EuCARD-2 is co-funded by the partners and the European Commission under Capacities 7th Framework Programme, Grant Agreement 312453 WP12: Innovative RF.


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Presentation transcript:

EuCARD-2 is co-funded by the partners and the European Commission under Capacities 7th Framework Programme, Grant Agreement WP12: Innovative RF Technologies Co-ordinators: Peter McIntosh (STFC Daresbury Laboratory) Wolf Dietrich-Moller (DESY) Stephane Chel (CEA) Co-ordinators: Peter McIntosh (STFC Daresbury Laboratory) Wolf Dietrich-Moller (DESY) Juliette Plouin (CEA)

WP12 Task Activities Task 12.2 SRF Thin Films Claire Antoine (CEA) Task 12.3 High Gradient NC Walter Wuensch (CERN) Task 12.4 SRF HOM Beam Diagnostic Roject Jones (Man. Univ.) Task 12.5 RF Photocathodes Robert Nietubyc (NCBJ) Task 12.1 WP12 Management Peter McIntosh (STFC)

WP12 Milestones MilestoneTitleBeneficiaryDateComments MS87Fundamental SRF Thin Film physics reportCEAM48Final Activity Report MS84Deposition test facility designed at CEA.CEAM40Facility designed and validated MS78Characterisation test facility implemented at HZBHZBM30Facility implemented and validated MS88 Report summarising the results obtained in characterising the various new thin film technologies developed, which include both multilayer and monolayer techniques CEAM48Final Activity Report MS81RF design CLIC_DDS_BUNIMANM36Activity Report. MS86RF design of fully interleaved structure and CLIC SW study.UNIMANM45Activity Report. Concluding final report MS76High power RF components fabricated and tested at low levelCEAM24Prototype completed and validated MS74Design concept RF front endPSIM12Activity Report MS77Phase stabilisation experiment designULANCM24Activity Report MS79Crab cavity electromagnetic designULANCM30Activity Report MS82Completed coupled cavity simulations of 8-cavity moduleUNIMANM36Activity Report MS80 Demonstrated operation of improved deposition system, Pb layers of 1 μm in thickness. NCBJM30Report on sample characterisation MS73Commissioning of the SAPI for operation with metal photocathodesSTFCM8Publication report MS75 Investigation of quantum yield and energy spectrum of the electrons, emitted from the metal photocathode surface in SAPI STFCM18Intermediate scientific report MS83 Manufacturing and commissioning of the photocathode transport system STFCM36Technical design report MS85 Investigation of the brightness of different metal photocathodes in a S-band NCRF gun STFCM42Scientific report Task 12.2 Task 12.3 Task 12.4 Task 12.5

WP12 Deliverables DeliverableTitleBeneficiaryDateComments D12.1 Deposition test facilities implemented and verified at CERN and INPG.CERNM18Report D12.5 First resonator deposited and qualified at CERN.CERNM36Report D12.10 Cavity deposited and qualified at CEA.CEAM48Report D12.2 Initial progress report of task 12.3.CERNM18Report D12.6 Intermediate progress report of task 12.3.CERNM36Report D12.11 Final report of task 12.3.CERNM48Report D12.3 Design of electronics for XFEL HOM diagnostics.DESYM18Report D12.7 Completed characterisation of HOMs in the 8-cavity XFEL 3HC module.UNIMANM36Report D12.12 Report on characterisation of HOMs in XFEL coupled 3HC cryomodule.UNIMANM48Report D12.4 Scientific report on photocathode R&D.STFCM18Report D12.8 Optimised procedure for microdorplets flattening with an UV laser.NCBJM36Report D12.9 Pb/Nb plug photocathodes measurements and characterization.HZDRM42Report D12.13 Results of DAC implementation in SRF guns.HZBM48Report Task 12.2 Task 12.3 Task 12.4 Task 12.5

Task 12.1 Management Task Kick-off Meetings: – 12.2 Thin Films at CERN on 14 th June. – 12.3 High Gradient NC by telecon on 30 th May: – 12.4 SRF HOM Diagnostics – same team transition from EUCARD. – 12.5 RF Photocathodes at HZB Berlin on 12 th July:

Task 12.2 Thin Films CEA Saclay The magnetometer + cryostat have been partially refurbished. It can now reach >150 mT, with much better thermal performances. It is now apt to study films deposited onto bulk Nb. Further improvements are foreseen. Latest measurements will be presented at SRF INP Grenoble Chemical Vapor Deposition of NbN thin films (50 nm to 500 nm) on sapphire substrates and on AlN/sapphire stacks has started – Optimization of the process conditions (deposition temperature, gaseous flow rates) to obtain the cubic superconductive phase is under way. At HZB Berlin Postdoc hired for simulation of quadrupole resonator, manufacture and experiments with thin films Postdoc will present simulation results at SRF13 Started procurement process of resonator, Niowave is manufacturer, delivery will be October 2013 Started procurement of vertical test stand (not covered by EuCARD2, but required for the experiments), delivery in 2013 CERN Collaboration with Sheffield University (not funded through EUCARD-2) initiated for the analysis of first HIPIMS samples.

Task 12.3 High Gradient NC CERN Co-organized HG at which many task members were able to meet. Organizing Task 12.3 meeting to be held during the next CLIC workshop 3-7 February 14. Lancaster University and STFC: Interviews for PDRA position made, offer made but turned down, considering how to proceed. Design of phase measurement experiment in CTF3 “dog-leg” under way by B. Woolley and I. Syratchev. PSI Hardware orders for a 'proof of principle' system are out, parts partially received and expecting to have everything by the end of the month. Part time position has been approved by PSI directorate, still needs to be published officially potential candidate identified. Currently preparing paper & presentation on raw measurements and signal characterization for IBIC 2012 (International Beam Instrumentation Conference). CEA/Saclay Software acquisition - 3D PIC code “CST particle studio” and tests of the evaluation version of the 2D/3D specific code MAGIC. Very preliminary calculations of the interaction structure of a 12 GHz klystron. Recruitment of a young scientist for a 2 year position: have the candidate and the contract has to be confirmed by CEA (we are very optimistic), expect to start in April 2014.

Task 12.3 High Gradient NC (Cont’d) Uppsala University Updating sub-task work plan. Manchester University Inna Nesmiyan, PDRA, appointed to work in EuCARD2 beam dynamics simulations -Impact of fabrication errors on beam emittance assessed. Initial results on structure alignment simulations complete. Alex D’Elia, PDRA (UMAN), appointed to work on EUCARD2 RF structure DDS development (liaising with CERN on production issues and simulating transverse wakefields in interleaved structures with GdfidL). CLIC_DDSA fabricated all 24 cells and diffusion bonded. It remains to attach couplers and tuning stubs.

Task 12.4 SRF HOM Diagnostics Collaboration with FNAL, ESS, KEK ongoing from EUCARD DESY Several new HOM electronics for 1.3 and 3.9 GHz cavities are being tested in the lab. First tests in the FLASH linac are planned before the end of the year. Also plan systematic studies of the HOM signals at the cavities in FLASH. Puneet Jain, PDRA, appointed to work on XFEL cavities - modelling and shift exp. work, started in May. Manchester University A new PhD student, Liangliang Shi (registered at the Univ. of Manchester, based at DESY lab), started work in August. University Rostock In August, Thomas Flisgen, PDRA, appointed (25% of his working time) within EuCARD-2. Two papers in preparation one in IEEE Trans. Mag. article on modal absorbing boundary conditions, and one in PRTS-AB.

Task 12.5 RF Photocathodes NCBJ and HZB Berlin – Surface preparation for lead coating underway. HZDR and DESY – Preparation of PC plugs for measurements at ELBE in progress. STFC – Construction and commissioning of a photocathode surface analysis and preparation installation (SAPI) is progressing: New Kelvin probe for measuring work function successfully commissioned and the atomic force microscope (AFM) currently under test. – Studies of the plasma cleaning of copper photocathodes underway for use in VELA (formerly EBTF) NC RF gun: Surface properties can be seen to be dramatically different for samples prepared using alternative plasma cleaning equipment. – On schedule for first Milestone (MS73) delivery in M8 (Jan 14).