General Idea, Playing Doctors, General Idea, the collective title for Jorge Zontal, A.A. Bronson, and Felix Partz is best known to the art world for witty and humourous critiques of modern culture.
General Idea Baby Makes 3, 1982 When the group formed in the late 1960s, each artist brought extensive experience in sculpture, photography, painting, video and performance.
General Idea Installation view By the 1980s, General Idea was Canada's most famous artist collective on the international scene.
General Idea Nazi Milk, 1979
General Idea Nightschool, 1989
General Idea, AIDS, General Idea often sparked controversy. They courted contradiction and ambiguity in their work, and provoked artists and critics alike with their AIDS projects.
General Idea, One Day of AZT / One Year of AZT, The Power Plant Gallery, Toronto, 1991.
General Idea, AIDS, Galerie Stampa, Art Frankfurt, The full scope of their efforts was explored in a major retrospective toured from the Art Gallery of Ontario in 1984.
General Idea, AIDS, affiches dans les rues de New York, 1987.
General Idea, AIDS, projet pour le tramway d'Amsterdam.
General Idea, AIDS, Imagevirus (Time Square), 1991, cibachrome print. Today, A.A. Bronson is the only surviving member of General Idea.