A Front End Collision
1988 SAAB 1998 SAAB 2008 SAAB
Front Section Passenger Section Rear Section
Energy Absorption VS Energy Transfer Energy Transfer Energy Absorption
“A” Pillar “B” Pillar Door Intrusion BeamWindshield Post Rocker Panel Location on Ultra High Strength Steels
Note: Bumper Reinforcement is shown as part of structure
Types of Steel MPa – PSI 200—29, —39, —86, —88, —101, —147, ,000
Location of Utra High Strength Steel on 2009 Toyota Corolla 980 MPa
OEM Front Bumper Reinforcement for 2009 Toyota Corolla.
After Market Front Bumper Reinforcement for 2009 Toyota Corolla.
Side Comparison of OEM & A/M Bumper Reinforcement OEM A/M
Side Comparison of OEM & A/M Bumper Reinforcement
Side Comparison of OEM & A/M Bumper Reinforcement A/M OEM
Side Comparison of OEM & A/M Bumper Reinforcement A/M OEM
Side Comparison of OEM & A/M Bumper Reinforcement Note the Paint transfer On the A/M Reinforcement
Side Comparison of OEM & A/M Bumper Reinforcement OEM A/M
Honda Civic Front Aluminum Bumper Reinforcement
Toyota Prius Front Bumper Reinforcement The A/M Bumper reinforcement has 2 large humps and 2 large indentations from the process of bending the part to shape.
Honda Civic Front Aluminum Bumper Reinforcement
The OEM part is.25mm thicker than the A/M part
Toyota Prius Rear Aluminum Bumper Reinforcement
Nissan Xterra A/M (2.00MM)—OEM (3.38MM) A/M OEM
2007 Toyota Corolla Core Support OEMA/M
Rockwell Test on Toyota Core Support
Ford F150 Core Support
2.30 MM 2.85MM
Ford F150 Core Support The A/M Core Support was constructed from Aluminum, whereas the OEM is Magnesium. Magnesium is 38% stronger than aluminum.
Testing Bumper Reinforcements
The Function of Bumper Absorber Bumpers typically extend widthwise across the front and rear of a vehicle and are mounted to rails that extend in a lengthwise direction. Energy absorbing bumper systems attempt to reduce vehicle damage as a result of a collision by managing impact energy and intrusion while not exceeding a rail load limit of the vehicle. The efficiency of an energy absorber is defined as the amount of energy absorbed over distance. A high efficiency energy absorber absorbs more energy over a shorter distance than a low energy absorber. High efficiency is achieved by building load quickly to just under the rail load limit and maintaining that load constant until the impact energy has been dissipated. Increasing the stiffness of an energy absorber generally increases the efficiency of the absorber since a stiff energy absorber builds load more quickly than a less stiff absorber. In addition, there generally is less intrusion with a stiff energy absorber than with a less stiff energy absorber.
Toyota Front Bumper Absorber OEM A/M
Note-It took 10 additional pulls to achieve the 2in compression on OEM part.
Toyota Front Bumper Absorber A/M OEM