IWRM & HYDROLOGIC CYCLE COMPONENTS Keith Kennedy Swiss Center of Hydrogeology University of Neuchatel 25 June 2003
2 IWRM PERSPECTIVE Presentation Outline 1.Basic hydrologic cycle aspects 2.Special groundwater considerations 3.Data base example (regional) 4.Questions and discussion 5.Considerations in changing hydrologic thinking
3 IWRM PERSPECTIVE Structure Economic Efficiency Equity Environmental Sustainability Management Instruments Enabling Environment Institutional Frameworks Balance “water for livelihoods” and “water as a resource” Principles
Assessment Cycle applicable components Information Setting characterization Quantity,Quality,Timing,Cost Demand – Supply – Use – Protection Alternatives Data (sources, reliability, access, links) Allocation Tools DSS models Tradeoff analysis
6 Discussion Content 1.Cycle Component Concepts (10‘) –Standard/Conventional –Ecosystem, use related –Catchment/Aquifer based 2.Quantification Aspects (30‘) –Resource Definition –Water Use, Flowpaths & Sustainability –Monitoring & Evaluation 3.Ground water considerations 4.Data Bases (10‘) –Input/Output/Storage –Access/Linkages –Quality 5.Conclusions(10‘)
7 1. Cycle Component Concepts Standard Concepts (Physical) –Precipitation –Evaporation/Evapotranspitation –Surface Water –Groundwater Ecosystem & Use Related (Basin/Watershed Perspective) –Green water (Terrestrial ecosystems, Crops, Wetlands) –Blue water (Throughflow, Consumptive use & return flow)
8 Basic Cycle Ocean Evaporation Evaporation (ET) runoff Precipitation Aquifer Infiltration Evaporation Precipitation Evaporation/ET Surface Water Groundwater
9 Basic Cycle
10 Basic Cycle
11 1. CYCLE COMPONENTS - Related Groundwater –Contamination Issues
12 SW/GW relations - Humid vs Arid Zones A. Cross section of a gaining stream, which is typical of humid regions, where groundwater recharges streams B. Cross section of a losing stream, which is typical of arid regions, where streams can recharge groundwater
13 Basic Cycle Temperate climate Semi-arid climate Arid climate %mm% % Total precipitation Real evapotranspiration~ ~ ~ Groundwater recharge~ ~ ~ Surface runoff~ ~ ~ Approximate annual hydrological budget
14 1. Cycle Component Concepts Standard Concepts (Physical) –Precipitation –Evaporation/Evapotranspitation –Surface Water –Groundwater Ecosystem & Use Related (Basin/Watershed Perspective) –Green water (Terrestrial ecosystems, Crops, Wetlands) –Blue water ( Throughflow, Consumptive use & return flow )
15 Precipitation – the basic water resource GW Adapted from: GWP (M. Falkenmark), 2003, Water Management and Ecosystems: Living with Change Blue & Green Water - perspective
16 Consumptive water use by terrestrial ecosystems as seen in a global perspective. (Falkenmark in SIWI Seminar 2001). Blue & Green Water – Pathways percentages
17 More Detailed Cycle Components Ocean Evaporation Evapo-transpiration runoff Aquifer Infiltration Recharge Evaporation Precipitation Evaporation/ET Surface Water Groundwater
19 More Detailed Cycle Components Ocean Evaporation Evapo-transpiration runoff Water Supply Discharge treated water Salt Water Intrusion Aquifer Infiltration Recharge Evaporation Extraction Precipitation Evaporation/ET Surface Water Groundwater Soil moisture Infiltration (Art) Extraction Return flow Treated water Aquifer intrusion Soil moisture Soil moisture
20 2. Quantification Aspects Resource Definition Scale Quantity Quality Water Use, Flowpaths & Sustainability Sectors (Agricultural, Domestic, Industrial, HydroPower, Recreation, etc) Needs, impact, strategies & tradeoffs Contamination/protection/supply security Prediction Monitoring & Evaluation Types Frequency Feedback
21 2. Watersheds – boundaries and divides ? Source: Modified from IHP-VI, 2001-ISARM Country 1 Country 2 Country 3
22 2. Quantification Aspects Resource (Water Resources Assessments) –Scale Watershed/basin or aquifer characterization Commonly diverted/skewed ( administrative/legal boundaries) –Quantity typical starting point (precipitation, surface water, groundwater) –Quality (frequently 2ndary or overlooked but critical) inclusive to each user group needs Tools for prediction & maintenance Modeling Monitoring & Evaluation
23 2. Quantification Aspects Resource Definition Scale Quantity Quality Water Use, Flowpaths & Sustainability Sectors (Agricultural, Domestic, Industrial, HydroPower, Recreation, etc) Needs, impacts, strategies & tradeoffs Contamination/protection/supply security Prediction Monitoring & Evaluation Types Frequency Feedback
24 2. Quantification Aspects Resource Definition Scale Quantity Quality Water Use, Flowpaths & Sustainability Sectors (Agricultural, Domestic, Industrial, HydroPower, Recreation, etc) Impact, Strategies & tradeoffs Contamination/protection/supply security Prediction Monitoring & Evaluation Types Frequency Feedback
25 3. Ground Water Comments Special considerations: Supply sources are not as temporal as surface waters commonly more stable both from a quality and quantity viewpoint Consistent good quality with low treatment costs Widespread availability away from river courses (in good host rock & climatic settings) Practical expansion and development pathway – augmented as needed Can be independently developed in its early stages of development
26 3. Ground Water Comments
27 3. Ground Water Comments Abstraction
28 3. Ground Water Comments reversible Increased cost Springflow reduction Ecosystem stress irreversible Salinisation Subsidence
29 3. Ground Water Comments
30 3. Ground Water Comments
31 3. Data Bases –Input/Output/Storage –Access –Links –Quality considerations –THE MEXICO EXAMPLE – Courtesy of Dr. Philippe Arreguin
32 Discussion Content
Managing Water Resources – Changing Hydrologists’ Role & Responsibility I NTEGRATED W ATER R ESOURCES M ANAGEMENT
34 Key Hydrology “Re-thinking” Areas 1.Balance supply/demand – the approach 2.The ecosystem 3.Management boundaries 4.Alternatives - use & supply 5.Innovative practices 6.Water & economics relations 7.Communication 8.Education 9.Conflict management
PARTICIPATORY CONVERGENCE 1. How we address supply & demand – by “process“ ?
36 2. The ecosystem – where the water is ! BOGS AQUIFERS
37 Waters in the past have rarely been “managed” at basin or aquifer scales. WHY?? - Politics and power structures - Professional & Institutional jealousy - “Turf” - donor/funding/research/grants - Laws (archaic and intransigent) 3. Basin & aquifer boundaries: real or political ?
38 3. Basin & aquifer boundaries: real or political ? CONCLUSIONS: 1)Actively challenge non-hydrologic boundaries. 2)Ground and surface water boundaries can differ. Country 1 Country 2 Country 3
39 4. Alternatives: Re-use & conservation Water reuse – stigma over effluents: –success fundamentals openly addressed. –show where & how it can be applied without risk. Water conservation has minimal appeal in developed countries (perceived as a no need issue). –commonly dismissed & little academic interest. –not a fundable research area except post-crises (to see how LA reacts to its 22% cutback). Water minimization in industry and agriculture: –are there economic/political/societal incentives ?
40 4. Alternatives: Re-use & conservation S till need to look at: depicting impacts of widely –ranging solutions, non-traditional alternatives in crops, locations of planned population and industrial development. CONCLUSION: 1.Incorporate re-use & conservation 2.Develop ‘supply & use’ alternatives in “our” solutions.
41 5. Innovative practices, equipment & technology Each water sector’s experts should address emerging innovative practices, equipment & technology that could optimize the resource. clean water from solar-powered water pumps RESULT
42 5. Innovative practices, equipment & technology Case history – Water Use Reduction, Equipment Technology 1.Total water reduced 20% 2.Drinking water reduced 70% 3.Water cost saving ~$500K/yr 4.Wastewater reduced 20% 5.Heading to: -Zero-discharge -Zero drinking water use BP Australia – Perth Refinery
43 Discussion Content 1.Cycle Component Concepts (10‘) –Standard/Conventional –Ecosystem, use related –Catchment/Aquifer based Q? What is the size of your water management basin? Is there a large variability in the precipitation in your region? Q? how many of you are aware of the water balance – and its variations in your setting? Q? Is ground water present/important in your setting? Is it considered as a water supply source? Q? Is surface water present/important in your setting? Is it used as a water supply source? Q? Are the aspects of blue and green water discussed related to ecosystems and the hydrologic cycle pathways Q? When dealing with watermanagement issues – are the aspects of hydrologic boundaries considered – or are they administrative 2.Quantification Aspects (30‘) –Resource Definition Q? Is ground water well quantified in your setting – as a resource ? as a used as a water supply source Q? Is surface water well used as a water supply source –Water Use, Flowpaths & Sustainability –Monitoring & Evaluation 3.Data Bases (10‘) –Quality ???? –Input/Output/Storage –Access –Links 4.Conclusions(10‘) ? how many of you are aware of the water balance – and its variations in your setting?