Bismarck%2 9