EBI is happy to help you with very little time and effort. An hour a day we completely update your historical transactions and forecasts to suit your personalised needs.
Personalised Business Inner Vision Data Information Reports Business Intelligence Business Inner Vision
No more Re-keying once electronically captured. No more changes to Hardware or Software at all.
Reliability Indicator in days Project Summary - EBI Thinking Proposed Commencement Actual Commencement Proposed Completion Actual Completion Practical Completion Financial Completion Financial % complete 27 FEB AUG 12 98% NC ADHC Stockton LRC Bathroom Upgrade Aug-12Jul-12Jun-12May-12Apr-12Mar-12Feb-12 YTD Status Revised Budget1,053,7481,053,4141,032,416 1,028,570 Committed Expenditure967,690931,344903,225892,743830,652750,778458,244 Actual Expenditure728,246636,014522,426414,847172,40041,0172,160 Anticipated to Complete21,50657,34093,44553,11179,674156,259438,016 Saving/Overrun64,55264,73035,74586,562118,244121,532132,311 Estimated Final Cost989,196988,684996,671945,854910,326907,038896,259 Latest Margin %7% 4%9%13% 15% Risk NotesDelay from poor contractors Opportunity NotesAdditional labour to shorten programme Movements from previous Month Revised Budget33420,998 3,846 1,028,570 Committed Expenditure36,34628,11910,48262,09179,874292,534458,244 Actual Expenditure92,232113,588107,579242,447131,38338,8572,160 Anticipated to Complete(35,834)(36,105)40,334(26,563)(76,585)(281,757)(497,689) Saving/Overrun(178)28,985(50,817)(31,682)(3,288)(10,779)1,068,016 Estimated Final Cost512(7,987)50,81735,5283,28810,779(39,446) Bank Guarantees $ 45,257 Variations Bank Guarantees Due Date 17SEP12 Estimated Total $ 90,191 Submitted Total $ 56,220 Approved Total $ 23,235
Sample Listing of a Client’s Specification 1. Re-Group current input data based on new rules to produce the desired Personalised Vision. 2. Ability to Visualise at both Summary and Detailed whenever needed. 3. Have the information updated Over night or Real time when needed. 4. As it is a Fully completed and Reconciled Module thus not requiring any re-keying by the current users.