Since 1998 Consultancy specialised in European programmes and in developping projects (memories, tasks, managment) - Leonardo Da Vinci, vocationnal training - Interregs, interregional cooperation - Daphne, human rights - ICT programmes, Electronic and telematic projects - labour risks, safety and preventive projects - transversal programmes, Linguistic platforms - etc. ================ Leonardo “FOR.MA.AGRI”
FOR.MA.AGRI / aims The basis of the project is the persistent ignorance that exists amongst all the workers in the sector in the European Union about the right way to use the machinery involved in agricultural production (tractors, seeders, Power saws, etc.). This ignorance causes accidents at work which happen over and over again every year. Asesoría Declerq: Samsun – march 2009
FOR.MA.AGRI / aims The prime aim of the project is to put together innovative training materials tailored to the needs of the specific target audience which are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) self-employed workers in the agricultural young people. Stagiaires immigrants. Asesoría Declerq: Samsun – march 2009
FOR.MA.AGRI / aims The training materials are devised to foster the correct use of tractors and other farm machinery in order to achieve several aims: improve safety and, therefore, reduce the excessively high number of accidents that occur in the workplace in this sector; ensure proper maintenance of farm machinery in the European Union and maximise its performance as a result. Asesoría Declerq: Samsun – march 2009
FOR.MA.AGRI / work packages PHASE I: Training needs study 1.1Project launch transnational meeting: Introduce the partnership and partners. Set up the steering committee Define the methodological instruments, activities and expected outputs. Set tentative date for 2nd transnational meeting. 1.2 Needs study: Identify and analyse in the six participating countries the real needs of young farmers. Desk Research Integrate the information gathered, selected and analysed by each one of the partners to draw up a European needs report. Asesoría Declerq: Samsun – march 2009
Group 1 (G1)[1]. Includes farmers, farm workers and owners of small and medium size farms and immigrants working in the sector. This Group’s views are nearly always filtered through their respective professional organizations and associations or trade unions. They are the people in direct contact with the land (group position structure) although their interests, opinions and expectations can differ greatly. They are the For.Ma.Agri. target group.[1] FOR.MA.AGRI / Questionnaires Asesoría Declerq: Samsun – march 2009
Group 2 (G2)[1]. Representatives of public bodies and institutions. Also a heterogeneous group, but less so than Group 1, this Group is comprised of people who are to promote the means for achieving project goals. They take a more distanced stance (“don’t get their hands dirty") and their discourse, which is frequently stereotypical, varies noticeably depending on the territorial scope of competencies.[1] FOR.MA.AGRI / Questionnaires Asesoría Declerq: Samsun – march 2009
Group 2 (G2)[1]. Representatives of public bodies and institutions. Also a heterogeneous group, but less so than Group 1, this Group is comprised of people who are to promote the means for achieving project goals. They take a more distanced stance (“don’t get their hands dirty") and their discourse, which is frequently stereotypical, varies noticeably depending on the territorial scope of competencies.[1] FOR.MA.AGRI / Questionnaires Asesoría Declerq: Samsun – march 2009
Group 3 (G3). Representatives of public and private training entities. They are the “interface”, the suppliers situated between those who make decisions (G2) and the target group (G1). Generally speaking their discourse is less heterogeneous, marked by the common axis of formal training (formal system) / continuous training (informal). FOR.MA.AGRI / Questionnaires Asesoría Declerq: Samsun – march 2009
Group 4 (G4)[1]. Manufacturers, importers and/or exporters of farm machinery. Their relationship with the end users (G1) centers around the pre- sale>sale>post-sale cycle (for purposes of this study, particularly the last stage) of the machinery, that must receive the “go-ahead” of G2 (in terms of authorization, type approval, certification, etc.). This relative position situates them, at least in theory, on a plane of discourse quite different from the rest.[1] FOR.MA.AGRI / Questionnaires Asesoría Declerq: Samsun – march 2009
FOR.MA.AGRI / Questionnaires Asesoría Declerq: Samsun – march 2009
FOR.MA.AGRI / Reports National reports with the same structure European reports with recommendations on type of modules, contents, formats, hours of training, subareas, etc Asesoría Declerq: Samsun – march 2009
FOR.MA.AGRI / Reports Asesoría Declerq: Samsun – march 2009
FOR.MA.AGRI / work packages PHASE II: Preparation of training materials Design and development of training materials Put together training contents and materials on the correct use of agricultural machinery in an on-line format. Asesoría Declerq: Samsun – march 2009
FOR.MA.AGRI / Modules Asesoría Declerq: Samsun – march 2009
FOR.MA.AGRI / Practical sheets Asesoría Declerq: Samsun – march 2009
FOR.MA.AGRI / Web site Asesoría Declerq: Samsun – march 2009
FOR.MA.AGRI / work packages PHASE III: Experimentation or pilot phase Test through pilot experiences the training materials and actions undertaken in the earlier phases in the member countries. Asesoría Declerq: Samsun – march 2009
FOR.MA.AGRI / work packages PHASE VI: Dissemination and evaluation Get the participation of as many groups as possible in the project activities Make the training outputs stemming from the project reach as many potential users as possible Final conference Asesoría Declerq: Samsun – march 2009