Case Adaptation Sources: –Chapter 8 – –
Adaptation New problem Selected case Adaptation knowledge Solution
Classes of Adaptation Transformational Analogy Substitutional Adaptation Feedback based constraint based Compositional adaptation Generative Solution Adaptation Transformational Analogy Derivational Analogy
Substitutional Adaptation Let C = (P,S); A problem P and a solution S Adaptation problem: Given A problem P’ A case C such that P is similar to P’ Search a substitution such that (S) solves P’ is not a substitution in the traditional sense
Example Support for PC sale: Cases are configuration episodes of PCs User specifies his/hers requirements System selects best PC (CCBR) and change some components Example rules (Substitutional Adaptation): If (query.application = ‘database’ and case.diskSpace < 2GB) then target. diskSpace 4GB
Example (2) Example rules (Substitutional Adaptation): If (query.application = ‘games’ and case.application ‘games’) then AddObject target.addJoystick AddObject target.addSound Other rules to configure joystick and sound
Substitutional Feedback-based Car type: sport Color: red Seating: 2 Valves: 48 Type: 5.7L Model name: name1 Price: 200,000 Year: 2003 Feedback: not successful Cause: price is too high Car type: sport Color: red Seating: 2 Valves: 48 Type: 5.7L Model name: name1 Price: 200,000 Year: 2003 Feedback: successful Car type: sport Color: red Seating: 2 Valves: 40 Type: 3.6L Model name: name 2 Price: 150,000 Year: 2000 Feedback: successful Adapt CaseC (adapted) CaseA (new) CaseB (old) Retrieve Copy
Substitutional Constraint-based Case ID: 123 Speed: high Price: middle Usage: sport Antitheft performance: high Model Name: Toyota Sedan 07 Price: 10,500 Antitheft system: Product A Case ID: 456 Speed: high Price: middle Usage: sport Antitheft performance: middle Model Name: Toyota Sedan 07 Price: 10,500 Antitheft system: Product A Case ID: 123 Speed: high Price: middle Usage: sport Antitheft performance: high Model Name: Toyota Sedan 07+ Price: 11,000 Antitheft system: Product B CaseA (new) CaseB (old) Retrieve Copy adapt CaseC (adapted) Constraint: Antitheft performance: high Antitheft performance: product B Price: +500
Compositional Adaptation Let C = (P,S); A problem P and a solution S Adaptation problem: Given A problem P’ A case C such that P is similar to P’ Search a sequence of substitutions 1, …, n such that: S’ is a solution for P’ (P,C) …(P’,S’) 11 22 nn
Adaptation Operators (2) Reminds you of anything? Planning/rule-based reasoning! Roles of operators/rules: General knowledge about the domain (P,C) …(P’,S’) 11 22 nn Adaptation knowledge