Walgreens’ Summer Program
Summer Program Overview Neuro developed this program by building on key learnings from our successful Q1 program: Neuro’s Support: 1. Consumer Sampling: we will continue to support stores with large (30+ case) displays. 2. Radio Program: we will overlay our national marketing push with a radio campaign tagging Walgreens and driving consumers directly to your stores. Radio Ad Schedule will target high traffic times during the week, and will have a value of $20, Greater Southern California Media Program: Neuro is making a significant out of home media and digital buy to increase consumer awareness in the Southern California market. 4. Managers’ Incentive: Neuro will donate $1.20 per case sold during August and September in all Southern California Walgreen locations.
Consumer Sampling Neuro will support large (30+) case displays with a 2 hour demo Selectively targeted, creative consumer sampling. Our retail support and comprehensive approach to the consumer drives brand loyalty and revenue for the retail owner.
Radio Support Radio purchase tagging Walgreens stores Select demographic appropriate station that has high purchase rate Target commute times to drive consumers directly to Walgreens: Mornings: 6am-9am Evenings: 4pm-8pm
1.25 Billion Total impressions through all forms of communication 300 Million National Targeted Impressions 50+ Million Targeted Impressions Geo-targeted around Walgreens stores in Southern California PROJECTED 2012 MARKETING:EXTENSIVE TARGETED IMPACT Key Communication Platforms
TARGETED DEMOGRAPHICS & GEOGRAPHY Geographically targeted around store locations 50 million+ Targeted Impressions (June 1-December 31) Digital (Youtube, Pandora, etc) Mobile (targeted adds via apps) Print (Rolling Stone, In-Style, etc.) Social Media (earned-Facebook, Twitter) PR (earned & function specific placements) OOH Media: 6/18-9/2 Los Angeles Metro 1,000,000+ impressions Targeted Impressions Primary Ages Secondary Ages & /50 Male Female Middle Income and up Heath conscious True Value Conscious (vs. price conscious) Integrated Multiplatform campaign to drive consumer awareness and “pull” through Walgreens’ trading areas:
WALGREENS AND NEURO GIVING BACK On behalf of Walgreens, Neuro will donate.10 cents ($1.20 per case) for every bottle sold in SoCal Walgreens in August and September. We will support awareness of this program through social media and custom point of sale. OPPORTUNITY: Estimated Case Sales: 15,000 cases sold Estimated donation: $18,000
Financials Regular price- $2/5. Regular cost $19.25= 36% GPM.90 profit Promo Price- $2/4. Promo cost $ 18.00= 25% GPM.50 profit