Unit III B Medieval Europe (Middle Ages) 7/2013Izydorczak1
Battle of Tours: Battle at Tours, France where Christian armies stopped Islam from advancing into Christian Europe. 7/2013Izydorczak2
Moors: Name given to Muslims in Spain (Islam was spreading into Europe from N. Africa 7/2013Izydorczak3
Charles Martel: Christian leader who defeated Muslim armies at Battle of Tours 7/2013Izydorczak4
Charlemagne: Powerful Frankish ruler who built a large Christian empire in central Europe 7/2013Izydorczak5
Feudalism: Political system in which nobles or lords are granted land from the king in exchange for loyalty and military service 7/2013Izydorczak7
Manorialism: Economic system of feudalism; Medieval lord’s estate {self-sufficient} 7/2013Izydorczak8
Feudal Class System: Rigid class system in Europe during feudalism 7/2013Izydorczak10
Lords: Powerful landowners 7/2013Izydorczak11
Vassal: A person owing service to a feudal lords 7/2013Izydorczak12
Fief: Land granted by a lord to a vassal 7/2013Izydorczak13
Knights: Warriors who defended their Lords lands 7/2013Izydorczak14
Chivalry: Behavior code of Medieval knights which stresses discipline, loyalty and respect To fear God and maintain His Church To serve the liege lord in valour and faith To protect the weak and defenceless To give succour to widows and orphans To refrain from the wanton giving of offence To live by honour and for glory To despise pecuniary reward To fight for the welfare of all To obey those placed in authority To guard the honour of fellow knights To eschew unfairness, meanness and deceit To keep faith At all times to speak the truth To persevere to the end in any enterprise begun To respect the honour of women Never to refuse a challenge from an equal Never to turn the back upon a foe. 7/2013Izydorczak15
Serf: Peasants bound to land of their feudal lords 7/2013Izydorczak16
Clergy: Church officials [Priests, monks, nuns, bishops, etc..]. 7/2013Izydorczak17
Tithe Church tax. Tynemouth Priory - Late medieval church and graveyard 7/2013Izydorczak18
Gothic Church style of architecture in medieval Europe (example: ribbed arches, stain glass windows, flying buttress, pointed arches, tall spires). 7/2013Izydorczak19
Canon Law Church laws and standards that guided Christians during the Middle ages 7/2013Izydorczak20
Interdiction (Form of punishment) Church punishment, cutting off official church functions, services, etc., in a particular area. 7/2013Izydorczak21
Lay Investiture: Appointment of religious officials (clergy) by kings or nobles. 7/2013Izydorczak22
Usury: Appointment of religious officials (clergy) by kings or nobles. 7/2013Izydorczak23
Simony: Practice of selling positions in the church 7/2013Izydorczak24
Inquisition: Roman Catholic church court in charge of investigating & prosecuting charges of heresy- especially active in SPAIN during the 1400’s. 7/2013Izydorczak25
Anti-Semitism: Prejudice against Jews. 7/2013Izydorczak26
Unit III B Crusades (Middle Ages) 7/2013Izydorczak27
Crusades: European Christian military expeditions made between the 11 th and 13 th centuries to retake the Middle Eastern Holy Lands occupied by the Muslims. 7/2013Izydorczak28
Holy Land: Term given to lands in present day Israel that is significant to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. 7/2013Izydorczak29
Seljuk Turks Dynasty that controlled Turkey during the 11 th and 12 th centuries. The Seljuk disruption of European travel to the Holy Lands resulted in the Crusades. 7/2013Izydorczak30
Saladin: Muslim leader during the crusaders who captured Jerusalem, allows unarmed Christians to worship in peace in the holy land. This deal was struck with Richard the Lionhearted. 7/2013Izydorczak31
Commercial Revolution: Economic changes decreasing the role of feudalism and Manorialism towards systems of capitalism, trade and commerce between the 1000 and Expansion of business and trade as agriculture increased. 7/2013Izydorczak32
Gentry: Wealthy landowners 7/2013Izydorczak33
Guild: Association of artisans and tradesmen formed to protect mutual interests and maintain standards during Medieval age 7/2013Izydorczak34
Hanseatic League: Band of German merchant traders working cooperatively to protect their trade interests and eventually monopolized trade on the Baltic and North Seas. 7/2013Izydorczak35
Vernacular: Common, everyday language – not Latin. 7/2013Izydorczak36
Bubonic Plague/Black Death: Epidemic during the 13 th and 14 th centuries killing millions in China and killing one-third of Europeans 7/2013Izydorczak37
Nation-state: An independent nation or country. 7/2013Izydorczak38
Common Law: [English Common Law] A unified body of law formed from rulings of England’s royal judges that serves as the basis for law in many English-speaking countries today – like the USA. 7/2013Izydorczak39
Magna Carta (Great Charter) A document guaranteeing basic political rights in England, Power of purse to Parliament. Drawn up by nobles and “approved” by King John (1215) **First time a monarch’s power is reduced. 7/2013Izydorczak40
Parliament: England’s governing body – the legislature. 7/2013Izydorczak41
Estates General: The governing body of France (legislature) PRE- FRENCH REVOLUTION 7/2013Izydorczak42
Hundred Years’ War: Conflict in which England and France battled on French soil over English claims to French lands.[ ] 7/2013Izydorczak43
Joan of Arc: French peasant girl who rallied French troops to defeat the English in the Hundred Years’ War – thus enabling Charles to become king of France. 7/2013Izydorczak44