National Weather Service Perspective for Lidar Wind Data Jim Yoe – NWS/NCEP and the JCSDA Mike Johnson – NWS/OST February 8, 2011
Overview Background Applications in the NWS Closing Considerations Numerical Weather Prediction Secondary Applications Closing Considerations
Background Recommendation: “Build A Business Case” Mike Johnson to LWG, January 2010
Business Case Requirements Recognize Fiscal Realities Competition with Other observing systems Model & IT improvements Demonstrate technology is ready for space Broaden Advocacy Base Focus on one main application Develop secondary applications WITHOUT requiring system redesign
Organizational Chart for the National Weather Service Hurricane Center Space Weather Prediction Center Where are DWL applications developed, supported in the NWS?
Numerical Weather Prediction
NATIONAL HURRICANE CENTER Tropical Weather Guidance and Forecasts 26 FTE 46 FTE 7
Test Beds Service – Science Linkage with the Outside Community EMC WRF Developmental Test Center, NASA/ NOAA/DoD Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation CPC Climate Test Bed NHC Joint Hurricane Test Bed HPC Hydrometeorological Test Bed SPC Hazardous Weather Test Bed with NSSL SWPC Space Weather Prediction Test Bed with AFWA AWC Aviation Weather Test Bed OPC linked with EMC’s Marine Modeling and Analysis Branch 8
Numerical Weather Prediction Demonstrate impact of global wind observations on NWP Modeling Using real observations – ADM, Aircraft obs Using simulated observations - OSSEs Resultsto be reported on in this meeting Masutani et al Ma et al McCarty et al Pu et al, Emmitt et al
Secondary Applications
Suggested Applications Aviation Support Complement VIS/IR sensing of volcanic ash, SO2 Complement obs of cloud height, phase, & type Icing, low-cloud, and fog observations (terminal landing and take-off forecasts) Air Quality Complement GEO sounder observations Others ? Where and how to explore and develop these?
Organizational Chart for the National Weather Service Hurricane Center Space Weather Prediction Center An application identified and requirements specified: How to proceed?
Proving Ground Proving Ground Purpose (5.1, J Gurka Wed 0830 & J10.1, IIPS, B Reed Wed 0400PM) Ensure users ready to fully exploit GOES-R data on day 1 Focus on interactive demonstrations of GOES-R product set…& in exploitation of GOES-R within NWP. Push to include national polar programs within PG. Not realized yet due to NPOESS-to-JPSS transition maturity Inherently includes demonstrations from other “operational” satellites. E.g. NASA missions (eg. MODIS) Satellite Readiness Training Training Partners are a Proving Ground Core Member
NWS Satellite Product User Readiness (NSPUR) Working Group Formed to mitigate NWS User Readiness Risk associated with impact that GOES-R, NPP, JPSS, other-satellites, AWIPS development, rapid increases in data volume, & changes to data delivery will have on NWS Users. Effort to examine in an integrated way: the products that GOES-R, NPP, JPSS, and other satellite programs are expected to deliver to NWS & when. Corresponding development of communications pathways and AWIPS Extended User guided discussions on push-pull trades and optimum achievable product deliveries. Identify systematic high-level pathway to achieve strategic goals (merged observing system) Develop Satellite Product CONOPs Engage Users (for example WFOs) in developing applications
Closing Considerations Continually assess and balance Wind Requirements and DWL capabilities Continually document both Internally – NOAA CORL Externally – BAMS Article
Back-Up Slides
Forces for Change Increasing emphasis on multi-model ensemble approaches that build on the NCEP model suite SREF NAEFS Climate Forecast System Entering the JPSS era More rapid access to hyperspectral data GPS soundings Higher resolution surface radiance data Models run within ESMF/NEMS Models run concurrently Fully coupled Spanning all scales Operational Earth System model; enable more explicit hydro, ocean, coastal, climate and ecosystems applications Collaborative Forecast Process ESMF-based System Global/Regional Model Domain Model Region 1 Model Region 2
NCEP Supports the NOAA Seamless Suite of Climate Weather and Ocean Products Organization: Central component of NOAA National Weather Service Mission: NCEP delivers science-based environmental predictions to the nation and the global community. We collaborate with partners and customers to produce reliable, timely, and accurate analyses, guidance, forecasts and warnings for the protection of life and property and the enhancement of the national economy. Aviation Weather Center Space Weather Prediction Center NCEP Central Operations Climate Prediction Center Environmental Modeling Center Hydromet Prediction Center Ocean Prediction Center Storm Prediction Center National Hurricane Center Vision: The Nation’s trusted source, first alert and preferred partner for environmental prediction services
Increasing Collaboration Within NCEP Service Centers and the WFOs SPC/WFO Watch “by county” HPC/WFO Winter Weather Desks Medium Range: Days 4-7/NDFD Alaska Desk AWC/WFO/CWSU Collaborative Convective Forecast Product CPC/ Regions/WFO/RFC Hazard Assessment Seasonal outlooks/CTB OPC/WFO Near shore High seas HPC-TPC-OPC-AR-PR Unified Surface Analysis! SWPC – AWC – AR Solar/Aviation Products
Discussion: Working to Ensure User Readiness and Satisfaction Satellite User Readiness PROVING GROUND TRAINING NOAA Enterprise Solution AWIPS PLANNING (NSPUR)* NWS IT Multiple activities taking place to prepare NWS users for satellite data NWS IT Infrastructure Readiness program manager working closely with those conducting satellite user readiness NWS Satellite Product User Readiness (NSPUR) GOAL: DELIVERING MEANINGFUL DATA TO USERS SO THEY CAN DELIVER TIMELY AND ACCURATE FORECASTS