Why Body Design? The Program
Benefits I.Overall Health II.Body Composition III.Anti-aging
Body Design Components I.Aerobic Conditioning II.Strength Training III.Nutrition
Aerobic Training I.Intensity vs. Time II.Variety III.Supplements
Interval Training vs. Steady Exercise 20 minutes of exercise Warm-up Cool-down calories 189 calories
Personalize Your Workout The Karvonen Formula (220-age-RHR) x.60 + RHR (220-age-RHR) x.75 + RHR Resting Heart Rate (RHR)--take pulse for six seconds and add a zero.
Variety Running Walking Biking Stair Climber Swimming Roller blade Cross country skiing
Supplements OverDrive Before and after exercise for optimal performance
Weight Training I.Why weight training? II.Develop proper lifting habits III.Set a program IV.Supplements
Why Weight Training? we lose lean muscle mass we store additional fat our metabolism slows down As we age:
Why Weight Training? Lean muscle mass requires energy to sustain itself. 5 lbs lean muscle = 200 extra calories
Proper Lifting Habits Small weight Slow controlled movements Proper form
Set a Program Choose your days Choose your time Choose your lifts Remember to warm-up and stretch
Supplements MuscleFix Nutritional support for post-exercise muscle recovery Diene-O-Lean Helps to increase lean muscle mass giving your body more fat burning capacity
Nutrition I.Importance of proper eating habits II.Menu planning III.Incorporating supplementation
Menu Planning 5-6 well-portioned meals Portion of protein and carbohydrates Unlimited fruits and vegetables One day off!!!
Incorporating Supplementation
Meal Replacements Bars Chocolate Peanut Butter Oatmeal Raisin Soups Cream of Broccoli Cream of Chicken Cream of Tomato Shakes Chocolate Chocolate Lite Vanilla Vanilla Lite
Supplements FibreNet Ionically attracts and binds fat input into your body Metabotrim Supports your body’s metabolism