Measuring Success Workshops I SPLC Annual Meeting 2014 C A L I F O R N I A D E P A R T M E N T O F G E N E R A L S E R V I C E S SMART METRICS Choosing Metrics and Setting Goals Charleen Fain-Keslar Standards & Quality Control Manager State of California
Measuring Success Workshops I SPLC Annual Meeting 2014 AUTHORITY & EXPERTISE Commodity Air Resources Board CalRecycle California Energy Commission Department of Toxic Substance Control Lamps PC Goods Printers/MFDs Recycled Paint Vehicles
Measuring Success Workshops I SPLC Annual Meeting 2014 Organizational Framework DGS Delegation Spending Authority Centralized De- centralized Enterprise Technology System PIA SB/DVBE Other Initiatives DGS assesses EPP from the standpoint of: (1) the program as a whole, (2) individual contracts, (3) individual commodities, (4) individual purchases, and (5) human health and environmental impacts.
Measuring Success Workshops I SPLC Annual Meeting 2014 Prioritization Framework Purchasing Category ServicesCommodity Purchasing Subcategory BuildingHealthAdministrativePaperVehicleITFood Impact Toxic Reduction Energy Use Reduction Government Programs Waste diversion Air Emissions Energy Efficiency Nutritional Value Spend Percent of Total Spend by UNSPSC Category Percent of Total Spend by Impact Category
Measuring Success Workshops I SPLC Annual Meeting 2014 Vehicles
Measuring Success Workshops I SPLC Annual Meeting 2014 Bulb comparison Lower GHG & Lifecycle Costing Increase Contract Spend per Unit LIFECYCLE COSTING 24,000 Hours / Rated Lifetime of Selected Bulb * Cost/Unit CO 2 EMISSIONS: (POWER / 1000 watts) * (24,000 Hours) * (0.589 lbs. CO2/kWh)
Measuring Success Workshops I SPLC Annual Meeting 2014 Purchasing categories measured based on statewide leveraged procurement agreements S Creating specifications in collabo ra tion with California Environmental Protection Agencies. Metrics are science based. M Basing goals on available resources and industry standards A Relevant to the Governor’s Executive Orders to Green State Buildings, Expand the use of Zero Emission Vehicles and divert waste from landfills R Developing metrics in coordination with the State’s FI$Cal Project; an Innovative financial and procurement solution. T